Friday, November 10, 2017

More Pictures

Mr. Moon got up early to get to town to do a few things at work and then to go see our newest, who is still being called Little King at the moment. He's all packed and ready to go to Georgia, as happy as a man can be, his baby grandson arrived and all well, the bucks still in rut.
Oh my. We live such basic lives around here, don't we?

And I'm moving slow and just trying to process everything that happened yesterday and still a bit in shock. It happened so quickly! We never had a moment to wonder just how much longer this was going to take. Well, I'm sure Jessie did but the rest of us just sort of had enough time to look at each other and smile and hold each other and be happy.

So. Here are a few of the pictures that finally bounced into my in-box.

Could a woman be more beautiful? Those were taken less than three hours after that baby arrived.

Auntie May and Uncle Michael with the boy.

He studied May's face so carefully. 
The adoration of the beloved.

Here's a picture I got last night.

And here's another picture from right after the birth that suddenly appeared. 

Kissing. No one tells you how hard you can fall in love with your partner after you have a baby together. It's a sort of magic that somehow defines romance to me. 

And here's one last picture for this morning. Jessie sent it in response to me asking how August was doing. 

His daddy swaddling him like his little brother. 

Love, love, love. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Ms. Moon


  1. Thank you for sharing this radiance!

  2. I love all the photos. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Enveloped in love. Such beauty and strength and devotion. *sigh* All is truly truly right with the world. I love you so Ms. Moon.

    1. And we all love you so much. You and your sweetie have to come and meet the boy as soon as you can! He needs to know who you are.

  4. Enveloped in love. Such beauty and strength and devotion. *sigh* All is truly truly right with the world. I love you so Ms. Moon.

  5. Replies
    1. Jo- doesn't it make your womb ache? It does mine.

  6. Ahh, these pics brought tears to my eyes! How heartwrenchingly beautiful is a newborn? Those eyes, that cute little head...and a Mama doing what good mamas do...and looking so gorgeous!!

    1. Jessie is the very essence of a good mother. She and Lily both are so completely natural with their babes. Their children are lucky.

  7. The beauty of all this is blinding. Could anything be more prefect that this love?

  8. He's adorable, congratulations to all!

  9. Long live the King! He is beautiful and Jessie is truly a goddess.

  10. Love that August swaddling. Great way to show him he is loved just like his baby brother. x0x0N2

    1. I think that August is having the time of his life due to all of the extra attention he is getting. He seems very, very happy.

  11. Jessie *is* a goddess. Nobody looks that beautiful after giving birth unless she is a goddess. Actually, Lily looked beautiful too. Maybe you are all goddesses!

  12. So happy for everyone! Enjoy!

  13. Every child should be so gently born, so loved and so welcomed. Congratulations to Jessie and Virgil and your entire family of love
    Susan M

    1. I so wish that all children could be born into such loving families. And yes- so un-interfered with as they are being born. I can't tell you how much I appreciate our midwife.

  14. Pure love as simple as that. Beautiful. All of it.

  15. He is just such a beautiful baby. Newborns almost always look alike and squinchy (my word--I coined that shit goddamn it!). Levon has nada the squinch. Not one damn iota. JUST GORGEOUS!

    1. Sher! Isn't he a pretty thing? I'm so glad you got to see these pictures. I'll call you soon. Love you.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.