Thursday, January 11, 2018

For Entertainment Value Only

My day was filled with chores, just that, and a walk although when I got up this morning to hug my husband before he left for work I said, "I'm going to stay in bed all day."
Well, I did take quite the extended nap this afternoon but la-di-dah.
I weeded the beets and the carrots and I think they are coming along nicely. I made a sort of tabouli salad with quinoa instead of bulgur wheat and of course I did...laundry.
Always laundry, forever and ever, amen.
Right now I am washing a huge rug I keep in my bathroom along with my gardening overalls because when I was in my bathroom I noticed a dead, uh, something, with dried bloody bits and what we might call "chunks" and while I was cleaning that up, my shoes which I was still wearing from working in the dirt, left a big spot of damp blackness on the rug.
It's all just so damn never-ending, isn't it?
You can't clean one thing without soiling another.

Above you see a picture of Levon, of course. Isn't he precious? Adorable? Too cute for words? Doesn't it look like he's saying, "Fascinating! Tell me more! I'm listening"?
Yes. Yes it does. I swear I can't hold that little boy without wanting to kiss his tiny rosebud lips. Which I do. As I've said so many times before, babies can't stop you from kissing them which is part of their charm. I do it respectfully, though, I promise.

So. Let's talk about listening to audio books. Now, since I discovered the ease and joy of downloading (uploading?) audio books free from the library onto my phone, I walk about all day long with a long cord stretching from my pocket where my phone is stashed to my ear buds. Well, they're sort of ear buds. I go through books like a cold beer on a hot day and it's one of the joys of my life to be able to "read" as I go about my work and exercise. I tend to listen to books which do not require ALL of my attention because I'm always doing something else at the same time. So, a bit lighter fare, shall we say, than the books I read with my eyes, although not always.
A few weeks ago, Lily told me that she was listening to a book by Diana Gabaldon called Outlander and that she was enjoying it. Sounded decent- time travel was involved, the narrator was one of my favorites, it was set in Scotland, etc. Lovely fantasy escapism and perfect for listening to as I did everything from scrub toilets to clean and order closets. So, yes, I downloaded Outlander and it is absolutely not the most well-written book I've ever listened to or read with my eyes, but it is entertaining. It has lots of sexy sex in it, although...perhaps a bit too much and honestly- how well does ANYONE write about sex? There are only so many elements involved and after about half a dozen encounters, they've all been described rather thoroughly. Especially in White Bread World. Which this is. Also, the author seems to have a bit of a sadistic streak and loves to write about backs being whipped (not kidding) to the point where one simply has to wonder what in hell is going on there. But, in its defense, the book kept my attention (although I do tend to drift when the beatings begin) and I loved the concept of a woman who was a British field nurse finding herself in 18th century Scotland after accidentally slipping through an ancient standing stones time portal. (Note to self: If I ever decide to time travel, wear appropriate clothing to avoid being accused of being a whore.) There is a nice amount of pre-modern healing techniques and herbal use, which I do enjoy. And of course the former nurse falls in love with a gorgeous redheaded Scotsman, a warrior who is well-educated, can speak about forty-five languages, elicits absolute sexual excitement and wild monkey lust in her, and who seems to get lashed every fifty pages or so, leading one to wonder how in the world he manages to have any skin or muscle tissue left on his back at all.
Ah lah.
So I listened to the whole, long, long, LONG book and then what did I do but download the next (even longer) book in the series and now I am on the THIRD book in the series and there are five more to go.
I feel like such a literary loser.
I am listening to what is basically a never-ending historical romance novel which has S & M overtones.

Oh well. It ain't no Game of Thrones or Nancy Drew but it's...sort of like crack.

And on we go. Supper is going to be a broccoli and mushroom and chicken casserole and there are NO CANS OF CREAM OF CAMPBELL'S ANYTHING SOUP in it although I did use garlic powder. That and the quinoa salad with garden greens, tomatoes, onions, garlic, black olives, and cilantro which will negate any unhealthiness of the casserole, will be on the table soon.

"Here's your gourmet meal," I will announce to Mr. Moon and he will say, "Oh boy!" and sit down with knife and fork and we'll watch something on Netflix although it will not be Mad Men which I have now watched about six episodes of and cannot watch any more. It depresses the shit out of me. I may be a literary loser but as I told my husband a few days ago- "If this is how men really are, then just kill me now."
I find myself sickened as I watch it and ain't nobody paying me to do that.

What are you reading? And watching?

Let me know. Don't be afraid to shame me. I can take it and do deserve it.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Ha, you know there's a tv show of it, with a v beautiful actress playing the lead? And handsome Scots and kilts, and full frontal nudity, if I remember correctly. S&M overtones there too, though, but mostly negatively so.

    I got a bit bored after the first couple series, but it was fun viewing for a while, alright. Ain't no shame in enjoying some trashy romance, and this isn't even that trashy.

    1. I did notice online that there was film of these books. I might check it out!

  2. My book club friend Marian is obsessed with the Outlander books and tv show. We watch the show at her house, and she screams "That didn't happen in the book!" so often that we've made a drinking game of it...every time she says it everyone takes a swig of wine or whatever they're having. :)

    I'm not a huge fan either, but the books are entertaining enough. And the actor that plays Jamie on the show is definitely eye candy so that's nice!

    I just finished watching The Crown on Netfix. It's pretty good, especially John Lithgow as Winston Churchill.

    1. I'm afraid if I watched the show I might be like Marian. I am enjoying listening to the books, though, for sure.
      We have watched both seasons of The Crown. Enjoyed it. I thought it was done very well.

  3. I've actually been meaning to get outlander at the library for a month or so but haven't yet. Your description isn't piquing my interest much though. Maybe I'll pass for now!

    1. Well, it wouldn't hurt a thing to get the book and read a few chapters, see what you think. That's the joy of the library. Don't like it? Turn it back in.

  4. I am also an Outlander addict. It is not terribly well written, you're so right, and this got on my nerves -- especially in the first book. But the storytelling! My god. I am reading the whole damn series for the second time since I first picked them up last year. It's my bedtime reading when there's nothing else more compelling.

    I haven't commented here in a million years, but I still read every day and am a huge fan and send so much love to you and your family. <3

    1. Amna! So nice to see you here again! Thanks for commenting. It means a lot to me!
      Yes. The storytelling is tremendous. It is. There's no getting around that which is probably why I'm on the THIRD BOOK!

  5. That's twice today that someone I know has mentioned Outlander, so maybe I'll check out the tv show, at least. I have way too many books backlogged to add anything else. I just finished watching the first season of Harlots. It takes place in 1763 and is about -- yes, you guessed it -- prostitutes in London, England. It's incredibly sordid and incredibly visually beautiful and is directed and produced and written by women. The actresses are British so they're all amazing, but it's sordid. The sex is explicit, there's a bit of violence and lots of bawdiness, but I'm hooked (not hookered, though).

    1. Hmmmm...
      Sounds good to me. I can deal with sordid. And sex. And a bit of violence. I'll check it out. Don't know if you'd like Outlanders and since I haven't seen any of the TV series, I really have no idea. But, yeah- doesn't hurt to just give something a look.

  6. Replies
    1. Isn't he? Oh my god. I just want to eat him up.

  7. Not too long ago, before someone came up with the idea of a printing press and paper and publishing, all literature - and don't tell me there wasn't any - was made for ears to listen. Just imagine groups of people reclining on some Greek or Roman sofa with their eyes closed in anticipation while a young man standing in the corner recited Homer's Iliad or Sappho's poetry from memory.

    My cynical mind has a hard time with time travel and sci-fi, so, not my genre.

    Currently I am reading John Boyne The Heart's Invisible Furies because Irish novelists are well, the best. And I am watching McMafia on BBC, having just finished Godless on netflix which was brilliant BTW.

    1. The time-travel thing is really just a plot-moving device in this series. It's not especially about that.
      I made a note of Helen Dunmore after reading your blog the other day to look for her books. Did you end up liking the one you were reading? The New Yorker did a short review of it, I saw.
      And yes- literature is wonderful when heard out loud. I love to read out loud to my husband when we travel. It's such a pleasure to me to be able to share the love of books with him like that.
      And I have to agree with you about Irish novelists.
      I watched a few episodes of Godless and I just couldn't get into it. I am not sure why. I am getting SO picky about what I like to watch. Is McMafia good?

  8. The TV show Outlander seems to be hugely popular. I started it once but somehow didn’t continue. I might try it again.

    1. I watched some of Outlander and just couldn't finish. Mr. Moon did, though.

  9. I gobbled yo Outlander a few years ago; I actually love her writing style - it just sort of sucks you in - and I love how strong and capable Claire is. Then my husband and I watched it ... and then he got pulled into reading it all; he just finished. There are a whole bunch of related novellas, mostly about John Grey.

    We just finished a Netflix show (orig. on AMC I think) called “Halt and Catch Fire” about the computer industry in the 89s and 90s that is one of the beat shows we’ve ever watched. The character development is impressive. Strong female characters as well. Highly recommend it.

    1. I love how strong and capable Claire is too! She's one hell of a woman! I feel better knowing that you like the books. Really, it makes me feel less...shallow? I don't know. But thanks!

  10. I started to watch Outlander but there were torture scenes that made me ill. The backs being whipped were the “light” parts of the torture scenes. It took me days to get the scenes out of my head.

    1. Yeah- see? I loved reading Game of Thrones but I just can't watch the show. I might feel the same way about Outlander. Thanks for the head's up.

  11. reading the next installment of #1 Ladies Detective Agency, watching Game of Thrones, which if you haven't they are either killing or fucking. lots of full frontal (and rear) nudity, both sexes. soft porn as my neighbor called it. been thinking of starting the Outlander books.

    1. Yep. Killing or fucking. That's pretty much it in Game of Thrones. I thought the books were better than the show. I think you might like the Outlander books.

  12. Little Levon is growing so fast! Yes, he seems to be quite enthralled with it all in the photo!
    Currently I am reading Ann Patchett's *Commonwealth*........ first book of hers I've read and although enjoying it, some of it is downright painful to digest. Also listening to audio book in my car....called *Friendship Bread* by Darien Gee.
    Hugs from Calif
    Susan M

    1. I read Commonwealth and you know what? I can't remember a damn thing about it. I don't think it was as good as some of her other books which are usually quite memorable.
      Friendship Bread? Intriguing title.

  13. Oh, I loved Mad Men. Of course a lot of the men are pigs but that's kind of the point -- the degree to which all that behavior was not only acceptable but expected back in the day. (And yes, as we've seen, it still goes on, but at least there's a degree of social opprobrium now.)

    I'm reading another Michael Connelly. He's a really good escapist crime/mystery writer. And I'm about to go do laundry, too!

    1. I've just been reading the comments and apparently Outlander is quite a phenomenon. I've never even heard of it! Clearly I am out of the loop.

  14. I am watching SMILF on Showtime and am highly amused.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.