Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Adventures In Drugs And Self-Awareness

I had another epiphany today. No, it wasn't about writing or anything high-minded or enlightening, it was about the drugs I took yesterday for the procedure.
I was in pottery with Jessie, having actually gotten up early to go because it was the last class of this year and I really wanted to finish one piece if possible and also, I do like pottery class. So anyway, there I was in class and there is sort of limited working space and almost all of it was being taken up and Jessie and I needed places to sit and work and everyone was chattering about their projects or the big pottery show that had happened last weekend or Christmas or whatever and I realized that I was feeling pretty darn spacey. Someone would tell me something and I'd be like, "What? Wait. Am I supposed to put a really thin coat of this wax on the bottom?" having no real idea what the hell they'd just told me. I mean, I wasn't having a stroke or anything but concentration was not happening. And then I figured out that I was still working the dang Fentanyl and Versed out of my system and it all made sense. How bizarre not to have been able to enjoy their sweet come-on but was having to deal with the remaining annoying after-effects. 
And THEN I remembered that when I got out of the car yesterday when we got home, I thought, "Wow. My hips and knee don't hurt at all! Maybe they're right about fasting! It really works!" And I laughed and laughed when I remembered that because of course I was on major, major pain drugs and of course nothing hurt. 
Ooh-boy. I was pretty slow with that one. 

When I got up from my nap yesterday and after I wrote my post, I actually made the most delicious supper. Please don't laugh- I made hamburgers and Tater Tots. Glen was as happy as I was. And I did a pretty damn good job, even getting all the condiments on the table as well as our eating utensils and everything came out at the same time. I was inordinately proud. 
The house still smelled like hamburgers when I got up this morning and I smiled. 

So it's been a full day. We did the pottery thing and I got one piece glazed- that first bowl I threw on the wheel that our teacher pretty much made for me. The cracker platter was in the kiln so I couldn't glaze that and so was the plate. But hell, I did glaze one thing and honey, it is going to be butt-ugly. I enjoyed class though. We got to talking to one lady who's always been relatively quiet and damn if it didn't turn out that she'd taught fiber arts in colleges AND been a fashion designer. I never would have guessed that in a million years. And thanks to Liz-Boud over at FieldandFen, and her posts about fiber arts and the internet program she shares images and words from every week, I was actually able to discuss some of the things that I have learned and never would have even thought of if not for her and it was a really good discussion.

Unless, you know, I was just so stoned that I thought it was a great discussion. This is possible. 

And then there was lunch and Costco where I discovered that they'd put the cheese back where it used to be. I pointed that out to Jessie and she asked if that made me happy. 
"So happy," I said. 

I also went to Publix where nothing out of the ordinary happened and drove home quite safely and unloaded everything and put it all away and uncovered the front porch plants as we are looking at a good stretch of time with no freezes and put my Roseland seedling babies back out on the kitchen porch and made a loaf of bread and thawed out some chicken for our supper.

Jessie asked me today if I felt a huge sense of relief after finding out that no, I do not at this time have colon cancer. I thought about that for a moment and said, "Yes, I do. But not as much as I thought I would."
She said, "It doesn't seem like you are." 
And here's the thing- I just did not feel as if I had colon cancer. For whatever reason that just didn't seem like something for me to be afraid of and although I certainly did have several strong talks with myself about how yes, I could very definitely be one of the people who do have it and that I should be prepared for that, it didn't seem real. Yesterday I had more anxiety about it than at any time before but it was still not like the kind of anxiety I've had about much less serious or even imagined things. 
And I am not claiming any sort of inner-knowledge about the state of my colon. At all. But that's just the way it went. I am very much relieved but honestly, I've felt more relieved just getting through an annual physical exam. 

I'm crazy. Never doubt that. I've been living with this brain for seventy years and I still have no idea how it really works. 


Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Your day sounds back to normal, I'm so glad. I haven't had tater tots in I can't remember how long. I used to keep some in the freezer when the grands were little and with me often. I might just buy myself some soon.

  2. I'm glad you had a good day, those drugs took longer to clear my system than the doctor said they might...

  3. I don't remember getting fentanyl but that versed is mighty fine stuff.

  4. That camellia is stunning! So beautiful!!

  5. I am always in awe of your camellias. Invariably when you post a photo it becomes my new favorite. I got lost in the last photo with all the different textures, starred at it for many minutes. So satisfying to look at. Just stunning.
    Angie D

  6. Anesthesia seems to hit people in vastly different ways. You certainly had some lingering effects. For me, they have a hard time waking me up. They complain. They need the spot for others coming out of the procedure and I just want to sleep some more.
    Your pottery class seems like good fun.

  7. Welcome back to Planet Earth Cap'n Moon! You bin cruising in outer space gal.

  8. I had no idea a colonoscopy involved such heavy drugs! Wow. Learned something there.

  9. I found that after feeling pretty great ,the drug wears off totally and BOOM! I hit the boo hoos hard.
    That flower looks delightfully like a confection.

  10. residual drug coma.....that you could *sort of* enjoy today!? LOL! Wonder what your pottery will look like! That camellia is sublime.
    Susan M

  11. Whatever they gave me for the colon pictures, was not fentanyl. I woke up feeling fine, went on feeling fine. After fentanyl for the eye surgery I was sick for three days, nausea, vomiting, had to have Handsome Son pull over on the way home even. They have notes never to do that again!
    How cool that my blog provided you with material for that convo! St least we think it did!

  12. I had propofol. (Isn't that what ended up killing Michael Jackson? I always meant to look). But there was no drug 'hangover'. Just as you've picked up things from Boud, I've picked up things from you. I've been thinking of a pottery class, but I am pretty sure that we don't have anything locally.

  13. I have no idea what I had with mine but I was wide awake after with no lasting effects at all.
    Is that pretty white flower a camellia? It looks like a gardenia.
    I'm looking forward to photos of your glazed pot.

  14. Glad that you have survived the drugs and all is well inside you!
    I have had morphine twice in my life.....once as Pethidine when giving birth to a breech baby, and then about 15 years ago after my knee operation. Both times I had hallucinations. After the baby it was a graph on a wall as if it was being projected there, and after the knee it was like a pen and ink drawing of complicated patterns moving up the wall and over the ceiling...weird ! Thank goodness it wasn't spiders crawling on the bed!!

  15. Ah, drugs. Glad you felt no pain for a little bit. I’m a light touch, like you. I walk around a bit hazy the day after. Or maybe I’m just a bit hazy every day. Can’t wait to see your glazed works!

  16. The pottery class sounds like fun and, of course, you get to hang out with Jessie which is fabulous. I feel that way about my daughter, Maggie. We always have such great times together no matter what we do. I really cherish those moments.

  17. The last two times at Costco, second to last just Mar went, came home no butter, wasn't in the refrigerator cases. I thought that odd like he just didn't see it even though he said he looked twice. last time we both went and still no butter. really, no butter? so I found an employee and they had moved it into the dairy cold room. why? I mean I understand why but it's been in the refrigerator cases forever.
    I signed Robin and I up for the origami ornament making session at Hesed House. crazy, right? I don't do christmas but I like origami and it seemed like a fun thing Robin and I could do together.

  18. I think I may sign up for a pottery class. I'm retired by everything gets in the way of me doing what I want to do, so a class will help me take some time for myself. Or stress me out because I'm a perfectionist:)
    I had to laugh at the lack of pain. My mum was on morphine for her arthritis pain but she didn't think it really worked, until one day she was late for her dose and the pain all came back. Convinced her to keep taking it, even though she thought it made her a drug addict:)
    The first time I got drunk, I passed out and when I woke up, I opened my eyes and I could see clearly for the first time in years. I thought man, I should have gotten drunk sooner, and the I realized I had passed out while wearing my contacts. Sigh.

  19. You never sound remotely crazy and I'm glad the test gave the right results.

  20. It's interesting that you were feeling the after-effects of the drugs the next day. I don't remember that happening after my colonoscopies, but maybe I was so spacey that I never figured it out! LOL

  21. Oh my, Mary - my brain works that way too! If I (or someone I love) has a medical test, or a scary followup, I scan my body mentally to see if I can find the dread, and if I don't, I worry less. I am sure this bizarre thing will fail me someday, but it's been accurate so far. I also have never had Covid (or at least symptomatic Covid) so maybe I'm some sort of freak of nature ;)


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