Saturday, June 2, 2007

My God, it finally happened. It's really rained. I haven't heard the stats yet, but I'm guessing an inch or two, which is wonderful. It took a tropical storm, or perhaps a depression, but that's all right. I'm thinking that in a day or two it's going to look like a newer, greener, world. And in the meantime, it's cool, it's damp, and the sound of rain falling on the tin roof is music to my ears.

My greatest wish is that we can stop making rain (or the lack of it) the main focus of our lives and find something else to talk about. But in the meantime, while it's still a huge and delightful novelty to have water falling from the sky, let me just say that none of us should ever take "normal" rain patterns for granted and yes, this could be a metaphor for much of what we experience in life.

1 comment:

  1. I feel so much more balanced and alive since the rains came back.


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