Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Second Day Of Winter, 2024

Another Stab-Your-Heart blue sky day and what it looked like behind pecan branches that have lost their leaves, although the Spanish moss hangs on faithfully through the year. 

Today has been a sweet day. I did something I haven't done in awhile and have missed and that was doing some easy weeding in the garden. This is one of my favorite things to do this time of year. The weather is perfect for doing a little work outside, the weeds are spare and sparse but enough to make me feel like I'm doing something, and I can listen to an audio book as I go. It really is almost a perfect activity for me. 

I planted that red cabbage just for fun this year and I have no idea if it will head up or not but it seems happy where it is. 
And look what I found growing right inside the fence.

The first little wild violet. Isn't it sweet? 
Obviously, I am a woman who is not afraid to get her hands dirty. It makes me happy to get my hands dirty. 

It froze here again last night despite the forecast which said it would only get down to 35 degrees. I didn't cover up any plants but I did bring my baby mangoes and sea grape in and thank goodness. Turns out that we were a little late bringing in my old, big mango plant because in a few days, its leaves began to show me in no uncertain terms that the cold had gotten to it, despite covering it. But I've cut it back and I am pretty sure it will put out new growth. I have made Glen promise me that this spring he will help me repot it in a bigger pot with more dirt because the poor thing has been cramped and crowded for years. 

I don't really have much to say this evening. I feel calm and at peace. Things with my sweetheart and me are easy and sweet. Yesterday when we were at the Waffle House, we were holding hands across the table and an older gentleman stopped on his way to pay his bill and said he loved seeing that. "We're still newlyweds," said Mr. Moon. "We've only been married forty years." 
And the crazy thing is, sometimes we do remember that time when we were so young and in that new kind of love that takes over everything. And we marvel at that. How we can still feel that way. We are the lucky ones. 
"Well, Merry Christmas!" said the old guy before he stepped up to pay his bill. 
"Thank you," we said, "And Merry Christmas to you." 
And he'd been so sweet I couldn't help but mean it. 

Glen's got the gas logs going in the fireplace in the Glen Den. It makes the room so very cozy. And warm. There's just a little bit of light left in the sky and I can hear at least three different kinds of birds twittering about going to bed. 

I always know how lucky I am but once in awhile, I truly feel it to my bones and those are the best days of all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. That fireplace looks cozy. We can all gather round with our beverage of choice. Cheers.

    1. Despite all the animals on the wall in that room, it is still a rather cozy place, especially with the fire.

  2. Such contentment. That was good to read

    1. I wish I could feel that way every day but I suppose I would start to take it for granted.

  3. Frost in Florida? I always thought you were subtropical. Humid and hot and large animals trying to kill you.
    Glen's comment made me smile.

    1. We ARE subtropical. And the subtropics do get frost occasionally. And yes, we have large animals but they really aren't out to kill us. It's rare that they do.
      Glen's a funny guy. The dad jokes are coming thick and fast these days. Sigh.

  4. Replies
    1. It's just such a primal comfort, even the fake ones.

  5. This post made my heart sing. What a lovely day you had.

  6. I love those times when my heart fills and I realize how much love I feel. As River said, this post made my heart sing.

    1. Isn't that the truth? We realize how much love we feel. It's a sort of miracle, I think.

  7. Lovely read today Mary. I love living way up here, even during the cold season and snow, but I do miss birdsong. Your birds twittering before bedtime twanged my heart as did Glen's comment to the passing gentleman.

    1. We have birds all year round. I have found several wrens on the back porch lately. I'm not sure what they're up to. Scouting for spring nest places?

  8. Merry Christmas, Mary - to you and your whole wonderful family! xo

  9. I love this post. Merry Christmas, you two lovebirds!

    1. That's funny, Debby. Right after the older gentleman said what he said, a woman that I know came in and when she saw us we were still holding hands and she said, "Look you two lovebirds."

  10. I worked outside a little yesterday over at Pam's as there's not much to do in my yard right now. what I did was take out another of her little flower beds that nothing but johnson grass was growing in and a giant fire ant bed. pulled out dead stalks and dead grass and removed the bricks and shoulder border pieces and stacked them behind the shed so Joe can mow over it next time he comes.

  11. You and Glen have a wonderful life together. There are always small bumps along the way, but overall things seem really great. Enjoy!

    1. No relationship is ALL sweetness and light. It's just not even possible.

  12. What a great post. I love hearing about your small daily happinesses. This is the stuff that life is made of.

  13. I loved the opening line and the closing para of this post. A….. Stab-Your-Heart blue sky day. … never heard that expression before.

    1. I believe I made that expression up. I used it a few days ago and said that's how blue the sky is right now.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.