Thursday, January 18, 2024

No Title

This sweet little nun sits on my stove. May gave her to me many years ago. She is made of iron and is actually a bottle opener. She's one of my favorite things and she always reminds me of one of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies. 

Feel free to judge me because I do not care. The original Blues Brothers movie was a masterpiece. 
In my world, anyway. 

It's warmed up today considerably but will be getting cold again by Saturday. Jessie and Vergil are taking the boys to a kids' music camp this weekend at a nearby music park where they will be camping. 
Ooh boy. Better them than me. I cannot imagine camping in sub-freezing temperatures. Vergil's a North Carolina boy though so he'll know how to keep them warm. 

A rather disturbing thing came to Mr. Moon's attention this morning and he shared it with me. Jack has a very large lump near his chest. How this has escaped my notice, I am not sure. We looked at each other when he showed it to me and I felt it and yes, it is there and it is large. I am not sure how I could have not noticed this. I love to scratch him right there where his white fur bib is because it's so soft. Maybe his winter coat has hidden it somewhat. 
Anyway, despite our general policy of not taking our pets to the vets, I've got an appointment for him tomorrow morning at the Animal Hospital in Monticello. I think the last time we were there was when he got neutered seven years ago. I like these vets in Monticello. They are used to dealing with country people and their critters and not so apt to push expensive treatment when the outcome will probably not be positive anyway. 
Oh hell. I hate this. You know we love our cats, even Maurice The Mean And Crazy. We give them good lives. Mr. Moon said that he needs to go shoot a deer so that we can give Jack some deer liver which is what our cat Bob ate when he had a tumor of some sort in his head and went half blind and was supposed to die. After he ate the liver, he lived for at least another five years, still faithfully patrolling the property daily, half blind or not. 

I took a walk today. Not a long walk and I felt more out of shape than I've felt my entire adult life. After about three-quarters of a mile, I got my rhythm back but I only walked a mile and a half. I wanted to check this out. 

For some reason that I cannot fathom, they have this sheltered bench near the old truck stop. As far as I know, there is no bus station in Lloyd. There are certainly no local transportation options. I've driven past it several times and never seen anyone sitting there. 
Another Lloyd mystery. 
Right around the corner from it is the fally-down house. I was thinking that all the wind we got last week might have flattened it but no, it did not. 

One of these days the earth will reclaim it but that has not happened yet. 

As you can see, it's been a gloomy day but my spirits have not been too bad. I am not going to get all worked up about Jack until we see what's what. Of course I hope with all of my heart that the vet checks him and says, "Oh, yeah. This is a benign bla-bla-bla. No worries." 
Jack is part of my world and a sweet part of it at that. He does have a bad habit of trying to kill Maurice but they haven't been fighting much lately. I hope that's not a bad sign. 
Well. We shall see what we see. 

Meanwhile, life goes on here. I spend very little time reading the news because I simply cannot deal with it. My mind cannot comprehend so many of the things going on in the world right now. So I am here, living my little insular life, doing the best I can to take note and acknowledge and recognize the details of of that life. The birds, the sky, the way the weather affects us and the things that grow around us, the news of my children and grandchildren, what I cook for supper, whether or not the floor needs sweeping, the vegetable bin needs cleaning out, the bed needs making, or when the laundry needs folding and put away. In my sleep I have dream of messes that I can never clean up in one lifetime, and old friends who are gone, one way or another. It is not an exciting life but it is mine and I am grateful for it. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I wish good news for in...lipoma easily removed? I keep him (and you) in my thoughts.....and will hope for favorable news tomorrow. I need to watch the original Blues Brothers film again....too good! Yes, the world is shit at the moment.....but I also try the insular approach. May you have wonderful dinner of leftover bread and gumbo......and snuggle cat time
    Susan M

    1. sorry, yes it's really me (Susan) I mistakenly posted under hubby's account......oops!
      Susan M

    2. All is well with Jack.
      I should watch the BB movie again too. It always makes me laugh so hard.
      We had leftover pheasant last night but will be eating the gumbo tonight!


  2. Fingers crossed for a fatty cyst or something similar. Does the lump move easily? Is it clearly defined?
    People use situations like this as reasons for not having pets. In what world does anyone expect to outlive their animals (unless you are very old)? We love them and give them good lives and when their time comes, we ensure they go peacefully. We could treat our humans like we treat our pets.
    I am trying ignore things that upset me and I cannot fix or influence. Like politics! I vote (we have to) and the rest is up to who gets the most votes. It annoys the husband who is constantly getting his knickers in a knot over things he cannot change. I prefer my way of looking at things.

    1. I, too, get my knickers in a knot about politics. I can't help it! But sometimes I have to just step back and ask myself what good that's doing? Venting must be done sometimes though.
      I wish we could be euthanized with love and grace when we reach the end of our lives.

  3. Good the lump was caught and will be looked at. Good luck to Jack, and Maurice, too. May the lump be easily resolved. He'd like that.

    1. Yes. I think all is going to be well. Thank you, Joanne.

  4. You know, Houdi was quite ill. Before that he had been pretty wary and not a friendly creature. When he was at his worst, I held him all night long. Since then, that cat's whole nature has changed. He is a lovey. He even has begun coming to find us at night.

    1. That's such an amazing story, Debby. I think he really understands now that you truly care for him and want to take care of him.

  5. I hope all's well with Jack. Let us know, I know you will, what the vet says. You sound pretty good, considering.

    1. Yes. I've been in a fairly decent mood the last few weeks. I am grateful!

  6. I was wondering about a nun bottle opener, then I remembered monks make Benedictine and Chartreuse, I mean, look at the names! So why not nuns and beer?

  7. I do hope Jack is okay and has something easily treated. Hopefully the deer liver helps. Your nun could use a coat of paint. I gnore most of the news too these days and only have it on so I can hear the weather forecast right after the sports news, which I also care nothing about.

    1. Thanks, River! I think our boy is going to be fine. I use my phone to check the weather. Mostly.

  8. Good luck Jack. One of my cats had a huge lump on his chest ( many years ago)and it was a pus filled sac, probably caused by fighting. It was easily got rid of....hope it is something like that for Jack!

  9. Keeping all good thoughts for Jack. Your nun looks exactly like the nun from Blues Brothers. What a treasure. I'm taking today off from news.

  10. Fingers crossed for Jack. Who knows, he may be like the fally down house and just keep going for ever!

  11. Sorry to hear about Jack. Perhaps he got injured (maybe while skirmishing with Maurice!) and it's an infection or abscess? Fingers crossed it's something easily treated or at the very least benign.

    I love the nun! And yes, that bus shelter is very strange, considering you apparently have no buses. Maybe some kind of bus service is due to start there?

    1. Yes- an abscess!
      If Lloyd starts a bus service, I'll be sure to let you know! You will hear it here first! (And last.)

  12. I remember when nuns looked like that. I went to Catholic school from elementary school through College so I knew a lot of nuns. Luckily, none of them ever hit anyone that I know of! Hope Jack's lump is an easy fix.

    1. I'm sure that there were and are many nuns who were absolutely good people. I mean- "Call the Midwife"! Those women are saints!

    2. I was taught by nuns from first grade through college, had several aunts and great aunts who were nuns and still have an older cousin who is a nun. I never knew one who fit the nunzilla stereotype. Margaret

    3. The midwife nuns aren't Catholic ones. The nuns I like are episcopalians! The wicked ones I've known were Catholic. Sad but true.

  13. I hope Jack is ok. That fally down house is certainly looking a lot lower to the ground that when we first saw it here. And that nun, I love the idea of her whipping open beer bottles for all.

    1. Yes. We could walk into that house twenty years ago. No way now.
      And I do have a handy nun, don't I?

  14. "I'm on a mission for God". Good luck with your sweet kitty.

  15. Fingers crossed for Jack! I'm with you on spending little time reading the news (domestic and/or international), and focus on finding joy and peace in the small things of life.

    1. It's like Ms. Merlot said- what am I going to be able to do about certain things except to vote? Well, I know there's more but making myself sick with the news is hardly helpful to anyone.

  16. Here in England it's almost midnight on Friday so I guess that Jack has been checked over at the animal hospital in Monticello. I hope that all is good and that the vet did indeed declare that the lump was nothing to worry about. By the way through your writing and your emotional intelligence you have proven time and time again that an insular life in which little of note seems to happen can appear rich, fascinating and boundless to those who read your blogposts. It is a matter of interpretation.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.