Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It's Like The Book Of Revelations Around Here!

Local forecaster on Facebook:

Very important for my Tallahassee friends to understand that this is shaping up to be primarily an ICE event, not SNOW. We might see some snow at the beginning or end, but the NWS forecast calls for as much as .3 inches of freezing rain, esp. in eastern parts of Leon. THIS IS NOT GOOD! Freezing rain is rain that freezes on contact -- with the ground and with trees. Moss-laden trees can not hold the weight of .3 of an ice. Some of them WILL come down (if we get that much freezing rain). A glaze of ice on the roads is MUCH more dangerous than snow. Bridges and overpasses in particular become virtually impassable. When I lived in Shelby N.C. almost 20 years ago, we had .5 inches of freezing rain. When it was over, guess how many people in town had power? NOBODY! It was a war zone of fallen trees and power lines. Certainly not saying that will happen here, but if the worst case happens -- a third of an inch of freezing rain -- Wednesday morning will not be pleasant. Hopefully, we get some snow and sleet mixed in -- not nearly as heavy on trees. Remember, bust potential on this storm is high -- even recent model runs show that a tiny 50-mile shift in track can be the difference between no precip and .5 inches of liquid. Brutally tough forecast for the NWS folks. Be ready for anything in the morning.

Are you fucking kidding me? Say what? Wasn't it just a few weeks ago we were freaking out about a hurricane? 
Yes. Yes it was. 
This just sucks. 
And also? We are such wimps here, so unused to anything but rain and once in a blue moon, hail, falling from the sky, that just the threat of some ice and they're closing down the schools. 

I spent the day cleaning out closets. I didn't really do a great job. I will not swear that there is no longer any mouse poop in them but I will say that I took an entire carload of crap to the dump and have a very nice-sized donation to make to Goodwill. Or whoever. I didn't touch any of Mr. Moon's stuff but he needs to do the same thing. And I should have gotten rid of about ten times the amount I did but this is a process, y'all. 

I discovered today that I have five suitcases. This is hysterical in that I hardly ever travel anywhere. I also found at least twenty pillowcases. Why? How? I have no memory of hoarding pillow cases. But if you need a pillow case, I'm your gal. I organized all of my wool-related projects into one container which I recently cleaned out. My wool-related projects are all about two inches of no defined knitted purpose made of very nice wool. I don't ever make anything when I'm knitting. I just knit. 
But at least all of that knitting is in one place along with the wool and needles. 
I'll tell you what I did not find today- the two calendars that I bought before Christmas. They've simply disappeared. Gone. Never to be seen again. 

I got some nice pictures from Lily and Jessie today. Jessie took her kids to the Big Library's story hour and here's what Levon thought of it.

Is that kid a gorgeous goof or what? Man, I love that kid. I could snorgle him to pieces and he's too young to complain about it. This, in my opinion, is one of the best things about babies. 

Here's what Lily and her kids did today.

They had a fire and sat outside and drank hot chocolate. I guess it's hot chocolate. I am almost certain that Lily would not give her kids any coffee, although Owen insisted last week that his mother did indeed let him have lattes. 
That child. 

In chicken news, Honey has found somewhere else to sleep. Also? Tonight I watched Mick kick Joe Cocker and Pearl out of the hen house. Joe Cocker said, "Fuck that," and went back in but Pearl did not. I'd say that I hope he doesn't freeze to death but that sure would solve a lot of problems. 

And that's the news from North Florida where it's colder than it should be and where, if it gets as cold as they say it might, we are screwed. We'll be burning our furniture for warmth. We'll be sitting in our cars with the heaters running until we run out of gas. It's the Icepocolypse! The Snowpocolypse!
It's supposed to get down to 24 on Thursday! 

I found some gloves when I was cleaning out closets today. 
Just in the knick of time. 

Watch out for the black ice, y'all! I hear it's deadly. Whatever it is. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I urge you to get the “WTForecast” weather app for your phone. It has profanity settings. The forecast for Lloyd currently says “it’s a clear night, but it’s pretty fucking chilly”. The forecast for where I live says it’s so friggin cold, the Big Dipper turned into the Little Dipper.

    1. I have to lol at that :)

    2. I got it! I love it! My husband said, "Of course you like it. You cuss like a sailor."
      I did not know whether to be proud or insulted.

  2. You are safe from black ice :) It is a scary thing but it won't form until about -10. I have some great advice to pass along that was posted on the dentist's door when I went for my appt this afternoon: Ice and Snow. Take it Slow. Walk Like a Penguin.

    I knit like you. Lots of started rectangles becoming larger rectangles when I feel like knitting.

    1. Good advice! I thought of it this morning as I walked down my steps outside.
      And yeah- why must we always knit something definable? I just want to KNIT! Plus, I am not good at knitting anything that's not a rectangle. And I'm not very good at that.

  3. We have black ice here, it's just ice on the road you can't see. Which is v dangerous, obvs.

    That little boy - ! He's grown up so much, and looks so just like himself. Sweetpea.

    1. I know it's dangerous. Mr. Moon had threatened to stay home today saying, "I don't want to slide out on any black ice!" which made me giggle.
      Isn't Levon coming into his own? It happens so fast!

  4. Oh geez, this sucks so bad! We lucked up and dodged the bullet on our predicted ice and snow, so maybe yall will get lucky too. But goddammit it's been cold, 14 last night, 20 tonight, in JacksonfuckingMississippi! Just a big HELL NO! When I go to take my dog out I think, how in the hell do the Canadians(and other northerners) do this for months at a time, I would die. Pure misery and torture to me. Of course, at the moment I am conveniently forgetting the hell and humidity of a Mississippi summer but I'd gladly take a bit of a tropical heatwave in a heartbeat right now.
    My, my, all these babies seem to grow and change at such a crazy pace now days that it scares me. And Levon is no exception. Wish time would slow down just a wee bit but what can you do except hang on and enjoy the ride!
    Stay warm and safe!

    1. Misery and torture is right. I, too, keep thinking about the broiling hot days of summer and I have to admit that it does make me feel a little better.
      We can't slow down time, can we? So yes, you are right. We just have to hang on and enjoy the ride.

  5. Well, I hope it doesn't prove to be as bad as all that, but a hard freeze in Florida is never a good thing. My thoughts are with you and the chickens and your plants! Stay as warm as possible!

    1. The chickens were a bit shocked but seemed fine. They have down coats, so I guess they'll survive. The garden looks okay too but I'm not up to checking the porch plants yet. I think I'll wait until this dreadful string of below-freezing temperatures is over to assess the damage.

  6. We have torrential rain and 40 degrees here on the gulf coast. Hubby just came in from walking the dog and proclaimed he's either going to train her to use a litter box or trade her in for a cat! LOL

    1. Ugh. That sounds horrible!
      I think your husband has some good ideas.

  7. Hang in there Ms. Moon! This, too, shall pass. Maybe Owen and Gibson will get a little snow to play in. That would be nice...right? :)

    1. They had the biggest thrill of their lives this morning! So yes, that was very nice.

  8. 23˚ here at 8 AM this morning. there is even a crust of ice on the turtle pond except where the water flows back in. I had hopes that the jasmine and ponytail palm and the other things would make it without freezing back but not now. stay warm and safe. we have one more night of it.

    1. We have several more nights of it. I hope I survive better than a ponytail palm but I have my doubts.

  9. Meanwhile we’re basking in relentless sun out here on the left coast — and not a drop of rain!

    That Levon!

    1. Are we living on the same planet?
      Levon...he is going to be something, that one. I can tell.

  10. Levon's laugh! He is delighting in where he landed for sure. The other kids around the fire look kind of cold, like the adventure was better in theory. Freezing temperatures here, too. I'm staying inside today. Was out in it last night and now i truly understand the term bitter cold.

    1. "Bitter cold" and "unbearable heat" are two things I really do not care to experience.
      Stay in, sweet woman! Stay warm!


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