Wednesday, October 21, 2015

To Accept That Which Cannot Be Changed, Even The Gifts

Today was a picking-flowers-walk day. I did a bit of strolling rather than pushing myself. Some days, I think that is all that needs to be done. To walk more for the soul than for the body while still moving the body in a way which will benefit it more than doing nothing at all. I put the flowers in the red pitcher that my Lynn gave me, so many years ago.
She gave the best gifts.

Tomorrow Mr. Moon and I are leaving to go to Apalachicola to celebrate our anniversary. I am looking forward to that. Perhaps, since we have an extra day, we will go to St. George and swim in the water there. I crave the water, the beach, the horizon stretched out forever or as far as the eye can see. It will be good to be in Apalach, too, at the old Gibson where we can be just with each other, leave everything behind but ourselves for a few days. To eat delicious seafood and shop in the most desultory way, to nap and lay about, to perhaps play some cards on the porch of the old hotel, to
To be loving.

We have heard from the geneticist. Mr. Moon has neither of the syndromes/diseases that he was tested for. It would appear he is completely fine.
His feet and legs, of course, proving this not to be true.
One of the markers for Lyme Disease was a bit high so I suppose we will pursue that as a last resort. Why not? Tick bites are a regular occurrence around here and have always been.

We laugh. Last night he was complaining of his back hurting and said that it was probably from his work-out and I was complaining about my hip hurting saying it was probably from my walk and we realized how funny that was- the things we do to prevent old age from completely taking over cause us such pain.
Well. You have to find it funny or you'll just go sign up for the old folks home now and find a comfortable chair and sit in it until you die, I suppose, watching Wheel of Fortune.
Not an option. Not yet, anyway.

We go on and if we go on more slowly, at least we have a better view and more appreciation of the paths we take.

And pick flowers along the way.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Since my hubby and I retired a couple years ago, we have trouble remembering what day it is. So whoever gets up first to make the coffee (that's usually him, and I'm OK with that) greets the other with, 'Good morning! Today is , and my goal is no pain today.' Yeah, I think that may be a sign of aging....

  2. Catrina- That's great! I'm going to remember that!

  3. arthritis in my thumbs throbs more some days than others. I guess it depends on what I've been doing with my hands. low back pain always something to guard against. this yoga class I go to is all women younger than me. and while I can do the poses better than they can since I've been doing yoga off and onn most my life, I can't move from one asana to the next quite as fast as they can.

  4. Fresh flowers in the house
    One of my biggest indulgences

  5. Happy anniversary and have a fabulous time on your getaway. I sure hope you get to the bottom of Mr Moon's feet and leg problems. And I hope it is not serious. I don't know much about Lyme disease and whether there is a cure for it. I send a big hug and lots of love to you for your celebration! I am so happy I found you when I did. At Elizabeth's book salon someone who also found Elizabeth through her blog asked me how I found her and I said, "Mary Moon" and several at the table, even those who knew Elizabeth in other ways said they read your blog. You are famous in my eyes!

  6. Beautifully written.... so much soul in your words. Have a wonderful time!

    Lisa from Michigan

  7. Ellen Abbott- Do you remember that old song? "It takes me all night long/To do what I used to do all night long?"
    Sort of like that, isn't it?

    John Gray- Always!

    Joanne- No one seems to know a whole lot about Lyme disease. Not even really how to diagnose it. Sigh...
    Oh. Thank you so much for those sweet words! I am SO not famous. Not even a legend in my own mind. But it is so nice to know that some people do read here.

    Lisa- Thank you! I think we will have a good time!

  8. Your flowers are lovely! I know how much angst can go into planning for a vacation, and I don't have a lovely flock of chickens to worry about. I hope you have a wonderful trip, and get to just be. That is a lovely goal. Happy anniversary to you both. May you have many many more :)

  9. Your flowers are lovely! I know how much angst can go into planning for a vacation, and I don't have a lovely flock of chickens to worry about. I hope you have a wonderful trip, and get to just be. That is a lovely goal. Happy anniversary to you both. May you have many many more :)

  10. Love the flowers, and the pitcher. It's true that a leisurely walk does as much good as a brisk one, I think.

    Glad Mr. M doesn't have those perplexing genetic syndromes, but yeah, what the heck is up?

    (As for pain after working out, even young people have that! Maybe not in quite the same way, though...)

  11. Some people are just awesome, thoughtful gift givers!!
    I need a vacation too. From myself.

  12. Hope that you are enjoying your anniversary. It is good to get away for sure.

    Working out helps me to keep the aches away. I am glad to be doing as much exercise as I can. Some days I do hurt. But thank goodness for Aleve.


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