Monday, April 29, 2013

The Himalayas And A Link

Good morning. It is Monday. I feel certain you are aware of this. But you know, just in case...

I am not feeling especially wordy this morning. It's gray and a little warmer and more humid and the weather thing says it's going to rain but I've looked at the radar and I'm not sure how that's going to happen. Anyway, I wish it would, since I went to all that trouble to plant the damn beans and cucumbers. And I need to take a walk and Jason and Owen are coming out. Jason is going to pressure-wash our fence which in my opinion is only going to highlight the fact that our house looks like something you'd visit on Halloween to get the bejesus scared out of you but it'll be nice when it's done, I'm sure. And I'll get some Owen time. I can't wait for him to walk in the Glen Den and see the new rug. Here's what he'll say:
"What happened here?"
Maybe that's what he'll say.

Life in Lloyd.

So while I was feeling like I'd punched through some space-time continuum on Saturday by going to town and buying a rug, here's what Jessie recently posted on the Facebook:

That's what she was seeing as they were flying to Bhutan. 

It's like we're on different planets. 

So here's another thing I saw on Facebook this weekend. It's a link to an article called "29 Signs You Were Raised By Hippies." 
Click on that to go to the article. 
I keep thinking about it and laughing. My poor kids- I'm sure they can relate to some of those things, although not all. I did not make them pose like this:

Although there was a lot of tie-dye in their lives. Look- their Aunt Lynn worked for a company that made tie-dye. What can I say? And okay, sure, I tie-dyed a few baby shirts. So sue me.

All right. I need to take a walk before Owen gets here. 

Happy Monday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I LOVE the tie-dye!!! i have a groovy picture of my kids in similar clothes!

    A gray day here on this coast. Could use some tie-die to brighten it up.

  2. I have wanted a tie-dye shirt my whole life but have never had one. Maybe when I get a tattoo and colour my hair.

    I bet Owen will run around in in circles in the new rug. That is what kids do on rugs like that. Fun!

  3. I love your house. It looks like a movie set for some deep down southern saga. I hope Jessie has a fabulous time in Bhutan, a place I've wanted to visit since reading about it in Pam Houston's gorgeous "Contents May Have Shifted". That picture is amazing.

  4. Hahaha, that link is so funny! More than a few of them apply to me as a mother, and some of the mamas in my circle can check off all of them.

  5. Those look more like new school hippies to me. Our childhood involved more nakedness than tie dye.

  6. I can only dream of the Himalayas -- so beautiful, no? And that link is HI larious. It's funny, but I was raised by the opposite of those hippies and am raising my own kids much like those hippies.

  7. Love the tie-dye! The world needs more kids raised by hippies.

    FABULOUS photo of the Himalayas. Wow.

  8. Those are magnificent mountains.

  9. I tie-dyed stuff for my kids too!


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