Wednesday, January 17, 2018

An Apology

I would like to apologize for the comment I made about the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon not being that well written.
Or some bullshit.
Listen- I'm well into the third book and I feel as if I am living in two worlds right now. This one right here in Lloyd, and the one created in the mind of Ms. Gabaldon who is an amazing storyteller and a fine writer and I'm a jerk for implying she's not.
Also, the back-beatings have almost disappeared.

We read for many reasons. To gain knowledge, to be inspired, to enter worlds and minds we otherwise would have no access to.
And to be entertained and delighted and enlightened and, and, and...

So. Just wanted to say that I was wrong and that I'm glad I found these books (thank you, Lily) and there ain't a thing wrong with the writing of them. Right now we are sailing together across the sea to find a kidnapped nephew, and Jamie's seasickness has been cured by a Chinaman who has knowledge of acupuncture.
It is a glorious ride and compared to the news of the world, an utter escape into a different time, a different reality.

I'm grateful for it.

There was something else I was going to say but I've forgotten what it was.
Maybe by tonight I'll have remembered.
Or maybe not.
I'm also listening to a Jane Fonda book in my car and although I went into that with great reservation (she's so earnest), I am gleaning a few things there. One thing she says about aging is that yes, she forgets things but she has more insight.
I would like to believe that is true.

It's cold here! And getting colder!

Bundle up.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. It's been almost 60 this week
    Mary I have been concerned this week about forgetting things. You made me hopeful. Thank you!

    1. Yesterday I swear I forgot ten thousand things. It is a little scary and makes everything go slower. I am finding myself learning new ways to compensate. More lists. Putting things in my pockets to deal with in a timely fashion instead of just trying to remember to do them later. I see my husband doing it as well. I can't spell for shit anymore. Is this the new normal? I suppose it is. But it IS reassuring that we may indeed have more insight. Not wisdom, exactly, but insight. God knows we need it. By the way, I love you.

    2. right?! about the spelling. I can't spell for shit either. I used to be a good speller.

  2. Thanks for the Outlander recommendation; its wonderful when we find access to another world. I can remember things these days either; I used to be killer with strings of numbers and now I have to keep checking back to make sure it got it right. Scariest of all is that some words slither just out of reach, and I have to look up synonyms for the word I know I know, in order to chase it down. You and Jane Fonda made me feel better, too.

    1. Oh god yes. I've been doing the losing-the-word thing for years now and it's getting bad. Names? Forget about it. I was talking to Jessie the other day about different people on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee and I could not remember ANY of their names. Like...John Oliver and Stephen Colbert. Numbers? Forget it. I can barely remember a sequence of three.

  3. I frequently resort to "the thing that cuts the grass" or "the thing that opens the cans." It's just sad. Names are lost to me. I can see their faces clearly in my mind, but I can't name them.
    In a previous post I think you mentioned the name of the weather app you're using. Could you please tell me again so I can download it?

    1. Me, too, Allison! I asked my hubby to turn on 'the thing that makes us warm' today! And names? It seems that my go-to name for men has become Jim. So far today I've called three guys Jim....but Dale and Frank didn't mind (the third IS Jim!).

    2. Yep. "That...thing" is a frequently used description around here, too. I used to love hanging out in St. Augustine with friends I'd made there. I swear, two-thirds of the men were named "Bob." This was so helpful.

    3. And the weather app is wtForecast.

  4. I'm going to put those books back on my "maybe/probably" list. Thanks for revisiting the topic!

    1. Well, try 'em and if you don't like them, put them down.

  5. as mentioned above, I'm also losing my ability to spell and names are generally a lost cause. I have to retrieve names before I am in the situation where I expect to see them. someone I haven't seen is months who I have known for years, if they walk in (like at the open house) unexpected, I can tell you how we met, what that person does, all kinds of things about our friendship but the name will be absent. takes me about 20 minutes to dredge it up. embarrassing.

    1. Well, I've never been any good at names OR faces. It's like a joke for those who know me. "You remember So and So, right?"
      "Of course not."

  6. Mary, PLEASE give me the name of the weather app you're using! I need it now!

  7. Mary, I CMS either, and I hope it's information overload, lack of sleep or hormones and not holes in my brain! It's happening to us both a lot more, which is scary. I'm supposed the be the scatterbrained one!
    I Loved loved loved the Outlander books, and I love the series on Cinemax too. But, I did grow weary of them, she's a good writer, not a great writer and the violence just gets wearying. I quit on the sixth book, midway maybe? I tagged them racy because they are such bodice rippers, but kudos for the strong woman character and the history lessons. Enjoy your diversion. Lord knows we all need one.
    I am inhaling Greg Isles Penn Cage series, Natchez Burning, and now Turning Angel. There are six books and they are huge but not so intimidating on kindle. My husband is reading and loving them too, which is a pleasant surprise.
    I want your weather app too. It was 1 degree this morning, -14 wind chill, but at least there was sunshine. I'll take what I can get.
    Stay warm and cozy with Claire and Jamie :)

    1. Mel, I've made a note about Greg Isles. Thank you!
      My friend Sue always said that our brains are like a table. You can only put so much on them before stuff starts falling off.
      The Outlander books ARE indeed bodice rippers. And I bet that sells them like hotcakes. So far, the third book doesn't seem to have a great deal of violence in it. We shall see how long that continues.

  8. I told you my friend Marian was a HUGE Outlander fan....well, she went into a deep depression when Trump was elected and she spent all her free time re-reading the books and re-watching the show. It's her favorite escape from the cares of the world!

  9. OK, I've said it before, but I am completely unaware of this Outlander thing. I guess I need to get with it.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.