Thursday, June 6, 2024

A Sweet Visit

I took that picture in my bathroom this morning. As we all know, my bathroom is just about the prettiest room in this house. That spinning lady (is she Bolivian? Peruvian?) and her baby, stand on a little cabinet in the corner by my tub and that snake plant is in a pot that belonged to my grandmother. I believe they lived quite near a pottery-making community in Tennessee and she had some very nice pots. I love the perfect simplicity of that one. The way the sun was shining through the snake plant caught my eye and I really looked at the little tableau, really saw it, really remembered how much I like it. 

It's been a very good day. Glen finished up the pot-hanging project and now I have these pans hung too, along with a basket to keep the lids in. 

I am so rich! I love it. And with the help of Magnolia June, I decorated the skillet wall.

A picture of Bok Tower and the little chicken house that Tom found and gave to me. Maggie definitely wanted that back up. 

Oh, how easily delighted I am. 

So yes, Magnolia was here today as were Owen and Gibson. I picked them up and we met Boppy at Chow Time and had delicious foods. I am constantly amazed at their tastes. Maggie's choices are always sushi, miso soup, and chicken on a stick. 
Miso soup?
I asked her, "Do you want the tofu?" 
"Oh yes! That's my favorite part! And don't forget the seaweed!" 
All righty, then. 

It was really fun. And then they went with me to the UPS store where I made a return and because their mama's work is just a few hundred yards from there we all stopped in and got a hug. Then- on to Lloyd! 

Y'all, my Owen just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. At least to me. And around me. At Chow Time he took such good care of Maggie, going with her to the buffet to help her, being so attentive. His hugs are the best although Gibson's are right up there too. They are all very affectionate and loving and yes, they are children, and Maggie can be so very loud but oh, how they make me laugh. Owen helped Boppy do something with his his Oculus and he went out to the garden with me. Here he is holding Jack in the kitchen. 

When he walked in today he said, "I love this house."
Nothing in the world could make me happier than hearing him say these words because I love this house so much myself and he spent a lot of time here as a baby and a toddler and a young'un and his memories are so good. Same with Gibson. And I do believe that Magnolia considers this a rather magical place. She brought her pretend food with her today to cook and serve the stuffed animals that live here. After she fed Old Zippy, she tucked him into our bed and read him a story. That girl can spin a scenario like no one I know. 
Gibson and Maggie and I played a game of Battle and that was pretty fun but mostly, just having them here was nice. We'll be doing this a lot this summer. 

I find myself being a different woman in some immeasurable way when I'm with my grandchildren. I don't take myself very seriously and I am quick to laugh and tell them how funny they are, or how smart. I can also be sassy but they know me too well to take any of it very seriously but when I am serious, they know and respond appropriately. 
I swear to you- being a grandmother is like nothing I ever imagined. I'm not going to lie to you- the responsibility can lay heavy, like when I'm with them at the river, but the responsibilities that we carry for our children are not laid as heavy on a grandparent. And they are different responsibilities. I feel responsible for them knowing who I truly am and what I truly think. I feel responsible for letting them know some of their family history. I feel responsible for teaching them about caring for others and doing their best. I feel responsible for letting them know that they are deeply and truly loved and dear and smart and funny. 

Mr. Moon just got back from taking them home. "Those are good kids," he said when he got in. 
"They are," I said. 
When they were leaving and we'd all hugged each other at least once or twice, Owen turned back and gave me another deep, loving hug. 

Talk about being rich...

Well. Tomorrow we'll take Jack to see the vet and I am not looking forward to that. He seems lately not only extremely hungry for food and thirsty for water, but hungry and thirsty for love and affection as well. 
As are we all, really. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. My guess about beautiful Jack is diabetes.

  2. Hat's off to Magnolia. Good eye and good decorations. Hoping the best for Jack.

    1. Maggie knows what she likes and quite often, it's what her Mer likes too.

  3. Best wishes for Jack Cat. Owen gave him such great energy, Jack may just be alright by tomorrow! Lovely children- they always have been and will forever be, I reckon. The feels go deep! You will always be a treasure to them.

  4. Grandchildren are so much more fun than children! LOL. They really are so wonderful.

    1. It's so much easier for grandparents. We don't have to keep their immunizations current or go to parent-teacher meetings or make sure they always have clothes or that their homework is done...
      And so forth.
      We get to concentrate on the fun stuff.

  5. Oh the pressures of being a grandparent. Things we let our kids do without a second thought send us into an anxious mess. I hate returning a child with an extra bruise or grazed knee!
    I am sending Jack lots of healing thoughts but deep down I fear his need for love and affection more than usual is telling you something.

    1. I hate that too, Ms. Merlot! Owen broke his foot here once. That's not the only time he ever broke it but it broke my heart when he did it. Jeez.
      Jack has always been deeply affectionate and loving so I'm trying not to put too much into that.

  6. They are all wonderful children, though Owen is fast becoming a man, I see the beginnings of a moustache there. Perhaps the vet can determine roughly how old Jack is? I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with him.

    1. Owen is turning into a man but he's still a boy. I am not sure my heart will be able to stand it when his voice starts changing.

  7. Your skillet wall looks perfect now.

  8. I think being a grandparent allows you to be a child in some ways again, whereas we didn't really have that luxury with our own children!

  9. My grandkids are spread out and so I don't get to see a lot of them. I do have 2 near now which is a treasure to me but I sure do miss the others.

    1. I am incredibly grateful that my grandchildren are all right here. Of course the Weatherfords do go up to NC every summer but we get to visit them and they're not gone for too long.

  10. Vets have lots of tools and hopefully Jack's issue can be resolved. Your day with the grandchildren sounds like fun for all.

    1. The visit went as well as it could, I think.

  11. I love being a grandparent though mine are all grown now but the time spent with them as they grew has turned into me being an integral part of their lives as adults. Jade had wanted to drive here from Austin to spend Monday with me before my procedure but she apologised because she was still getting ready to leave on their birthday trip the next day. then she texted me from the airport. the twins facetimed me yesterday from Cancun last night to check on me after my procedure and Robin, who lives across the street, and I communicate either in person or text nearly every day. and while I haven't had a close relationship with my grandson for several years being the dickhead he was as a young adult, being a father has mellowed him out and he's coming around again. I think about my mother who did not want to be a grandmother because she associated that with aging, she was very vain always wanting to be the femme fatale, and didn't really like little children. she said she would have a relationship with them when they were teens but by then, my kids were not interested in her or spending time with her. and so Mary you are building the same relationship with your grands. you will always be an integral part of their lives.

    1. You are a mentor for me when it comes to being a grandmother. I remember when you did the "summer camps" for your granddaughters and you sewed together and did fun things. And you are so right- to be a part of their lives and their hearts when they get older, we have to be an integral part of their lives when they are young. Thank you for reinforcing that message to me in such a realistic way.

  12. How was the vet visit? Of course those children are wonderful, they are raised by a wonderful bunch!

  13. I would say your doll is Peruvian. That led me off on a merry wandering through South America.

    I love Magnolia's posture as she's sitting there waiting. She looks like she's just had about enough of somebody's nonsense. I don't imagine it was YOU, however. Grandmas have super powers.

    1. I think she was just hot and not in the mood to wait for her Boppy to show up. Mostly.

  14. That IS a sweet visit. And your house IS a magical house!


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