Saturday, January 20, 2024

Boring, Boring, Boring

 Now this is an interesting picture, I think. Two centipedes on the stump of a banana stalk. I think the centipedes were getting a drink as the chambers in the stalk held water and as interesting as that is, it is the way the banana is constructed that I find particularly beautiful and amazing. As is the structure of a centipede too, really. Together they make a pretty cool contrast of purpose and design. 

Cold. It's been cold today. For me. Even the sky looked cold. 

I didn't want to do a damn thing outside and I mostly didn't. I picked a few salad greens and that was about it. In fact, I haven't done much of anything. I've been back to my slothful ways. Not even worth discussing. Nor did I have an interesting dream. Well, that's not quite true but it was a disturbing dream and I do not wish to discuss it. 

I drove to the Hilltop to get lunch for me and Mr. Moon. I was tired of eating the same soup for lunch after four days of that. So I went crazy and got us shrimp po'boy sandwiches and they were not bad at all. Mr. Moon has gone to a basketball game now and he has taken Gibson and that makes me happy. 

In other grandchild news, I got this picture from Jessie today. 

Levon refused to wear a jacket this morning. And no, that's not snow, it's white sand but still...
That child. At least he's wearing long pants and not shorts. 
I hope they're having a good time at music camp. I think I would have already packed up and come home. No, that's not true. I wouldn't have gone in the first place. 

Jack has been seemingly fine today. He's been very active and very affectionate. And hungry. I think this wound may have been festering for awhile because despite his lovely winter coat, his shoulders and spine feel like he's lost weight. Again- I can't believe I didn't pick up on any of this because I pet him and snuggle him many times a day. I did notice one night that there was a little blood on our sheet but that is not unusual. I am constantly finding blood on my pillowcase from biting my tongue and both Mr. Moon and I have old person skin now which is as substantial as tissue paper and it's not unusual for us to find little abrasions that we have no idea how we got. 
What a drag it is getting old. 
But, I felt his belly a little while ago and the abscess feels much smaller and less tight although when I got too close to the actual wound, he was not happy. He's not licking it though, which is good because he was yesterday. 
So I think he'll live. 

You know, I rarely sit down to write knowing what I'm going to write about. I start out with whatever happened that day which often leads me to a subject I feel strongly about or a situation occurred that triggered something in me but today I have no fire in my belly. When I was writing about the picture above, I almost started in on a thing about how religious people would look at the photo and claim that only God could have created such intricate designs but right now I just feel like, "Yeah, whatever." I will say that a god who would take so much time and energy to create a banana stalk or a centipede should have spent a little more time on human beings whom he supposedly left in charge of the earth and all that grows and lives upon it. 
Oh, it's all so ridiculous. 

So I guess I'll just go start getting supper ready. I looked up the basketball game and it would appear that the game is over and FSU did not win. Luckily, I'm not married to a man who takes these things personally and gets depressed when "his" team loses. I hope Gibson had a good time. I hope that Levon didn't get frostbite. I hope that Mr. Moon doesn't freeze to death in the duck blind tomorrow morning. He told me that he's going to be in the island blind which means he'll have to get in a boat to get there. 
Say what you will about hunting- if a man will get up on a Sunday morning when it's 24 degrees, dress in many layers of wool and thick cotton, drive to wherever it is he drives to, gets in a small boat to go to a very small island to sit in a duck blind to shoot ducks, he must really love it. 
Bless his heart. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. the banana stalk is a pattern in perfection! I could do without the centipedes, but OK! And I love the way your posts wander at times along with your's what keeps me grounded everyday.....because it seems my own brain works like that as well! Glad Jack doing oK....... and hope you stay warm and dry...... hope Mr Moon is successful in whatever he is hunting..... you will cook up whatever he gleans in fine fashion, no doubt. Fire in wood stove here..dinner in process..... we are both SO low energy today but just flowing with it as best as we can. TV, and early bed on tap
    Susan M

    1. I remember when I had a house heated with a wood stove. And a husband who didn't like to chop wood. Not a great combo.

  2. The idea that people are in charge of the earth is a man-made myth. We're just one life form, and probably not the smartest or strongest or most beautiful. We do need to get over ourselves!

  3. I find that when it cold outside, I become a slug. I make no apologies. I like to be warm.

  4. cool photo! I love it and the centipedes are cute, if you picture them standing up straight , wearing red circus coats...
    Humans are the worst species to have ever been boss of the planet, or so they think. Humans are nothing but trouble.

    1. Haha! Only you, Linda Sue! But I can totally see that and it makes me laugh.
      Humans sure can fuck things up, can't we? I wonder what the next dominant species will be?

  5. I agree with Linda Sue. I am glad Jack feels better and I hope you stay warm.

    1. I think Jack is okay. We're staying mostly warm.

  6. I agree with your assessment of god and the caterpillar. Yeah, whatever!

  7. Replies
    1. Oh, WHATEVER! Ha. Centipede, caterpillar. They are both creatures with many legs and sections.

  8. My 11 year old grandson wears shorts all year round and he is the kid who comes out of school with bare arms carrying his coat when everyone else is in padded coats and woolly hats etc. He is seriously worried that when he goes to his next school in September he will have to wear trousers.

    1. Why do boys do this? And then they'll wear hoodies in August!

  9. Those centipedes are amazing -- the way they blend in with the cut-off banana stalks. I'd say they were meant to mimic that pattern, but since when does nature make a perfect cross-section of a banana stalk (or anything else)? So maybe it's just coincidence. Still, VERY cool.

    I'm like Levon even now. If I can get away with shorts and skipping a jacket, I do it. I hate being bundled up.

    1. I think it's just a coincidence but you're right- a really cool one.
      I somehow feel better knowing that you don't like to be all coated-up either.

  10. I can't think of a single activity that would make me do anything outside at any time of day in that cold. all those chambers holding water in a banana tree is why they won't burn. and why they are so heavy as I drag them to the back of the property to molder and rot.

    1. Yes! No one could die of thirst around a banana plant.

  11. Cats are very good at hiding their vulnerabilities, such as a wound, probably a throwback to their wild days. Being vulnerable is dangerous, maybe that's why humans have such a hard time with being vulnerable as well.

    Your husband has been through much colder when he comes up to Canada:)

    1. Vulnerability absolutely indicates weakness in so many ways. At least culturally for us.
      Seems like whenever Glen goes to Canada y'all are having a warm spell. Not always but sometimes.

  12. I see lots of the middle school and high school kids just walking in hoodies and it has been REALLY COLD here! But I remember when I was in 8th grade and I would never wear a winter hat because I didn't want "hat hair"! LOL!

    1. Kids want to be cool no matter what means for their personal comfort. I remember those days.

  13. While your centipedes look amazing, I wonder, do they bite - or is it called sting?

  14. The first Image is wonderful, but had you not explained what I was looking at, I would have had no idea. *LOL* I do Hope your Fur Baby will recover, Cats are so stoic when ill, so sometimes it's far too late before we realize they really have been suffering in silence with something seriously wrong with them. That said, they are also such resilient Creatures and Heal from so much. Kids crack me up, they run Hot and don't like it when we tell them to bundle up because WE feel Cold. *Winks*

    1. I guess that bananas that have been cut and then frozen are not a sight that is geographically understood.
      I wish that our animals could tell us when something's wrong but sometimes even kids aren't good at it.
      I think it's pretty obvious in that picture that Levon is freezing.

  15. The banana stalk is a beautiful photo and I do believe that next time Levon will remember the cold and wear a jacket.
    I remember the day my Angel had a rose thorn in his side, it had been there for a while but I hadn't noticed until he licked the spot raw and I could see the thorn. I told him I would pull it out and it might hurt a bit but he would feel much better after, he'd been so sore with it I think he was happy to lay down and let me draw it out, then bathed the spot in a very weak antiseptic solution. The roses in the garden here are vicious with huge thorns.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.