Monday, April 1, 2013

Meanwhile, Back On The Ranch

What a sweetness it was to sleep in my own black-dark room last night. Or, actually, the room we've been sleeping in, the Panther Room, and I guess eventually Mr. Moon and I are going to have to figure out how to move the bed from in there to our room or maybe not. I don't know. I sort of like going back and forth between the rooms and beds. Anyway, la-di-dah. I slept pretty well, my man on the island, the book I'm reading taking his place on the bed.
Books are really quiet.

Elvis is taking off across the backyard, five hens in tow. Wait. Now he's gone back to the hen house to collect Miss Bob. He is such a good rooster. I know. I say that all the time. At the wedding, Kerry was gently chiding me (okay, he was giving me shit) about writing about my grandsons so much. I denied the charge and pointed out that since I'd been at the wedding I had not shown ONE person so much as ONE photo of ONE grandson although I had shown someone a picture of Elvis, my rooster.
And it was the truth. Do you know how hard it is not to show people pictures of Gibson and Owen? But I was strong. It's almost like doing a hit of a drug, to show people pictures of my grandchildren. I do realize, however, that my grandchildren may be the most precious, darling people in the world to me but not necessarily to others. I'm not an idiot.
Okay, I am an idiot but not about everything.
There were children at the wedding, as I said, and I had to restrain myself from scooping them up and nuzzling their necks. That, too, would be wrong, seeing as how those children didn't know me.
Boy. I was practicing a lot of self-restraint wasn't I?
Yes. Yes I was.

It's a lovely morning here in Lloyd and it's warmish although a little overcast. As you can see from the pictures above the dogwoods are blooming and also the wisteria. I'm hungry and need to figure out that eating breakfast thing. I also need to take a walk and I'm going to go take care of the boys at their house for a few hours this afternoon. Yes. My grandsons. My darling, precious, beautiful grandsons.

This is my blog and I don't have to show any restraint here whatsoever.

Although I do. Believe me.

Okay, okay. Here's another picture of Gibson from yesterday. It's when he finally decided that Mark was okay. He's starting to get a little shy but not too shy. Just a little. He's still walking like a drunken Frankenstein but he's doing more and more of it. He'll get the hang.

Mark is so good with babies. So is Uncle Hank. Babies know who to trust.

All right. I better get to it. Whatever "it" is. The only real thing I have planned for this time that Mr. Moon is going to be gone is to clean out the refrigerator which is filthy and there are condiments in there which may go back to the Carter administration.
Not really. That was hyperbole. I think.
Still. It needs cleaning and that's no joke.

It's Monday. It's April 1 but let's try not to be fools, okay?

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I am trying not to be a fool today. Difficult for me though.
    Yes, it is your blog and you post whatever you like. I figure there is enough managing in life without people telling me what to write on the blog too.

  2. I am sure I'll get pranked at least once today... always happens and always catches me off guard. I would say you showed tremendous restraint in not showing pictures of your babies. I hope you don't ever restrain yourself with pictures of them here. I think all of us have come to love them from afar. I am glad you enjoyed the weekend and found beauty in it. I am wondering how your dress was and bet you fit right in. S. Jo

  3. It's your blog and so you get to post whatever you like, and i for one am very happy about that because i just eat up those pictures and words about your grandbabies, they are so adorable, i love watching them grow and i love how you talk about them and i feel a sense of wonder when i think how precious these words will be to them one day, how they will be able to see themselves becoming. so with all due respect to kerry, um, no. it's not too much. not at all. not by a million miles.

  4. I love loving where you live through your eyes.

    Drunk Frankenstein is the perfect description.

  5. I like the faces your boys make. I like their faces.
    post away!

  6. Mr. Curry cleaned our fridge two weeks ago and I felt warm and happy all day. Gibson has THE cutest little smile.

  7. Syd- Since Kerry has been my main muse for many years, I take what he says seriously. Except for that too-much-grandkids-on-the-blog-thing. And I think he's sort of joking. Maybe.

    S. Jo- My dress is still up for debate. And there will never be a lack of pictures of my grandbabies here. That's just the way it is.

    Angella- See what I said to Syd. Kerry can say whatever he wants to to me and I will just be happy he reads, still, what I write. And he's a fool for his beautiful grandchildren too, so there is that.

    Ms. Vesuvius- Stagger, stagger, arms out-stretched. It's sort of beautiful.

    Rachel- Oh. I will.

    Maggie May- Isn't a freshly cleaned refrigerator one of the best things? We open that door so many times a day. What a nice husband you have to clean it out for you.

  8. Please always share pictures of your grandsons with us :)

  9. My dad once remarked to my sister that he didn't read my blog often because it's "always about her slough and the birds" and when I heard that, I told him: "Yeah, so? That's my life. What else am I going to write about? Golf? That would be YOUR blog!"

    So you write all you want about those grandchildren. You write about what moves YOU. And readers who don't like it? You know where they can go. They can go find the blogs that DO interest them.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.