Tuesday, February 14, 2017

My Beloved

This is one of my favorite pictures of my husband and me. I think it was probably taken around 1987. I know I bought that dress after Lily was born and I'd lost the ten thousand pounds I gained with that pregnancy. I still have it although I think it may be in May's possession now. It is a beautiful dress, tiny-wale corduroy, soft as velvet with pockets. We were in Vero Beach in that picture, about to go eat at the Ocean Grill, my favorite restaurant on earth.

My favorite dress, my favorite restaurant, my favorite fellow.

And here we are, thirty years later with one more child than we had then, with four grandchildren, this house, this life. So many memories. So much still going on in our lives and we are still so busy with children and with grandchildren, with garden and yard and chickens and projects and work and all of the tiny details that life is made of, that love is built of.
And then, there are still the dreams. The ones not yet fulfilled, some just started, but with roots in the distant past, back when we were still so young and full of the very juice of life, holding on to each other, not even having the slightest clue about what was to come.

We still don't have a crystal ball and if aging teaches us anything it is that change is constant and inevitable, that the sanest thing to do is to expect the unexpected, and that to continue to hold on to each other is the best plan of all. It's our 34th Valentine's Day together. I've made him homemade truffles

and he's going to cook me a steak on this fire.

Glen Moon and I? We would never in a million years been matched up by an online dating service. We ain't got a thing in common.
Except this life, this very life, that we have built together on nothing-in-common but hearts which recognized each other out of all the other hearts out there. 

I've always told him that there are plenty of women in this world who could have and would have loved him but that none of them would have loved him for being exactly who he is as much as I do.
And I think the reverse is true as well. 

We may be the luckiest people on earth. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. That picture and your enduring love are beautiful. I'm pretty lucky too. What could be better than fire grilled steaks and handmade truffles? Happy Valentine's day!

    1. It was a wonderful supper! I hope you had a happy Valentine's day as well.

  2. Love is the answer to everything. And you two have it. Happy Valentine's Day.

    1. It sure does make everything better, doesn't it?

  3. My mom and (step) dad would have been married 31 years today. They never intended to get married on Valentine's Day, it was just when my mom had holidays that year. They, like you had little in common but they loved being together. And I think at the end of the day, the world can be collapsing around you but if you have someone you love by your side you will be okay. Not perfect, but okay.

    1. Oh, Birdie! I'm so glad your mother had a good man to love and be loved by. Yes. If you have someone you love by your side, everything will be okay. Not perfect, as you said so perfectly, but okay.

  4. I think you might be. And then me.

  5. "my love for you burns like, like... hold on! Honey! dontcha think that fire looks a bit much?!!"
    Lovely post.
    Dan (magnum)

    1. Dan! Where the HELL have you been? I miss you.
      Yeah, that fire needed some time to simmer down.

  6. Such a gorgeous life you two have together. You did that. You made that. I'm so struck by how much Jessie looks like her dad in that first photo. Beautiful family.

    1. Angella- was this for another post? I'm a little confused.

  7. Oh my gosh, I literally gasped when I saw the picture, it's so so precious. Thanks for sharing this. You two make me happy and hopeful.

    1. Hey sweet woman! You make me happy when you comment. Did you know that Owen and Gibson STILL insist I read "The Little Red Hen Makes A Pizza" every time they spend the night?
      They do. And I always think of you.

  8. The sweetest, most beautiful couple ever❤!

    1. I don't know about THAT, but we sure are lucky.

  9. Well, there's no better feeling than that, is there?

    What's funny is, Dave and I WERE matched by an online dating service, and we don't have anything in common either. :)


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.