Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Sunday No Title

Doesn't it look like Levon is in prison here? 
Well, he's not. He's just at camp. That's him in his bunk. The picture sort of makes my heart hurt because he looks so tiny. He's still our baby! But he and August are going to be great. 

Vergil took that picture when they were on the way. He said "Both boys were a little nervous today but also super excited. They have a lot going for them including familiarity of the campus, a mom-nurse onsite, an alumnus dad, and grandparents who have been involved with the camp for decades. They're basically Rockmont royalty."
But even princes can be worried about big new things like sleep-over camp. 
I remember how hard it was to drop my children off at camp. They all went to a scout camp about twenty miles west of Tallahassee. Hank loved it so much that after his first summer I wasn't worried about him at all. He went back as a counselor after he was too old to be a camper. May went one summer, did not enjoy  it, and that was that. I think Lily liked it okay and so did Jessie. I may be misremembering some of that. I know Jessie went back at least one year. 
My own camp experiences were so-so. It was a lot of organization for me. The best summer camp experience I had was a primitive camping thing on a mountain in North Carolina. We had to try-out to qualify to participate and different Girl Scout councils would send their own groups. The group I was in got the camp site highest up the mountain and for some reason, we had no attending adult. It was awesome! We bathed in the cold stream and cooked our food over the fire pit we'd made. I have no complaints about that experience. Well, except for the fact that my tent mate kept her flashlight on half the night and even worse- called sneakers Tennie Pumps. No. Just no. Just hell no. 

I picked another 3/4's of a gallon or so of beans today and then I almost finished up the weeding. Mr. Moon's out there now, planting some more peas. Not peas like English peas or green peas but peas like beans. Yes, it is confusing. The sort of beans you don't eat the pod or hull of. You have to shell the peas out of the hulls. You know-  like black-eyed peas. They are delicious and offer a terrific excuse to sit and watch TV, while your fingers shell beans. Mr. Moon is also mulching which the garden desperately needs. I like to get all the weeds out I can before the mulch is laid down. Mulch helps with weed control and it is terrific for moisture control as well. Perhaps best of all, as it breaks down it adds valuable composition to the soil. 
Mulch is a beautiful thing. 
I killed three Georgia Thumper nymphs that I found on my eggplant plants. I hate killing things. It does damage to my soul. But dammit- there are so many of those bugs and I don't want to share the eggplant with them. 

Look at these tomatoes.

Now that's two tomato pies just waiting to happen right there. Or one tomato pie and a bunch of tomato sandwiches. 

I never did tell you how the shishito peppers came out. I did them in the air fryer and I loved them but Mr. Moon wasn't as enthusiastic. Oh well. More for me. 

That's Maurice keeping watch over the Cajun Peppers. I do not know what I'm going to do with those. They are hot. Perhaps if the tomatoes really are as abundant as they seem to be, I will make salsa. 

Here's an insect I do not, would not, kill. 

How could you even describe those wings? Language could only detract from the reality of them. In fact, they are so beautiful that I will post another picture of them from a different angle. 

I know there is a logical and scientific explanation of how those wings can propel that body and head through the air but that does not mean it's not still magic. 

And the volunteer zinnias from last year are blooming. 

The ones Glen planted have yet to bloom but I am looking forward to that. As I always say, I believe that zinnias are the happiest flower. 
And if the world needs anything right now, it's a little bit more pure happiness. 

Y'all take care and I will too. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Levon is looking forward to fun. And his big brother is close at hand.
    Maurice is quite commanding out n her garden. The boss. Lovely dragonfly.

    1. Maurice is the boss of us all, in the house and out.

  2. I love dragonflies and demoiselles, all of them. We have a lot of species, so I keep seeing new ones. They appeared last week. Yay, they eat mosquitoes.

    1. I have no idea what species this beauty was. I tried to do a little Google search but I'm not coming up with anything.

  3. Anything that eats mosquitoes is wonderful...

  4. Levon's summer camp certainly didn't waste any money on decorating. :) Great shot of the dragonfly. BTW, I really like your new header photo, if anything says "Old Florida" it does. Cheers!

    1. Haha! It's really a beautiful camp. Jessie and Vergil got married there. The old part of it was originally an amazing experimental college. Black Mountain College. Do a little google search for it if you're interested. A lot of very famous people visited and/or taught there.

  5. A dragon in your garden must be good luck.
    Camp , the prison issue!
    Levon is still the baby, growing so damned fast! He was just newborn yesterday.

    1. Oh, remember when Levon was just a plump little laughing boy? And when he carried his shovel with him everywhere and called it his "fa-fa?" Why must children grow up so fast?

  6. Those are definitely sandwich tomatoes, to me anyway. On fresh bread with real butter and thick slice of ham too. They look just like the ones I buy all summer.
    Peas that get shelled from the pods are the ones I used to grow, I'd pick a few and munch on the sweet baby peas while watering. I'm going to try zinnias again this coming spring, for the last time. If they don't grow I'll give up.

    1. We eat bacon and tomato sandwiches with good mayonnaise. Well, a lot of people eat those with lettuce too but I say why detract from tomatoes and bacon? A plain tomato sandwich is also a fine thing to eat if your tomato is fresh from the garden. We call that a sink sandwich because it's so juicy you have to eat it over the sink.

  7. I hope the boys thrive at camp. Is that a type of mayfly with the glass wings? Stunning. Our local butterfly park has glass-winged butterflies that are works of art.

    1. I have no idea what the name of that lovely insect is. I tried to do a little research but haven't turned anything up yet.
      Glass-winged butterflies are the most amazing, aren't they?

  8. Sleep-over camp is like a right-of-passage. Camp bunks. Making new friends. Singing around the fire, roasting marshmallows and all the wonderful camp activities. This camp experience is a family experience and that makes it even better. Your tomatoes are definitely prize winning.

    1. Well, the proof of the tomatoes will be in the tasting, right?
      I am so excited to see how the boys like camp.

  9. We don't have sleep over camps like you do unless it's a specific scout or school thing. As in the school holidays are spent sleeping at home.
    I was a cub scout leader for a while and those camps were a challenge. At least I was the token female and got a room to myself!
    I only know peas you shell or snow/sugar snap peas. The peas you shell are the ones you buy frozen. There are others?

    1. What a good mama you were to be a Cub Scout leader.
      Yes on the beans. I'm talking about beans that we often get either dried or canned like pinto beans, black beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans...

  10. The only thing I remember about Girl Scout camp is that I usually ended up on latrine duty for doing something wrong. I don't remember what rules I must have broken but it was a stinky job!
    Those lovely wings look too delicate to fly, don't they, Mary?! Amazing.

    1. My favorite camp chore was helping the cook make breakfast. I can remember making oatmeal for everyone! Latrine duty seems to me to have required a lot of Pine-Sol.
      Yes. Those wings do look too delicate to fly.

    2. I went to Brownie camp as a child and HATED it. Liked some stuff, hated the buddy swimming system (I was already a strong swimmer) and my epiphany came one day while sweeping out the stinky latrine. I remember thinking, “I’m only seven, why am I doing this?” Those two weeks were the sum total of my scouting experience. Margaret

  11. tomatoes did not do well here this year, not just mine but everyone I have talked to has complained about the paltry harvest. we have gotten enough off 5 plants to make one more batch of tomato sauce and having one for dinner every night. this is the only time of year we eat tomatoes. the ones in the store are tasteless.

    I went to a 6 week summer camp for four years, two years, skipped a year, and then two more years. I liked it alright but, as in my regular life, did not click with any of the others girls. just born to be a loner I guess. anyway, I do remember my last summer at camp. there was a boys camp and a girls camp separated by the dining hall and other buildings and every Friday the camp would hold a dance for the older kids. and that summer I had a 'boyfriend' and we would hang out and dance. made all those snobby other girls in my cabin jealous.

    1. We haven't had a good tomato year in forever so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The ones I started from seed have gotten big but are mostly just starting to bloom and set fruit.
      Ooh, Ellen. I can just see you being the one with a BOYFRIEND while all the other girls just pined. That evened up the score, I bet.

  12. 37paddington—it’s funny how some kids just bond with the camp experience and some are just…meh. My son loved camp. Became a counselor like Hank. And to this day his primary friend group is the camp kids he grew up with. He even got married at camp! I suspect August and Levon are going to love the experience. Hard to beat being camp royalty!

  13. That is a beautiful dragonfly (and a beautiful zinnia). If you feel guilty about the lubbers you could always throw them over the fence onto the railroad track property. But I suppose they might come back.

    I only went to day camp until I was in 8th Grade or so. I'm impressed at Levon and August being so adventurous! But of course it helps that Jessie is there.


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