Friday, October 10, 2008

All Blog, No Philosophy

One of the things I love about having a MacBook is the Photo Booth utility. I have always hated having my picture taken. The camera, she does not love me.

I'm serious.

But with Photo Booth you can take like a million pictures and then just delete every one of them that doesn't make you look glamorous and beautiful.

See that picture above? That's me. Glamorous AND beautiful, right?
Well, compared to the ten thousand I just deleted, anyway.

So it's Friday morning. I've just talked to EVERY ONE of my four children. Plus, Mr. Moon called. He's on his way across the bay to get the boat fixed because something is bad wrong with it and despite the fact that he's a fine amateur mechanic, he can't figure it out and is having to bring the boat BACK to Tallahasse to take it to the expert.

Bless his heart. The man can't catch a break and without the boat, he won't catch a fish, either.

But he's handling it in his usual Zen Glen way and that's part of the reason I love him so much. He doesn't get all upset about things he can't change, he just figures out the best way to deal with whatever he needs to deal with and then he does it.

Quite the opposite of me.

So I had a bit of an adventure yesterday afternoon. I went out to the side yard over by the neighbor's goat pen and started pulling up the nasty potato vine that wants to take over the world. This is a never-ending task and one that is always there if one wants to do something outside. The vine goes straight up into the trees and I was pulling some of it down and by darn but I obviously pulled something else that when it brushed my neck, face, legs and arms, left stinging, itching welts that demanded my immediate attention. I'm getting the shivers just thinking about it.

I came in the house, popped a Benedryl, tore off my clothes and got in the shower. The pain and itching subsided but for a while my shoulder was the color of raw hamburger. It was all quite dramatic, but I am fine today. The next time I pull potato vine, I will be wearing more substantial and protective clothing.

I believe my eldest is coming out tonight to watch TV and eat some supper and hang out with his mama. I have the option of going into town tonight to go to a concert with Lon and Lis but I don't think I'm quite up to that sort of fun times, although being with Lon and Lis is like my favorite thing in the world and I'll have to live with the regret of not going for THE REST OF MY LIFE. What can I say? I'm a wuss. Who has a hard time leaving the house.

Tomorrow night it looks like we might have a good old-fashioned game night with Billy and Shayla and perhaps some of my other kids. And that's always a good time. Our favorite game is called Apples To Apples. I see by the Wikipedia article on the game that they make a Apples To Apples: Bible version.

We will not be playing that one.

And so goes my weekend. All is well on my end. I wish it were better on Mr. Moon's.

I hope all is well with you. I really do.


  1. Have a wonderful weekend Ms Moon....I love my Macbook and the photobooth option too!!!!

  2. Great picture! :) I have played Apples to Apples. Fun! And, bummer about Mr. Moon's boat. Glad your skin is better today.

    And, I hope you have a really fine weekend, Ms. Moon!

  3. You look great in that picture!!

    That's too bad about Mr Moon's boat, but I guess he will be coming home early?

    Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

  4. AP- you have a great weekend too. If you're working, I hope you make lots of good tips AND show that little Miss Queeny server how it is done by the grown-ups.

    Nicol- I hope you're weekend is fine, as well. Mine is so far and it's only Friday.

    No, Ms. Lemon. Mr. Moon will not come home early, most likely. If he has to wade out into the water to do it, he will fish.
    And I KNOW you'll be having a good weekend.

  5. Riding with Wrecking Ball I managed to brush something past my forearm that left me with a rash for a few days. It was quite weird to be affected for a few days where all the stinging foliage in the UK doesn't now

    Fat Lad

  6. Mr. Lad- You're immune to all the things that sting in your neck of the world. We have all the exotic, bold toxins here in Florida. Both the plant and snake kind.
    Sorry we gave you a rash. Don't judge us too harshly, please.

  7. a couple things are given:
    Boats want to sink
    Potato vine must die
    Wikipedia is evil

    otherwise, pic is good and your youngins are blessed with alot of you in 'em

  8. Wikipedia's evil? I just thought it was suspect when it comes to true information.
    Otherwise, Magnum- you're still trying to make up for when you said I sold out, aren't you?

  9. Have a delicious weekend, my sweet friend.

  10. i really wanna play the apples to apples bible version! i mean, saint jesus has gotta be an answer in that one....

    unca b

  11. You betcha!, unca B! Sweet, sweet St. Jesus.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.