Sunday, December 15, 2024

How We Eat Pizza And So Many Other Things

This is how Mr. Moon and I eat our pizza. I make a lovely salad of mixed greens with a garlicky, vinegary, olive oil dressing, salt and pepper. Honey, I'm here to tell you- the best. It is even, dare I say? GOURMET!
Of course this only happens in winter when I have the greens that are worthy. I suppose you could try it with regular boring lettuce but what would be the point? It just would not be the same. 

The boys did not eat this deliciousness on their pizza. They eat pizza in the manly way with nothing on it at all except for the cheese, pepperoni, and pineapple that came on it, and had their vegetables on the side. 

With small lakes of ranch dressing to dip them in. 

It was a fun supper and then they wanted to shower in Boppy's bathroom (he does have the coolest shower) and so he oversaw that operation while I got started cleaning up and then there were brown cows, teeth brushing and then...Harry Potter. 
Oh my heart. 
I had so much fun reading to them. They were sleepy as two little boys who'd had a big day could be but with great will and effort they kept their eyeballs open. I kept asking them if they wanted me to stop so that they could go to sleep but they kept saying "no" until I finally called it myself and they did not complain. I bet they were asleep within two seconds of me turning out the light. And I heard no peeps from them all night. 

This morning I got up pretty early for me. Glen had gone duck hunting before dawn and I'd given the kids strict instructions not to get out of that bed before seven o'clock but that after that, they could get up and go watch TV. I put glasses of orange juice in the refrigerator where they could reach them and bananas out on the counter so they would not starve before their real breakfast. 
And they did exactly what I told them and even took their glasses back to the kitchen when they were done with their juice. After I'd had some coffee, I made their pancakes and cooked the bacon. 

These are blueberry, grated apple, and oat bran pancakes and I will tell you that both of those children had eaten three very large ones down to a drop of syrup before I even put my fork on mine. 

There were also scrambled eggs for me and Levon. August does not eat eggs. They each got one more pancake and that was all I'd made. 

Then, there was kid Monopoly.

Big fun! If you have kid-entertaining needs and those kids are a little too young for regular Monopoly, this is a good game. It goes fast and isn't very complicated but there is some math involved and some reading. Also, it doesn't take 28 hours to finish one game. We played two games in about forty-five minutes. 

The kitchen was a disaster site, the boys' bedroom was a mess, and I acknowledged all that and said, "Who cares? Let's go read!" and read we did, sitting in the library. 
Heaven for me. And I think they liked it too. 
Then their mama came to pick them up. She had stopped by the pottery studio and found my poor, sad little first attempt at a bowl which had come out of the kiln after glazing, and brought it to me, along with some of her cookies. 

Bowl and Cookie

She did not win the cookie contest but I'm sure everyone enjoyed them. I ate one and it was great. The raspberry cream filling was perfect with the lemon and rosemary in the shortbread.

I made the boys pose for me when they were about to get in the car because I had to get a picture of their new Crocs.

They were being goofy. Why I feel the need to tell you this is beyond me. 

And so that was their visit and I think they had a good time. I know I did. After they left I got things tidied and did some laundry. I blame the fact that I have such endless laundry on my husband who is so large that one pair of his overalls is half a load in and of itself and also, he takes at least two showers a day. I would not say that he is actually OCD but I will say that the man likes being clean. And that is not a bad thing in a husband. 

I have felt quite reasonably energetic and cheerful today which is a fine way to feel. I have also spent a good part of today being grateful beyond measure that it's not last Sunday when I was eating Jello and sipping broth and spending vast amounts of time in the bathroom. 

Thank you all for helping me get through that. Truly, your reassurance helped me a great deal and I appreciated it so much. 

Now all I have to do is finish getting the Christmas presents for my family which, if you know me, is a gargantuan task that pushes every one of my crazy-buttons. I have a few things but not nearly enough and some of the things I have ordered have not arrived and if they don't get here soon I'll...what? 
Not die, I'm fairly sure. 

Take care, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Sounds like a really great time was had with those two awesome boys! And yes- a clean husband ain’t too bad either!😅Glad you’re feeling good! And- your bowl is really pretty!! Xo, Rigmor

    1. Glazing does amazing things to even the most prosaic and ill-conceived pottery.
      I had a very good time with August and Levon . They are funny, sweet boys.

  2. It looks and sounds like a wonderful visit was had. Those boys are growing up so fast.
    Your bowl turned out very pretty. I think you're a little too hard on yourself.
    Full disclosure, I am typing under the influence. I've decided to try Katie on marijuana again, but just the CBD, and in edible form. I tried one this afternoon before I give her one. I feel fine but my brain has kind of shut up, which is nice for a change.
    Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow:)

    1. Honey- I am going to try some of gummies with THC in them. For some reason we can buy those over the counter without a medical- needs license. A friend of mine is using them and is doing very, very well. Why shouldn't we?

    2. Sounds like a wonderful idea:)

    3. Legal where I live - highly recommend!

  3. Oh, that pizza and pancakes. I think I gained 5 lbs. just looking at them!! Heaven! Not the 5 lbs. but the pizza and pancakes! If I lived with you Mary, they'd have to get a forklift to haul me out of the back of the house. Your food just looks THAT delicious! I'm a piss poor cook and live vicariously.
    Your pottery dish looks quite nice. Oh, and there's a cookie! We won't go there. I obviously have food issues!
    The boys love their visits. What wonderful grandparents those boys have.
    Freezing our arses off in NE Ohio. Sleet, rain and ice all day here.
    Paranormal John

    1. John, if you lived with me I would make you food that fit into your dietary requirements. Trust me- I have done that before and I have made some very decent meals within those parameters.
      Food issues? I have had most of them.
      You poor thing with that weather. It is lovely here now, warm enough to go barefoot, but cool enough to wear long sleeves. This is Florida.

  4. What a wonderful and satisfying weekend! I do like your bowl very much.

    1. Yes. A good weekend. And the bowl? Oh, it can hold something.

  5. I love that bowl. Even without cookies.

  6. Your little bowl is a nice little piece. I remember reading Harry to my grands. I even did voices well enough. And, I'll second John's weather report. We've had a mizerable day.

    1. Thank you, Joanne. I hope y'all get a break from the horrible weather soon.

  7. Replies
    1. The cookies are so pretty! I don't have the patience for that sort of fanciness but I appreciate when others do.

  8. I think, for all your protestations, your little bowl turned out nicely. I love your goofy grandchildren.

  9. There is NOTHING poor or sad about that beautiful little bowl, I love the colour too. I eat my pizza with only the things baked on it, with green salad and garlic bread on the side. But I do tend to overload the toppings a bit, pineapple, ham, garlic, fire-roasted capsicum strips from a jar (sweet peppers) chopped olives, a little basil, tomatoes, sliced mushrooms and the cheese of course. So the salad is hardly necessary, but it's there anyway.

    1. See- that's what I figure. You've got all these vegetables on the pizza (well, that's how I make it) and so why not just add the leafy green part to the top of it? And the flavor of the arugula and mustard greens is a perfect addition in my opinion.

  10. If reincarnation is a thing I will come back as your grandchild!!!

  11. P.S. I hope Gibson and his friend had a wonderful time.

  12. Glad you could have such a good time with your boys and sound like they did, too, with you. Did Glen get any ducks? Treasure your bowl. I keep a tiny little vase my SIL made when she was first into that type creation and gave me. She was amazed years later I had kept it but I thought it carried memories.

    1. And I'm sure that vase DOES carry memories. Or did, if it's not still around.
      Glen did get ducks which I discovered to my horror when I opened the refrigerator in the garage.

  13. You did a good job talking trash about your first pottery project. It’s beautiful! So you can stop apologizing now. You are the best grandma in the world! And, given how dirty Mr. Moon gets I‘m sure, it’s a good thing he likes to get clean.

    1. Well, I have eyes and I know that if I saw that bowl on the shelf of things that had been glazed and fired, I would have thought, "oh dear."
      I doubt seriously I am the best grandmother in the world but I am the best grandmother in this house. I am certain of that.
      You're right about Glen getting dirty. He surely does. But let's say he comes home and takes a shower after working all day- there is a good chance he'll take another before he gets in bed, otherwise he feels "sticky."

  14. Transatlantic applause bouncing over the ocean in praise of your little bowl. The glazing process is very often quite magical as it probably was in this instance. Your adult version of homemade pizza looks tasty and nourishing to me when very often pizza is so disappointing.

    1. The glazing process IS magical! And you were right, definitely in this instance.
      I bet you'd like the pizza I make.

  15. Codex: For your first attempt the bowl turned out well. Hello back yes I've commented before.

    1. Well, I have a memory that is growing holier and holier every day and not in the religious sense.

  16. Your pizza with fresh greens looks fantastic. I will try this combination.
    Your grandsons must love their time with you. The meals, games and reading HP keeps them happily entertained and makes a great time together with you.
    Your bowl is nicely done. The pattern and glaze are both lovely.

    1. Well, the boys also got to watch several hours of uninterrupted TV and I'm sure that was the best part of all for them.
      Can you get arugula where you live? I think that's what makes the salad so good.

  17. your bowl is not bad for a first effort. and the cookies are so cute. and those goofy boys are so endearing and of course August's pink crocs. I loved to read 'chapter' books to my kids and grandkids too.

    1. The bowl is pretty bad, even for a first effort but I do like the colors I chose.
      They can probably see those Crocs from outer space. That boy does love pink.
      Reading to kids was my favorite part of motherhood, I think.

  18. Your sleepovers sound like so much fun, Mary. You are a fabulous grandma! I like your bowl and think it turned out great!

    1. The sleepovers are fun, really. Especially now that the kiddos are all old enough not to feel the need to wander into our room in the middle of the night. I do miss the cuddles, though.

  19. I love rocket on most stuff but it’s glorious on advacado on toast ( with egg)

    1. I always forget that what we call arugula, you call rocket. And it does sort of go off in your mouth like a rocket, doesn't it? NO DOUBLE ENTENDRE IMPLIED!
      The stuff we grow in the garden is infinitely better than what you can get at the grocery store but you could say that about most everything.

  20. I love the crocs, especially the red and pink together! I wonder why August is averse to eggs? It's funny how kids develop certain "rules" about food. I guess we all have them.

    I think your bowl turned out great! I love that color.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.