Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I Feel Old. And Useless

I went to turn on my shower last night and the handle popped off. Just popped the fuck off. I mean, that sucker is not going back on and it needs to be replaced.
I think.
Why is life such a constant race to simply catch up to the status quo? I don't get it.

Anyway, Mr. Moon is going to have to deal with that. The shower handle. Poor Mr. Moon. He has to deal with so much.
"I'll take care of it," he says.
And he does.

Here's a picture he sent me yesterday.

He'll take care of that grouper too. He'll clean and filet it and I'll cook it.
This works out well.
Isn't he cute?
Yes. Yes he is.

Okay. I better get busy. I wish I had something witty and/or profound to say. I do not. I have a feeling that I should go kick some bamboo or we're going to be living in a forest of it. Yet another example of the necessity of dealing with something before chaos ensues. I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed today and it's barely nine o'clock. I tried to remind myself earlier that I am not responsible for everything on earth but there are, in fact, things I AM responsible for and I'm feeling extremely inadequate even in that tiny area.

Good thing I'm not the president of the United States. We would be well and truly fucked, seeing as how I feel I've accomplished a great deal when I wash the tablecloth from the table on the back porch. Seeing as how a broken shower handle makes me feel as if I am living the life of Miss Havisham, my wedding veil rotting around my shoulders, my house falling down at my feet, my very face crumpling into powdered wrinkles, the lines a map of a lifetime of unplanned travels of both joy and despair.


  1. It's just life, honey. It turns and turns and turns. That it turns like this for others and not just me is actually deeply reassuring. But I'm praying you're heading back to the top of the wheel soon.


  2. The last paragraph made me smile :) And yes, Mr Moon is adorable!!

    I'm totally overwhelmed with work today and feel like I am making no difference. It's the last quarter of the moon today, or so my calendar says. Let's blame that.

  3. us modern humans have made our lives too complex.

  4. That is one fine looking fish! And the man is quite fine too... of course.

    I wonder if rereading what you wrote yesterday can ex out the powdery icky feeling of today's broken handle yuck... It really was a beautiful piece of writing. It seems it would be hard to feel useless knowing that you wrote it. :)


  5. Life generally sucks, but don't despair, Ms. Moon. You have a lovely man by your side.

  6. Anything can be the last straw, I guess. Especially broken shower handles.

    Overwhelmed seems to be in the air these days. Mercury is in retrograde or whatever? Spring takes effort? I don't know. I really don't. We will just be overwhelmed together.

  7. damn! I want to put the boat in! Gag season started and I'm in the damn office, typing on a damn keyboard. I'd rather be fixin something! even the damn boat!

  8. Loved the last paragraph too.

  9. Angella- I am fine and you are right and it is a constant up and down and over and around, isn't it?

    SJ- I am always willing to blame the moon or the planets. Or something.

    Ellen Abbott- We have, we have, WE HAVE!

    Ms. Fleur- Oh, it's nothing. Just my general morning despair. Which comes of its own will and leaves of the same.
    But thank you so much.

    Angie M- I do, don't I?

    Ms. Vesuvius- Yes. Together. Thank you.

    Magnum- Yes. Gag season has begun. Get out on that boat, boy!

    Agnes- Thank you. I'm glad you do.

  10. That last sentence made me laugh my sorry old ass off.

  11. Miss Havisham you are not! LOL! And just think, if you WERE the president, your shower handle would never have been allowed to reach the point where it would break, because you'd have STAFF wandering around to check it and repair it first.

  12. Did you ever watch Seinfeld? George wants to get a Frogger game from a restaurant that has his high score. When he finds out that the score will disappear when it gets unplugged he shouts out,

    "Why must there always be a problem?!"

    I totally fucking get that.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.