Friday, January 19, 2018

Need An Apron?

I should be embarrassed to show you that. It's the cabinet in my center island where I keep aprons, napkins, place mats, dish towels and dish cloths.
Bit of a mess, eh?
So today as a way to keep myself occupied without having to actually do something like mop all of the floors which desperately needed it due to all of the demolition dust, I decided to tidy the cabinet.
I must have twenty aprons. I swear. Fancy aprons, restaurant aprons, homemade aprons, vintage aprons- you name the type of apron and I have it. And quite frankly, I do not know what I plan on doing with all of them. I do wear a few and I hang a few in my kitchen but come on! 
And dish towels. Dish towels which I get in Mexico and they last forever and so I have about forty of those, big ones and small ones. Also, jokey ones ("Hey Skinny! Eat a biscuit!") and again, vintage ones.
Dish cloths? I use dish cloths for the most part instead of sponges. People always talk about how germ-ridden their kitchen sponges are. Well, I use a dish cloth for a day or two and then throw it in the bleach load pile. I bleach my sponges too, truthfully. I have a goodly plenty of dish cloths.
And napkins? I buy them at Goodwill and thrift stores. Very few people seem to use cloth napkins but a lot of people either buy them or get them as presents and then, eventually, they donate them and I buy them because I do use them. I must have dozens and dozens of those.
So. I pulled everything out of that cabinet and folded up the aprons and went through the napkins and threw away the polyester ones and put the worn out cotton ones in the rag pile and folded all of them and put them in stacks according to size.
I went through the dish towels and threw the ones not worth keeping into the rag pile too. Same with the dish cloths. The place mats were not very out-of-hand but I did actually throw a few of those away too. And then I put everything back and now it looks like this.

It ain't perfect, but it's better. 

And then I did sweep and mop the floors and ignored the white dust which covers everything else. Why bother trying to do something about that before this project is completed? I just could not deal with the floors the way they were though, so that's why they got my attention.

So now I have Superheroes at my house.
"What's your name?" I asked the smaller Superhero on the right as I velcroed the back of his costume. 
"Black Panther," he said. 
"Oh. Of course," I said, thinking that Black Panthers have certainly changed since I was young. 

And then I played some Parcheesi with the Superheroes. 

Spider Man and Black Panther found it hilarious that I couldn't get my pawns out of the circle for anything and when I did, I got sent right back AND I kept rolling sixes. Over and over and over again. Meanwhile, they were speeding around the board like little demons. I had forgotten that it takes approximately one human lifetime to finish a game of Parcheesi and luckily Boppy arrived in time to save me from the Eternal Game. 

So that's what's going on around here. I'm about to bake some tasty frozen pizzas and call that supper. I don't know if we'll get pancakes in the morning because the boys have to be ready to be picked up a little after nine as Owen has some sort of baseball event. 
I'll cook a sweet potato, just in case. 

Oh. And Lucy laid another beautiful blue-green egg today of gigantic proportions. 
All of the hens are laying except for Miss Camellia who is so old as to be vintage herself. 
And I do not mind that at all. She's my sweet old lady and she comes up onto the porch every day for a little handful of cat food and I gladly give it to her. 
She was Kathleen's hen and I will tend to her as long as she lives. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Your cabinet looks amazing! I love meat and orderly. I am in the process of home organizing and I am sickened by how much I have that I don’t want to part with. How many athletic shoes can one person use? I yearn to simplify and yet have such a hard time letting go! I am considering moving into a smaller space as I want to take advantage of how much I can make on my house at this time so I really have to do this! It’s hard!!! Your boys are cute characters. Have a blast with them! Joanne

    1. It IS hard. I remember a friend of mine saying years ago that she had decided that she owned her stuff, it did not own her. I try to remember that myself but damn, it's hard. Why do we get so emotionally attached to simple pieces of cloth?

  2. You call that first picture messy? A little rumpled but far from messy.

    Ha! My son used to walk around dressed as a super hero. There was one summer where he wore his Hulk pajamas for 2 weeks straight when he was camping with Nana and Papa. And they let him of course. It was two weeks of candy and potato chips and lighting fires with blow torches. Oh, and Papa Panckaes. I was at work. What she doesn’t know won’t kill her.

    1. Oh man. I wish I'd had grandparents like that. I mean, my grandparents were wonderful but there was not much foolishness going on.

  3. Your super heros and your hens. I love hearing about all of their adventures! Your aprons will be loved by your daughters and granddaughter(s) when you pass them down. I have some of my grandma's and they mean a lot to me.

    1. I don't know. I keep asking them if they wouldn't like to take some aprons now and they don't seem to want any.
      I think they're holding out for my jewelry.

  4. This made me laugh with happiness, the superheroes showing up and then playing parcheesi ....after my chuckling about all the cloth napkins and dishtowels stuffed in a drawer here at my house (which I will ignore for the time being); a nice way to start my day, thank you!

  5. we use white shop rags from costco for our kitchen towels, and then i bleach them when the pile fills up the milk crate!

    ps if your giving away aprons i'll sign up.


    1. I've looked at those rags with an interested eye- I have to admit.
      I was thinking I should do a blog apron give-away. Who knows? Maybe I will.

  6. I don't own a single solitary apron. I just this minute realized that. :(

    1. Aprons are cool. They're like dishtowels that you can always reach.

  7. I'm glad the chickens are happier. no aprons here but I do use dish towels and cloth napkins. and I use my unbleached sponges until they are falling apart and I throw them away. they may be germ factories but it hasn't made me sick yet. I figure it just adds to my immune system.

    1. Absolutely! Hell, if sponges were that deadly, we'd all have perished as a species eons ago.

  8. I'm glad the chickens are laying again! Woo hoo! And your collection of aprons et al looks much better. We have some odds and ends like that but I don't think we have a single apron. We're just not apron wearers.

    The "Black Panther" -- ha! Bobby Seale!

  9. So glad that peace has returned to the Moon yard and the chickens are laying again. Those superheroes boys look like they could save the world! Much needed now. Love.

    1. The difference in the chickens now is amazing. I feel guilty for waiting so long to deal with that situation. Or, making Glen deal with it, to be more accurate.
      All of our super hero babies are going to save the world. I know they will.

  10. Isn't it satisfying to clean out a messy cabinet? I love your apron collection, I only have three and I love wearing them just for the pockets alone! I'm trying to get my daughter to sew me some more so I can quit ruining all my shirts with stains and rips. I love a fun dishtowel too - my favorite says I could keep this place clean if you people would just quit eating here!
    I love your superhero game day, but agree that parcheesi is a never ending game that bores me almost as much as monopoly.

    1. Some of the best aprons can be found at restaurant supply stores. I recommend looking there. Reasonably priced, too. I get most of mine at Goodwill but the restaurant supply ones are more utilitarian.
      I had forgotten that Parcheesi can take that long. I suspect my grandmother threw out a few rules to make it go faster.


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