After all of our lovely, lovely rain the sky cleared today and it has been the most beautiful of days. The temperature has been perfect- in the mid seventies, the sky Easter egg blue, and a light breeze, just strong enough to strum through a wind chime now and then and to make new leaves dance.
It was a day so lovely that I decided to clean my kitchen floor in tribute to what has obviously been Mama Nature's spring cleaning and so now my kitchen smells of...YOU KNOW!...white vinegar and Fabuloso. And the floors feel like...YOU KNOW THIS TOO!...clean sheets for my feet.
That will all last for approximately another hour but that is okay.
I have felt better this afternoon than I've felt in awhile. Here are some pictures I took this morning as I walked about, kicking bamboo.
The Flame azalea in bloom because I can't take too many pictures of that.
They are almost as transient as the smell of Fabuloso and white vinegar.
Example of a bamboo sprout crying out to be kicked. This sly little bastard was growing up right by the back porch.
What my entire yard would look like if we did not kick the bamboo. The other-worldly, magical, mystical bamboo jungle. And that is just a small segment of it.
A very lovely miniature rose in a pot that by all rights should have died years ago. A few months ago I repotted it and cut it back to the bone. And here we are. I think I got it at Publix.
A sabal palm that Mr. Moon and I transplanted from Apalachicola YEARS ago. I swear, this thing grows like a frond every three years.
Finally and at last- a sugar snap pea blossom! Soon the pods will be forming.
Since Magnolia June will be spending the night tomorrow, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I decided that I better finish up sewing Dolly's flowers in her hair. While I was doing that and watching Call The Midwife, Maurice was sitting behind my head on the back of the couch. When I got up, I wondered if she'd let me take her picture with Dolly and she did. In fact, she let me take two pictures. Two poses.
Of course I kindly asked her permission first and thanked her afterwards.
She has been very sweet lately and my theory is that she heard Mr. Moon and me talked about the peeing and pooping on the rugs situation and I said, "Well, you know, if we got rid of just one of the cats, the problem would be solved."
Of course we're not going to get rid of either Maurice or Jack but the threat is in the air. No one has peed or pooped on a rug since that conversation so for now, at least, they may both be on their best behavior.
Of course we're not going to get rid of either Maurice or Jack but the threat is in the air. No one has peed or pooped on a rug since that conversation so for now, at least, they may both be on their best behavior.
I do not expect that to last long but while it does, I am grateful.
Love...Ms. Moon
Sometimes I tell my sweet but mischievous tabby, "You know, you were a feral before, and you can be a feral again."
ReplyDeleteWe've worked things out: She pays no attention, and I don't mean it.
The doll and cat are both adorable.
ReplyDeleteOh my! Dolly is quite the gal! She certainly knows who she is! LOVE her, good job , Mary. Maggie is going to be thrilled , I would bet the bank on that! Your fronds are amazing too! What a gorgeous exotic looking plant.
ReplyDeletedivine sounding day all around and glad you are feeling a bit better. You certainly accomplished alot! That dollie.....bless Lady Margaret for adding to the glory of this doll! I have been sapped of all energy.....not just tending to injured hubby (who is improving slowly every day) but that fact that we hit 89 yesterday and 96 today. In April? Not unheard of....but not welcomed. Shade canopy needs to be put back up, and AC put in window.....but until hubby back to speed- won't happen just yet. We all carry on.......
ReplyDeleteSusan M
PS I would snip that gorgeous rose in a heartbeat and bring it in to one of your altars! It's beautiful!
DeleteSusan M
That's a great doll. I want to know what Maggie calls her.
ReplyDeleteI've never threatened animals but plants respond well to talk about compost heaps.
I've made good use of the (much smaller) clump of bamboo in my yard just this week. A whole bunch of them became a trellis for my peas and pole beans and several others were bend into 'hoops' to hold the bird netting. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite pictures are your camelias, but I do love the sun shining through the green leaf thing as well. Thank you. It's supposed to snow here for two days this weekend, and I really need to see plants, hear about temperatures in the mid seventies, and talk about gardens. I can't wait to hear what Dolly gets named.
ReplyDeleteBamboo sure does grow fast. If you let some grow would it spread too much? It would be handy for lots of things.
ReplyDeleteThe flowers are lovely and the cat looks like a cat does when it's put upon.
Maurice and Dolly look so well together. Dolly is a beauty, and you know I've advocated for Maurice since she first came to you. Before Jack.
ReplyDeleteThat little rose is so perfect.
Dolly's eyes match Maurice in colour :) She looks wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI love the creaminess of colour in that miniature rose, it looks delicate yet strong too.
The palms look like fans.
Lola is always on good behaviour for a day or so after I threaten to take her back to the pound, not that I ever would. That would be beyond cruel after having her almost five years now.
I can hardly believe the size of that bamboo shoot. I have some in a pot and the stems are smaller than a pencil!
ReplyDeleteThe doll is amazing, and looks lovely pictured with the cat.
It's amazing how far those sprouts extend into your yard. I think if you didn't kick the bamboo your entire property would be consumed in a single summer. Like Frances, we have some bamboo (although ours is in the ground) but it's much smaller. It barely grows and never seems to spread.
ReplyDeleteI think Dolly is looking pretty great!
I wonder why the sabal palm doesn't grow faster. Does it need more sun?
Oh My. So so lush! While the desert is in bloom right now and looks and feels amazing, I am so grateful for these pictures of your little corner of paradise. My eyes crave and adore plant life in all it's forms. Thank you! And the doll is slaying me. Every little thing is perfect. Magnolia will love her. XOXO
ReplyDeleteMaggie is going to like that dolly! It is so cute and colorful!
ReplyDeleteThose palms should be waving over the head of some pharaoh in long ago Egypt. I remember that it is Palm Sunday in the Catholic Church this Sunday and your palms made me think of that.
Is that timber bamboo? I thought it wasn't supposed to spread, just clump. I always wanted some timber bamboo and I know where I would plant it, across the back of my property to block out the incredibly bright lights across the field at the mobile home/trailer park.
ReplyDeleteOh my, when I see your bamboo it always makes me think of the atrocities committed during WWII when prisoners were pinned over bamboo shoots to die slowly. I have to admit I tried not to think of it over the years, but every time I see how quickly your bamboo grows, those thoughts come back to me!
ReplyDeleteDolly with Kitty pixs turned out great, I like the addition of the Flowers around Dolly's Forehead, perfect Touch. As for Bamboo, it is Magical looking and tho' you're having to control it as a nuisance plant, I'd love to own some here against my back wall for a Tropical look in the back Pasture, yet, I know it's a nuisance plant difficult to keep up under control, and it's a Desert here so it's probably a Water Hog? But it looks so Enchanting... and I hear when it Dies, it all Dies together, then I'd having to be cutting down Bamboo... mebbe it's a good thing I can't find any to buy. *LOL*
ReplyDeleteLove all of those pictures and their green everything. We are still very much winter brown around here. This next week or two will be the magical time though when suddenly buds appears on trees and the grass starts to tint green. That dolly is great, and so is Scratchy the cat.