Monday, January 1, 2024

I'm Just An Old Grandma, Blogger.

 I got busy again today. It started out when I got up and discovered that Vergil and Glen had shot a buck (no pigs yet) after having gotten together about 5:30 this morning to go hunt. I realized they were going to be wanting something to eat when they got back here to process the deer and for some damn reason I decided that making a frittata would be the easiest thing to do. With biscuits, of course. So knowing I had to pick the collard greens for our annual dose of New Year's Day luck, I went ahead and picked kale while I was at it and about an hour later I had a potato and onion and kale and bacon and cheese and tomato frittata or maybe it's a Spanish tortilla, I do not know, in the oven. Whatever. I also made the biscuits and by the time the men had finished up their work and the deer was on ice, everything was ready to eat. I'd invited Jessie and the boys to come join us and so they did. It was a biscuit fiesta. 

Y'all- I swear- August has grown at least an inch since Christmas. When the boys came in, my head rested directly on his head when I leaned over to hug him. It's crazy! 
The guys told me all about their trip to Weeki Wachee which they loved. Levon's favorite part of the whole trip was the mermaids. You have no idea how happy that makes me. Jessie told me that their friend Amber, who was with them on this little trip, cried the whole way through the show which is what I always do. That, too, made me happy. Every time someone else gets the magic of those mermaids, I feel like the world is a slightly better place. 

After we finished eating, I started the collard greens and black-eyed peas for tonight. They're still simmering on the stove with the last remnants of the Christmas ham. I'll make a pan of cornbread here in a little while and add some rice to cook with the peas. 
And that is New Year's day around here. 
I put away the ornaments today that were on my tiny Christmas tree and also the nativity. Buddha is back on his mantel. 

That's my granddaddy in the picture behind him, holding baby Hank. Forgive me my tacky chalkware birds. I can't help buying them at thrift stores. Or at least I did not used to be able to resist them. I'm pretty good at it now. I have all sorts of treasures on that mantel in the library. 


And a complete and utter delight just happened. We got a quick, quick and loving visit from Lon and Lis who had been in town for the one-year birthday party of a grand-niece. Lis had told me about this a few weeks ago but I had forgotten, of course. She called me before they got here and I made them a pot of coffee because they had to get back on the road to Gatorbone and they were able to stay long enough to eat little bowls of black-eyed peas and collards, thus ensuring their luck for the new year. I am SO glad they came by. We have been sorely missing them and even just seeing them for a little time was the joy that made this day a truly good New Year's day. 

What a lucky woman I am! Friends, family, greens from the garden, boys eating biscuits with butter and honey. Who could ask for more? 

I am sorry that yesterday's post got put up with a warning. Jesus Christ. Whatever. Neither of the things that I can think of that might have triggered that particular algorithm is anything I've never posted before. Here's a picture of, although not the same mermaid as the one I posted last night, a very similar one that I feel sure has appeared in this blog before. 

As to the word "cocksucker"- I've said that word here so many times that I can't even count them. 

Well. If you want to hear more of the word (haha!), I suggest you go watch the video HERE.
It's every "cocksucker" ever said on Deadwood and is impressive in its range and scope. I'd embed it but I really don't want to be kicked off of blogger forever. 

I better go eat some black-eyed peas and collard greens. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. That warning made me laugh. I powered on through and wondered what all the fuss was about. I was hoping it was for real, somehow. Guess I wanted to see some action. Then I forgot to comment.

    1. Haha! Well, I could try my hand at a little erotica, I guess.

  2. well....I guess that *sort of* explains the last nights odd post (censored).....but not really. Glad you have venison, everyone fed with fritatta's.....hoppin john on stove.......AND Lon and Lis. All in one day? How could you EVEN stand it all? lovely all around
    Susan M

    1. It was seriously almost more than I could bear! So much goodness.

  3. What a great start to the year! Definitely a happy new year's day.

  4. If the rest of the year is the same as your New Year's Day it will be amazing.
    Happy New Year, dearest Mary.

  5. I loved that video!

    Have a happy new year.

    1. My favorite is the way Wu says it- "CocksuKAH". That's how Glen and I say it too.

  6. I don't know what, if anything, Australians eat for Good Luck on New Year's Day, or is it New Year's Eve when the luck foods are eaten? I love the Mermaid picture, it's Vergil, Jessie and young August, right?

    1. Yes! Vergil, Jessie, and a very young August. Wasn't he cute?

  7. That content warning was mystifying -- especially since you've repeated those same "infractions" in this post and it's NOT giving me a warning. So bizarre.

    Sometimes technology just does what it wants.

    I love this glimpse into the yummy food, quirky decor and blue skies of your world. :)

    1. "Quirky decor"? What are you saying, Steve? Hahaha! At least that's better than what Glen used to call it which was, "Clown decorating."

  8. I hadn't appreciated how many cocksuckers there were in Deadwood. Wonder why we were given no warning today. Ooh, that frittata. Your family photos make me happy — and I love those tacky chalkware birds. I'm not familiar with them and I wouldn't call them tacky.

    1. "Cocksucker" was pretty much used in every sentence in the series. Damn, I loved that series.
      I think they probably used to sell those chalkware birds at places like Woolworths where you know all of the hoity toity people shopped for their decorative art pieces.

  9. Sounds like a successful celebration for New Years Day! I ate leftover pasta so now I am wondering about the luck I will have in 2024... :)

    1. Leftover pasta is pretty darn good usually so I'd say your luck will be just fine.

  10. the frittata does look good. new year's day was mimosas with brunch and then naps and then the current episode of Reacher. no visitors except for a quick one from Rocky and Melissa who brought us dinner.

    1. Well that sounds pretty perfect. Glen loves "Reacher".

    2. Reacher is a series now? Huh. Australia needs to catch up.

  11. There is no such thing as "just" a grandma. We are a super power!

  12. That Frittata looks delicious... and I have some of those tacky Birds and couldn't resist them either. *LOL* So, the Blog Police were busy putting up Warnings, how Funny! They only ever censored me once for an 1800's Cabinet Card of a Bohemian Nude that was in a pix of a piece of furniture it sits on... eye roll... since, I've seen actual porn on many Blogs and somehow it escapes Censorship... much like the Book of Faces... moderators are very random about what they let thru and what they feel needs their intervention. *Bwahahaha*


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