It could hardly have been a prettier day today. The sort of day that's so beautiful that with its perfection it brings a sense that nothing one does could possibly compete with what simply is, thus lending a sort of guilt-free desire to do little beyond enjoy that perfection. Although hanging the clothes on the line is such a pleasurable way to use the sunny breezes and drier air that it only adds to the enjoyment of the whole.
For me, at least.
Dancing prayer flags made of sheets and napkins, cotton shirts and tablecloths.
While I was hanging the sheets I noticed that Dearie was off her nest and was pecking at the grains of scratch left by the flock this morning so I went into the coop where the food is kept and she followed me. I set out a good portion of scratch for her and her alone and she ate almost frantically and I determined that I would watch her to see where she has her nest when she'd had her fill.
She knew I was doing that. And she did not like it. I've said it before and I wills say it again- these jungle fowls are wily and wise in their own ways. She tried to throw me off the trail and I did indeed lose her once in a small thicket of iron plant but then she reappeared and headed to the back yard and I swear to god- I took my eyes off her for one second and she literally disappeared.
Well. Obviously she is not a sorceress. Or a shape-shifter. She had to be somewhere. And there was only one place she could be hiding.
Sure enough. I tipped up that old pink tin washbasin and there she was, as still and flattened as one of those brown magnolia leaves. I wanted desperately to thoroughly investigate and see how many eggs she's sitting on but I did not want to spook her and softly covered her again and walked away. This does not seem to me to be the safest place for a hen to have a nest but she is the mama and I am not. I have no clue at all where Viv and/or Vera are sitting on eggs. They are making themselves extremely scarce.
So, tracking a hen to her nest seemed like another good way to enjoy the day and I did enjoy it.
I knew I needed to go to town to get a few things and I procrastinated and procrastinated but finally I got dressed in town-appropriate garb and went. It wasn't so bad. I got my errands run quick-quick and did not run into anyone I knew and came home. I put away groceries and took everything off the line and folded each piece as I set it into the hamper and even that chore was pleasurable. Mr. Moon came home early and that was nice too.
And so now my bed is made with clean sheets and I am going to make us a delicious supper which is halfway sinful (pork chops, homemade applesauce, sweet potatoes, artichokes) and I have taken a few pictures in the yard.
The sun going down through the azaleas. If you look closely after clicking, you may even see a bumble bee or two. I was thrilled to see them flying about, insinuating their fat bodies into the throats of the flowers and then flying off to buzz more of the purple beauties.
The wisteria starting to bud on the trellis in my back yard. And oh! Won't the bees love it when that all blooms? I will too. I know it's an invasive plant but there is not much in this world as gorgeous as hanging wisteria blossoms.
The tree that Hurricane Michael blew down and which is still in our back yard. On Monday morning a crew is coming to take it out, finally. Quite frankly, I've gotten used to it being there but I suppose that it really does need to go.
A cluster of Tung tree blossoms. These bring me pleasure every spring. They are so exquisitely shaded and delicate. The trees are supposedly deadly toxic in all of their parts- branches, leaves, flowers and nuts. And yet, I've never known man nor beast to die from their poison. Of course, that means nothing because I really don't know shit.
Another sun-setting picture. The oak tree in front of the sun has its fancy new green petticoats on although it's hard to tell from the photo. The witchy branches in the foreground are the Bradford pears which haven't begun to leaf yet.
And that's my news of the day. I'm sure you've all seen the real news of Trump signing Bibles at an Evangelical church in Alabama where he went to view the tornado damage. Melania signed a few as well. I don't even have words to describe how I feel about this. Do you laugh? Do you cry? Do you punch a hole in the wall?
No. Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself and have to pay to repair the damage.
All I can really say is that I suppose if you are the sort of person who accepts what those churches teach as the word of their god then you'll believe anything.
And vote for the devil thinking you're voting for your god.
The frogs are singing their love songs. I think I will work in the garden tomorrow.
Happy Friday, y'all.
Love...Ms. Moon
Well frankly, I'm surprised the pen didn't burst into flames from his touch. I saw the video and he was signing the covers of the books instead of the fly leaf like a normal person would do. I am so happy you had such a wonderful day, it all looks spectacular.
ReplyDeleteWhat normal personD would autograph a copy of the Bible to begin with? DUDE AIN'T NORMAL! DUDE IS SICK!
DeleteThat's what I have to say about that.
I did have a wonderful day. Thank you, Allison.
Like your day, reading about it was pleasurable. As for dipshit signing bibles, I guarantee his followers will think it shows how great he is. You can't reason with these people.
ReplyDeleteNo. You cannot reason with them. It's impossible. They're not reasonable. And in fact, they are dipshits too. Just my opinion.
DeleteYour day sounded lovely and the Hens throwing you off the trail of where they have hidden their Nests is proof that Nature provides such instincts that we hardly ever really notice sometimes. As for 45 signing Bibles, I just found it to be supremely arrogant and inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed! These hens are smart as hell when it comes to hen-ways. I love them for that.
Delete"Arrogant and inappropriate." To say the least.
TheRump and the bibles quite turned my stomach. I know a Pentecostal whose entire church believes he's the second coming for the rapture (however that works), and it's difficult to remain polite long enough to say we have nothing to talk about and leave.
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are wonderful, from the laundry flags, all the way down.
You're right- it's difficult to remain polite for that long. Religions just love to believe that the end times are here. I do not know why. Hell, Jesus told his followers that he would return within their lifetime.
I love the smell of laundry hung on the line to dry. The flowers and trees are all beautiful. It's nice to know that factory farms haven't killed off chicken instincts, a chicken has to do what a chicken has to do.
ReplyDeleteAs for tRump, I spit on the ground.
The chickens they keep in factory farms probably don't have any instincts left. Maybe they do. But not much, I would think. These jungle fowls are far less domesticated than the other breeds I've had but those breeds can be pretty wily too.
Deletelaundry on the line, a personal favorite of mine! Something impossible up here- too wet, too cold, no sun, no breeze. Your life, where you are, is idyllic, you realize.
ReplyDeleteChicken shadowing also a fave. I only have crows.
The Orange Horror show continues- trying to out do itself, upping the ante- reaction at this point is "well, of course," I look beyond the shit show...looking at the new Democrats!
Promising- Governor Jay Inslee on The Rachel Maddow show was heartening.Google it, it may give you peace of mind.
Talk to me about idyllic when it's 97 degrees at noon and the mosquitoes are about to carry us away and we can't go out of the house because we'd sizzle and die without AC.
DeleteBut yeah- right now it is just about idyllic.
I am not sure I could ever live any place I couldn't hang my clothes on the line. This would rule out not only certain geographical areas but also those developments with homeowner association rules.
I'll watch that!
Can't wait for the weather to reach outside clothesline conditions here and looking at your prayer flag sheets I was reminded of an ongoing argument with my sister re sharing pegs or using separate pegs for each sheet - we have that kind of relationship.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with your hen(s).
My use of the clothespins depends on how much room I have on the line and how many pins I have. Also, how heavy the clothes are! When I hung diapers I used sharing pins every time! Mr. Moon's jeans are so heavy though that they require three or four pins of their very own!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughts and prayers. We here at the church of the batshit crazy appreciate that.
gone all day yesterday so I'm late here. when it's a gorgeous day every chore is a pleasure. the city house had big mature azaleas that were gorgeous when they bloomed. couldn't keep them watered enough the year we had that terrible drought and they died. we were mostly living in the country house that year and while the kids swore they were watering them perhaps their idea of watering and mine were different. mine out here are still small. I'll have to check the wisteria over at the shop. it's being overrun with ironweed and virginia creeper.
ReplyDeleteoh, and Trump...signing bibles. can you get more blasphemous? if that isn't a sign of a cult I don't know what is.
DeleteI did see that about Trump and the Bibles. Unbelievable. I suspect those folks are doing whatever their pastors and church leaders tell them to do, and that includes supporting the Orange One.
ReplyDeleteBlind faith. Pretty much sums it up.
DeleteTrump signing bibles was the height of absurdity to me. I couldn’t even take it in. Now the beauty of your corner of the world, I drank that in happily.
ReplyDeleteI could not either! I felt like "This does not compute." You know?
DeleteThank god I have my little haven of dirt to stick my head in.