Friday, January 9, 2009

If We Couldn't Laugh, We'd Have To Kill. And That Would Be Wrong.

Because I'm feeling a bit low today and because if I really started talking about how Florida is no doubt going to not pass the bills allowing "the gays" to adopt in Florida that have been introduced because we are a sick, sick society who can't get our heads out of our clean Christian asses, I would start weeping and screaming and perhaps end up rending my clothing and feather pillows, I am going to totally rip off a vid from Sara at Suburban Lesbian Housewife.


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  1. So, basically, gay marriage is da bomb?

  2. Sure looks like it to me. Except for the switchblades. I wonder if they dispense switchblades to all lesbians?

  3. I just don't understand why some people think they are qualified to judge the masses? It's such crap. There are so many kids in need of loving and safe homes, and the government is denying them the chance.
    Because it's SOOO Much better for kids to be in shitty abusive homes, or kicked around the foster care system until they get kicked out of it and left to fend for themselves when they're 18.

  4. Ok, I'm sort of a dim wit in some ways, so help me out... that video, it was a spoof right? There cannot be that much stupidity, can there?

    On the upside, not many folks thought Obama would be elected, so sometimes people can surprise when it's least expected. Let's hope.

  5. oh that is so f*king funny. lol!!!

    and "da bomb" Ha ha HA!!! lol! oh it feels good to laugh so hard. I can't wait to show my bean that movie, she'll think that's so crazy! (we like poking funny at crazy fears, good for the soul ;)

  6. Rachel- Yeah. Like the two-parent hetero household I grew up in was so fucking great. Right?

    Petit Fleur- Yes. It's a very good fake "old" film. Looks mighty real, doesn't it? Like the ones we used to watch about good hygiene in the 4th grade. Except for that kiss between the pastor and the husband.

    MOB- Uh-huh.

    Ample- I love your Bean. I don't know her, but I sort of love her. Because you're her mommy and she must be great.

  7. That video is hilarious. Thanks for sharing. I just wish people would take their holier than thou approach and suck it. There are rotten heterosexual families out there but we still let other heterosexual couples adopt. The logic is so flawed when it comes to this type of stuff. I am surprised there is not some group out there trying to prevent gay couples from adopting pets.

  8. lol at rubbing two holes together. i love it.


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