Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 I’m fine. Not dead. But my MacBook has had liquid spilled into it once again and although I have gone through hell and back trying to post from my phone and have now written THREE posts about the past two days, nothing appears. 

Perhaps this will. 

It’s been a situation. However, everyone is good and technological problems can eventually be solved. 

Love…Ms. Moon


  1. Hi! Glad you're not dead and hopefully neither is your computer!

  2. greatly relieved to *see* you......and carry on with the Mary Moon've got it!
    Susan M

  3. Well I'm glad you're ok even if your computer is on the sick list.

  4. A shorter blogpost than usual! Liquid spillage is the reason the "s" key doesn't work on my old laptop.

  5. So glad you and Glen are OK!
    Marcia LaRue in CO
    DuckDuckGo does not like Google/Blogger

  6. So glad you came through ok. Yes, technology is a pain. We had high winds last night and the power was going off all around. I was at a crucial spot in my audio book and kept thinking how bereft I would be if I couldn't listen. Spoiled.

  7. I posted, saying glad you're okay. Your spam file is working,
    I think!

  8. Not dead is wonderful even if annoyed. Good luck with your MacBook.

  9. welcome back... you had me worried!!

  10. Dear Mary happy to hear all is moderately well! Adore your blog. Take care. Long time reader Moyra in NZ

  11. It is always a worry when a friend who posts every day without fail.......well.....fails! Glad it is only the MacBook.

  12. Liquid spilled into it? How?? Do you not leave enough space between the keyboard and your coffee mug?

  13. Oh no! Why aren't your posts appearing? That's so frustrating! Anyway, as long as you're not dead -- that's the important thing. :)

  14. That sucks. I'm sorry. But I'm glad to know that all is well, aside from the technology snafu.

  15. Okay. Steve made me laugh. I remember the time that I came to the computer and managed to dump a whole cup of coffee on the keyboard. It's the first time I realized one doesn't always need to drink the coffee in order to wake up.

  16. How annoying for you! Hope you get everything working again. Glad you are safe.


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