Saturday, June 1, 2024

Back To The Garden And So Forth

 Okay. Here's a picture for you.

For some crazy reason Facebook assumes that I enjoy posts about the Rolling Stones and since today is Ronnie Wood's seventy-seventh birthday (he's the baby of the group), and the eighth birthday of his twin daughters, AND the forty-ninth anniversary of his first official gig with the Stones, I've gotten a lot of posts about him. This picture came from Ronnie's official FB site and I do not know how I could love the picture more. Do I even need to say another word? 

Mr. Moon and I were watching some YouTube footage from a concert the Stones did at MetLife stadium last night and I truly realized what Ronnie offers to the band. He is easy to lose in the presence of Mick and Keith and even Darryl Jones, their bass player who is a strikingly handsome man with a big presence

while Ronnie is...more of a tiny gnome of a man whose face bears the absolute truth of every year of his life. But he is a giant on guitar. Never really flashy, but he when he takes the lead, you know it's going to be good and when he and Keith do what they call the "ancient art of guitar weaving" it is hard to tell who is playing what which I find to be an incredibly rare trait for a guitar player and I have known a few of them. 
Let me just say that in Spinal Tap when the guitarist wanted to turn his amp to 11, it made all the sense in the world to me. 

So Happy Birthday, Ronnie and Happy Birthday to those beautiful little girls. The Stones are a tough old bunch although Charlie has gone ahead of them, all born during WW II. They probably didn't get enough to eat, or least not the "right" things to eat in our nutritionally aware culture, and grew up among the burned out ruins left from The Blitz. And yet here they are, and yes, Ronnie is the father of eight-year olds and Mick is the father of a seven-year old and there are other grown children and grandchildren and in Mick's case, great-grandchildren. From what I understand, many of the Stones' family members travel with them when they are on tour from children to partners. I find that rather heartwarming. They are a band of traveling troubadours. 

I spent most of the day on my knees in the garden, trying to pull up all of the weeds. I did not accomplish that and yes, that means another day of doing something that no one in this world will notice except possibly Mr. Moon. Well, he will, especially after I tell him. I would have weeded longer if my knees hadn't started yelling at me and I hadn't been sweating so much. It wasn't even that hot but as I've aged, heat affects me more than it ever has. But I did what I could and possibly tomorrow I can finish. I need to can another batch of beans. 

Glen himself has spent the day at Tom's, building him steps to get up onto the porch of the Tiny Home. I keep thinking that with each further thing he accomplishes, that will be that and he can drive off knowing that he did his job and then some. Soon. That will come soon. 

When I came back into the house awhile ago, I opened up the jigsaw puzzle that I had ordered which came yesterday. I have been craving to have another one going. It is such a meditative activity for me. I am really excited about this one. It is called, "Women Reading."

I just love these eeboo puzzles with their colors and designs, inclusivity and imaginative scenarios that tell many little stories. I am sure there are better methods of doing them than the ones I've fallen into but finishing the puzzles is not really the goal. The enjoyment comes in each endorphin hit when I find two pieces that fit, figure out where in the puzzle they belong. And of course, there's the need for focus and that does not come naturally to me. Neither does the visual aspect. I am not a visual person. I think this is because I was so late being diagnosed with nearsightedness and had learned to get around in the world with only the broadest of visual hints. Every one in the world who got their first pair of glasses due to nearsightedness speaks of that moment when they put them on and realized that you could see individual leaves in trees. It is a universal experience. And with a jigsaw puzzle, every piece is a leaf in the tree. 

Thank you all for your kindness yesterday. So often I am loathe to write about the days that I feel so inadequate, so shameful, so unhappy with myself because it might feel as if I am seeking validation that I am not so bad and that feels like a very narcissistic way to act. But the truth is- some days I just do feel that way. Actually most days I feel that way to a degree but it can be overwhelming at times. So. Yes. Thank you. 

And now, even though the man is not home yet, I think I better get in that kitchen and start making a supper. I know he is going to be tired and hungry when he comes in. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. That 'Family' Stones pix is wonderful. The Son just watched them perform here in Arizona and said it was one of the best Concerts he's seen, and he goes to a lot of them. He's amazed that even over 80, for some of them, they move and Turn it Up more than he can at 37! *LOL*

    1. Hard to beat the Stones in concert. I'm so glad your boy got to go!

  2. So true about getting glasses and the revelation of it!

    1. It's just a fact that that is what happens.

  3. Oh, that first pair of glasses. I was eight years old. I came out of the optician's with my mother, and I was eight feet tall. I had to look to be sure I stepped off the curb safely.

  4. Ms Moon, I'm probably gonna get banned from commenting on your blog, but I still think that the Mick Taylor years (1969-1974) of the Stones were the best ever. He was just so damn good. Different style than Richards & Wood, but one of the best. :)

    1. Haha, Jim Davis! As if I would ban you for that. Mick Taylor was amazing. I think that Keith would have been happy if he'd stayed with the band forever and was rather mystified at why anyone would leave the Stones.

  5. I love that puzzle! Do you have the ordering information???

    1. I got it off eBay! The name of the puzzle is "Women Reading" and it is an eeboo puzzle.

  6. 37p—love those eeboo puzzles! Love the Stone family picture. Love you!

  7. I love that puzzle and of course now I am going to search for "eeboo" puzzles and maybe find a few for myself. I am long sighted so I have always been able to see the individual leaves, but I am also cross-eyed which is probably why I got carsick so often as a child. Yet I learned to read early (age 3) and didn't get glasses until I was twenty-two.

    1. My son Hank learned to read at three too. He pretty much taught himself.
      Good luck with finding the puzzle! I just love this one.

  8. At first glance I thought the Stones had paid you a visit! I wonder where Facebook got the wild idea that you’d be interested. I love jigsaw puzzles.

    1. Oh, be still my heart! Just the thought of those four guys at my house with TWO BEAUTIFUL BABIES is enough to make me swoon. I love that they get together for things like that.
      You like jigsaw puzzles too? Are we really sure we're not related?

    2. Ms. Moon:
      Shadows & Light Steve knew we’d connect. He was so right!

    3. Steve is a very smart lad.

  9. Have you added up all of the children that the Rolling Stones have created? I just wonder how many children, grandchildren and great-children have connections to those men? Seems like a lot.
    That looks like a fun puzzle to do!

    1. No. I haven't counted them. I'll look it up right now: Charlie only had one child. Keith has had five but one of them died of crib death. Mick has fathered eight that we know of (ha!) and Ronnie six so that makes...twenty children fathered by the four of those guys. Now as to grandchildren...more research is required.

  10. The epic Stones! I've mostly lost track of them. Your post shows they are active and doing well. I wonder if any of the future generation shows talent. The Tiny House project seems to grow. You'll be glad when it is completed, finished and done. Customized?

    1. I have seen videos of Mick's youngest son dancing and he surely shows some potential. His mother is a ballerina so...
      I do not think there will be any customization on the Tiny House done by Mr. Moon further than the stairs and a guardrail.

  11. I think I've said before that I love jigsaw puzzles but I don't do them because I will do nothing else until it's finished. and I already don't have enough time to do everything that needs doing.

    1. Maybe now would be a good time to do one, Ellen!

  12. "So often I am loathe to write about the days that I feel so inadequate, so shameful, so unhappy with myself because it might feel as if I am seeking validation that I am not so bad and that feels like a very narcissistic way to act. But the truth is- some days I just do feel that way. Actually most days I feel that way to a degree but it can be overwhelming at times." I often feel the same. I'm learning to undo what a lifetime of being told that I am less than did to me. It's never too late to be compassionated with yourself sweetie. Learn to be as kind to yourself as you are to your children. I wish I could give you a hug in person because I wouldn't let go until it got awkward:)

    1. I would hug you for twenty minutes. At least.

  13. I need to proof read, not compassionated, just compassionate:)

    1. I think the word "compassionated" should be made legit.

  14. It's so impressive how Mr. Moon presses ahead to complete the task and do it well, regardless of whatever roadblocks or discouragements may present themselves.

    The top picture is SO YOU -- the Stones and babies, together!

    1. It's funny. With some projects, Glen will not stop until it's done. With, not so much. I am not exactly sure what the deciding factors are but I do know that in this case, he just wants Tom settled safely.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.