And I've had some bizarre dreams.
In the one I was having when I woke up, I was trying to throw a birthday party for Jessie and she was about five years old. I had not organized a thing, my house was a disgusting mess, and parents were looking at me and saying things like, "I don't think we can leave our child here."
One couple glared at me so harshly that even before they said anything I told them that I would not blame them at all if they took their child home because things were such a mess and that really, the safety of one's child is the most important thing of all. I WANTED them to take their child home. I did not like them. All the while the guests were coming and I was trying to do laundry and cook for the party and I was realizing that Jessie's room was a complete disaster and that her clothes needed to be sorted through and the too-small things given away and I could not cope. What a horrible mother I was! At the same time all of this was going on, Hank seemed to be having some sort of LGBTQ fun gathering of friends which only added to my guilt because the house wasn't fit for them either.
But before that dream I'd dreamed that Oral Roberts had built a Mayan-themed tourist attraction right down the road from me and I was enraged because they had appropriated a culture which I deem most high to make their filthy lucre off of AND they had done strange things to animals to make them more exotic like tying the tails of parrots around their perches so that the tails resembled cork screws and of course that made me furious too. Mrs. Oral Roberts said, "Don't you just looove my birds? Aren't they beautiful?"
Then we move on to the surfing competition.
Don't ask me.
And the riding-a-bike-and-getting-lost dream.
I mean, please. My head was so jumbled and I was so exhausted when I woke up that I was seriously ready to go check in to a facility where they would give me drugs and let me sleep without dreaming.
Or at least I considered it.
Jessie texted before I even woke up asking if anyone wanted to go to Aunt Louise's farm which is a place nearby where every fall they have a corn maze and lots of animals and a little train and two big stock waterers full of corn to play in and all sorts of fun stuff. At first I couldn't even imagine doing something like that but in a while my dreams faded a bit and then when I went to take my meds I realized that I had not taken them the day before and so the spaciness I felt all afternoon yesterday and the crazy dreams and the spaciness I was still feeling could probably be attributed to that.
Haha! Funny joke, Ms. Moon's brain!
And eventually I pulled myself together and drove down the road to Aunt Louise's and I'm glad I did. It had turned sunny and was still cool and it was just a gorgeous day and Lily brought her babies and also, Darling Lenore who is staying with the Hartmann's while her parents are off celebrating their anniversary.
I so wish they had a vat of corn for adults to get in.
The Darling Lenore.
August helping to cover up Gibson.
I am sure that parents all over the place are finding corn in odd places as they get their kids ready for their baths tonight. I saw one boy with corn behind his ears. I told Owen about that later and he said, "So you noticed that too?"
The absolutely most friendly cat I've ever met.
Picture-taking opportunity!
I love this one. Lily was saying, "Owen, let your brother be the boy! Your hair is longer than that anyway!" And it is.
Fun on tires.
Maggie's curls were magnificent today.
The requisite height picture taking opportunity. Do you realize that Owen only has to grow four more inches and he'll be as tall as I am?
Anyway, it was all fun and there were alpacas with their huge eyes and Hollywood style eyelashes and miniature donkeys (yes! I want some!) and chickens and goats and Highland cattle and geese who looked like they were dressed in bridal gowns and a very large tortoise and some pigs and a little train hauled around by a tractor and a big wagon hauled around by a tractor (Levon's favorite) and a blacksmith and popcorn and cotton candy.
Aunt Louise has got it goin' on!
And then I came home, knowing that while I'd been gone, Mr. Moon had tilled the garden.
And this happened.
I got down on my knees and prayed those seeds into the dirt.
Here's the very primitive map I made of what I planted where. Without this, I would not have a clue until everything came up.
I told my husband after I'd finished that I now felt at least 20% better than I had before I planted. Dear god but it's just something I have to do to feel whole and complete. I forgot to get beet seeds so I need to get back out there but for right now, this second, I feel good. I've had my shower and I had a good time with the grands outside in the sunshine with other people about and a Highland bull licked my arm and his tongue was rough. I hope the salt of my skin made him happy.
Perhaps those dreams got some sort of evil ya-ya's out of my system. I do not know. The one about the birthday party is perfectly understandable but the Oral Roberts Mayan-themed tourist attraction and the surfing competition and the bike dreams are completely beyond my ability to discern meaning from. Perhaps there is no meaning and they only occurred because my brain chemistry was disrupted.
Who knows?
Not me.
I don't know shit.
Except that being outside with my grandchildren and getting my greens in the ground are two things that make me feel as if I am being who I was put on this earth to be. As I also told my husband, I am probably not a very evolved woman. The most basic things are the very things that make me happiest.
I have no problem with that.
Love...Ms. Moon
It appears that I have diabetic neuropathy in my left foot and leg, and my doc finally prescribed something that's supposed to help (Gabapentin). I've taken it two days. The first two pills made me as my Mama would say, "loopy." I couldn't focus on anything, I couldn't walk a straight line, and I got SO sleepy. I woke up today feeling better, the pain has lessened considerably, and there have been no side effects. Then I Googled Gabapentin, also known as mini-opioid. It's addictive, and since I have addiction to drugs and alcohol on both sides of my family going back three generations, I've decided to deal with the pain. The meds made me have soft, fluffy dreams of angels and clouds. But I ain't gonna be no addict!
ReplyDeleteGood for you! Would CBD help with that neuropathy-related pain? Just wondering.
DeleteHe has his medical marijuana card and does indeed use CBD and THC. He doesn't have pain mostly. Which is a blessing.
DeleteI've bought CBD oil from snake oil salesmen then found out I'd paid $60 for mineral oil. If anyone has any good brand names on websites where I can buy it, I'd be most appreciative! Hope to get my medical marijuana card within the next six months.
DeleteAfter you get your card, your best bet would be to buy CBD products from a licensed dispensary.
DeleteMary, you are further along in your evolution than you think, We live in a crazy world and many of us don't realize the value of basics.
ReplyDeleteThank you, e. That was sweet of you.
Deletedon't lose your planting list, Mary! That is the first thing I thought of when reading your post LOL! Your day (other than the dreams of last night) sounds wonderfully grounding,,,,,,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteSusan M
Right? Well, once everything is well up I'll know what it all is. But I do like to keep track.
DeleteI hope you are able to get some beet seeds in. Beets are my hands down favorite vegetable, though friends and family tell me they taste like dirt. So what.
ReplyDeleteThat's why Mr. Moon doesn't like them- they taste like dirt! I tell him- tasty dirt!
DeleteI admit I've found some beets, usually on a salad bar, that taste like dirt. But give me a warm beet right out of the boiling water, and I'll peel it, cut into chunks, put salt and pepper on it, and eat the whole thing! I also loved pickled and Harvard beets.
DeleteI do love pickled beets the best.
DeleteOral Roberts, that is hilarious! I made my mother promise to send me to his house if I got polio, she said she would...Those children are lip smacking good! , they just keep getting bigger!! cut them off at the knees, we can not have grown up them. Your dreams are wonderful, I think I feel high after reading them, High and disturbed.
ReplyDeleteHigh, disturbed, and exhausted.
DeleteI think your demand to be taken to Oral Roberts' house if you got polio made perfect sense.
Dang babies- just keep on growing up.
You are a highly evolved soul. Grandchildren in fresh air and sunshine and the whimsy of corn vats and seeds in the ground. You know what matters.
ReplyDeleteI sure do know what matters to me!
DeleteI had the weirdest, most horrible dreams for years. More often than not I was stuck in a maze or a diamond mine (filthy, dirty place) or high up in the mountains (I live in the mountains) and couldn't get out. Monsters popping out everywhere. Figured it was a reflection of my bloody awful marriage to a violent man. Those dreams stopped not long after I divorced him. But last night I dreamt I had to call a plumber out to fix a broken faucet and he was eaten by a crocodile!!! WTH???? Just looked it up and apparently a crocodile "symbolizes freedom, hidden strength and power." I can live with that. Just told my friend and he said maybe it means I'm a man-eater!!! Funny but not really as those kinds of dreams can be really disturbing can't they!
ReplyDeleteI think you're right- those dreams about being trapped in horrible places definitely reflected your life at the time. Isn't it funny how our brains make allegories for us?
DeleteI have never dreamt of a plumber being eaten by a crocodile but the very first dream I ever remember having involved me on a pogo stick with alligators around me as far as the eye could see. I was probably about three. Maybe four.
Some drugs give me very vivid dreams but I always have weird dreams. I always start out telling the big guy that I had a weird dream last night and he just looks at me because all my dreams are weird. I mostly just accept them now but still sometimes I will have a dream that leaves me angry or upset in the morning.
ReplyDeleteYears ago I dreamt that a serial killer was hunting me and then killed me. It was awful but the next night my mind was kind enough to have the dream again but this time I knew what would happen and I escaped the killer. Too weird.
Sunshine, grandchildren and dirt, the best recipe for feeling good.
check out this article.
Microbes in soil that makes us feel good. Have a lovely day.
I've read about those microbes in the soil and while it may well be true (I don't doubt it) I think that just knowing that tending your garden will lead to beauty and to food and well, to life in general, is a very positive way to spend time.
DeleteI adored hearing about the trip to Aunt Louise's. I adore your grands. And the fall planting is another one of those yearly things you share with us that gives me a comforting "all is well" feeling.
ReplyDeleteYep! Greens are in the ground! We can all rest better for knowing that. (Ha!) I'm glad you liked hearing about Aunt Louise's. And I love that you love my grandbabies.
Deleteomg, Owen is 5'! four more inches and he will be as tall as me too. I was thinking yesterday that I would finally pull up my tomato plants from spring and plant the carrot seeds over there after telling everyone I wasn't planting a fall garden. the flood just destroyed my little garden area and I just haven't had the time or energy to try and re-do it.
ReplyDeleteEllen, I know you and you will get something in the ground. Even if it's just a row of carrots. You and I are too much alike in that aspect.
DeleteI'm going to say, just about any dream about Oral Roberts is technically a nightmare. Glad you found a better (corn) maze to get through during waking hours.
ReplyDeleteYou made me laugh, Lisa! You are right!
DeleteI didn't even walk through the corn maze. I made a very clear decision not to- getting lost is not something I would do for fun. Especially after those dreams.
Or maybe that means you're EXTREMELY evolved. You're not saddled with all the delusions that many people have about what they need to make them happy.
ReplyDeleteYour dreams are wild. I cannot imagine having dreams that involved and detailed! I think you only really need to worry if you make FRIENDS with Oral Roberts in a dream. Then we'll all know something is wrong!
Love the pics of the kids and the adventures at the farm! I wonder if I can get a miniature donkey for our back garden? How would the landlord feel? Hmmm...
I'm so glad that I didn't actually meet Oral in that dream. His wife and her bird-torturing ways were enough.
DeleteI think you'd have to get two donkeys. Wouldn't one be lonely? I doubt the landlord would ever find out. I think you need to go in that direction. Miniature livestock may be the answer! I'm not sure to what question but it sounds good to me.
What wild dreams! Really makes you wonder about our so called reality. I have had some doosies.
ReplyDeleteThose are adorable pics of the kiddos. Sounds like a perfect day.
How lovely you can have a winter garden.
Our winter garden is the best garden because the weeds and pests aren't quite as bad. It's always a joy.
DeleteYeah. Dreams and reality- where does one end and the other begin? Sometimes it's hard to know.