Sunday, April 7, 2013

This Is Life

I am at least slightly miserable this morning, having been awake half the night with heartburn, which is most unusual for me. I suppose it was the result of the culminating effects of my lately crappy diet, my burgeoning weight gain and stress and anxiety.
I am trying to get things together here in order to leave tomorrow. Of course I haven't started packing and at this point am just finishing cleaning up after the pancake breakfast and doing laundry and oh yes, writing this.
I am obsessive about writing. Far more than any other thing, I am almost certain.

I have been extremely calm about the idea of leaving for Asheville this whole past week but today it seems to have come thundering down upon me- the realization that yes, I am about to leave and in less than a week there will be a wedding and I do have some part in it and there are things which must be attended to here, before I go, and that I have to pack and that once we get to North Carolina there will be a myriad of things to do.

For one thing, Jessie has asked me to write a little something to say in the wedding. Something short. "Anything," she told me. "You can write about marriage or dogs or Jesus. I don't care."
So I told her that I would say this: "Here is my marriage advice- JESUS! don't get a dog!"

Of course that will not suffice. And that is hardly the only thing I have to do but it is looming on my mind.

But it is a beautiful day here. The bees are making noisy love to the wisteria blossoms and we have discovered that we have bluebirds in the nesting boxes Mr. Moon set up a few years ago. This is always a miracle, to have those birds so close. We stay away from them as much as possible but when we see them we are thrilled. They are almost unbelievably blue, those shy birds.

I have so much to do and I should get to it. And even as my anxiety creeps up upon me, even as a million thoughts go through my mind, I am thinking of how lovely it will be to spend so much time with my darling Lis, whom I have referred to here as The Cake Baker and Sanity Maker. The last time we drove up to Asheville together Hank was with us and we listened for long stretches of time to the audio version of Keith Richards' autobiography and never finished it and Lis says she wants to hear the rest on this trip. Call me crazy but there is something incredibly soothing to me about that idea. And we'll be staying in a beautiful place and our hands will be busy, making the cake and on Wednesday the rest of the family is coming up and in a way, it will be a huge family vacation and it will all be focused around these two.

My baby is getting married. If there has been calm in my soul about these upcoming events it is entirely based on the reality of the rightness of this marriage.

There is an image I have in my head and it is so beautiful. It is of Jessie, married and happy and pregnant, playing mandolin, the ringing, singing instrument right up next to her belly, her babe, and Vergil playing music with her. I think of that and I am calm. Yes, I know. I am projecting way into the future but isn't that what a wedding is all about? It is the beginning of the family and the life and the adventure therein.

I remember when she met Vergil and she called me and she said, "I have met someone."
And as her mother, I knew this was important.
It was. It is.

Last night she and Vergil went to see Ina May Gaskin speak and a screening of the movie, Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin And The Farm Midwives.
On the one hand, this may seem like a strange thing to do for a couple a week away from their wedding but I find it perfectly fitting and good and I love Vergil for, among so many other things, going with her to see the movie, to attend such an event. I know he loves my daughter and I know he cares about her happiness and I know she feels exactly the same way about him.
And no matter what craziness or chaos occurs in the next week, what emotions arise or what tiny problems threaten to overwhelm all of us, I know that at the very bottom and the very top and all through it is the plain and simple fact that this is a celebration of love and of two people who are doing the crazy, brave, perfectly natural, wonderful thing of joining hands, joining hearts, saying the words out loud that will be the very basis for what comes next.

The devil may be in the details but the angels will be in the dancing.
Dancing hearts, dancing feet, dancing eyes, dancing joy.
The adventure begins, the adventure continues, the adventure, in many ways, never ends.

Good morning.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I'm glad you have been calm about this all week and now have really only one day to panic!

    Whatever words you write for this beautiful joining will be perfect, I just know it.

    You and Lis will have a lovely journey together and you will soothe each other's nerves. Glen and Lon and all your children will arrive and it's going to be an amazing, loving week. I am so happy for all of you!

  2. I read this with a broad smile on my face, it makes me so happy!

  3. I remember when she met Vergil, and I thought even then that it was immediately right. What a perfect pair, and I am so glad you feel so good about your baby's wedding. That will keep ALL kinds of crazy black dogs away, to be sure.

  4. So sweet.
    And you made me laugh with Jesus, don't get a dog.
    Good luck with everything.
    And happy happy joy, congrats to all!
    I remember too meeting Virgil on here. They make me smile.
    And I love your vision for them.

  5. I can't even tell you how excited I am about your girl's upcoming wedding, and how lucky we are to know you in some small way and be able to hear about it in your inimitable words.

    Safe travels and happy cake baking!

  6. Lulumarie- And I'm not really panicking today. Well, not yet. I'm walking around getting everything done in the most ridiculous round-about manner.

    Angella- Good!

    SJ- The damn thing about the black dog is that he is no respecter of circumstance. Or so it seems, to me. If I went back into therapy I might find that to be false thinking on my part.

    Bethany- Hello, darling girl! I'm glad you liked that Jesus- don't get a dog thing. I thought it was hysterical. Love you, honey.

    Elizabeth- I feel like I have all of you with me. Is that strange? Perhaps. But it is incredibly comforting.

  7. I love that they went to that event together. I love it. Talk about good omens.

    It's going to be beautiful. So very beautiful.

  8. Wow, Ms. Moon.
    What a beautiful post. I am glad to have discovered your blog and your writing via Elizabeth's.
    I love that image of pregnant Jessie. It's kinda how it went for us, years ago, except that I play no instruments, but instead was singing, to the babies in my belly, while their daddy played his guitar up close to them. As close as he could get. And they heard. They danced.
    Fast forward now, 16 years since the first pregnancy, and 3 kids later and somehow it all translated into music for all of them. Always music here. Keep those images. The images have life breathed into them, just waiting to happen.

    Wow. Have a blast. Here you go!

    Blessings to your family.


  9. I think what you said right here about Jessie & Vergil would be perfect words to say at their wedding. You are a wordsmith and will do just fine.

  10. I am blown away that this has seemed to come up SO quickly!!! I remember Jessie being a little thing and doing my hair at my own wedding... 10 years ago when she still wanted to be a hairdresser!

    I so wish I could be there to dance and hug and eat and love. I will be there in spirit.

    I think this sounds like a great place to start or around: "It is the plain and simple fact that this is a celebration of love and of two people who are doing the crazy, brave, perfectly natural, wonderful thing of joining hands, joining hearts, saying the words out loud that will be the very basis for what comes next."

  11. Such lovely words and images, so much joy in the making. You will have the best time in Asheville, I'm sure. All you really have to do is just breathe and soak it all in. And keep tissues handy!

    I feel your pain with the heartburn, burgeoning weight, and the off and on crappy diet. Winter is done with us, hopefully nice weather and functional joints will help us get ourselves back a little.

    I'm so glad you are obsessive about writing, so I can be obsessibe about reading your words. It's alwasys lovely to stop by.

  12. and that is my record for typos in a comment, I swear I'm not drunk, just have old eyes and stiff fingers!

  13. Whatever Mel -put down the bottle! :)

    LY both.

  14. This kind of made me feel like crying in its beauty. You are such a kind, loving mama. Jesse is lucky to have Virgil and she's very lucky to have you. Very beautiful writing here. And that header photo, so incredibly nice. Sweet Jo

  15. Your future son-in-law going to see Ina May???? How perfectly wonderful. (of course, I would think so.)

    I love you Ms Moon and your whole family is lucky to have you, and you're lucky to have them.

    As for the fat thing. I still think I weigh 125. Ha!


  16. It must be great to approach these events with the certainty of knowing that everyone is doing the right thing. I love your words for the wedding. I think you should start whatever you say with that story. :)

    I love Asheville. It's a great town and one of my best old college friends lives there, so I've been several times. Enjoy!

  17. Bluebirds of happiness!

    I'm happy to be in your blogiverse so I can read more about this sweet and momentous event!

  18. I have a feeling they will be very happy. Both of them seem in love but filled with respect and trust for each other. That is so very important.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.