Sunday, September 9, 2007

I'd just like to make a public apology to my husband (and why, I'm not sure- the man has only the haziest idea of what a blog is, due to the fact that he actually LIVES his life) and say that he has been working like a dog all weekend at the island. This work involves chopping hundreds of roots out of a septic tank.

This does not sound like fun at all and once again I have to say- Honey! you the man!


  1. Divine Ms. M.:

    Gotta love them fellers that chops them roots outta them septic tanks/sewer lines ...

    I hear ya, girlfriend! I'm the choir!

    Miss T

  2. And he still managed to find the time to catch a few fish to grill for lunch.
    Don't you just love a real man, Miss T?

  3. Ms. M.,

    Well, now, depends on where he caught them fish from.

    Where'd he find them fish?


    Miss T

  4. He claims he found the fish lurking in the bay. I was not personally there. He also claims he cooked the fish with tomatoes, garlic, and onions. Again, I was not personally there. If this is true, though, I am doubly impressed.

  5. Dog Island property and a Mini Coop... you are sound so familiar... hummmm....

  6. Ample- do we KNOW each other? Or are we just supposed to?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.