Friday, October 25, 2024

So This Happened...

Here is what I wrote last night and did not publish:

I just don't even know what to write today. I got a phone call this morning that I did not want to get and things have been weird since. I guess I might as well go ahead and tell you what the call was about because one way or the other I will be talking about it eventually.

It was a nurse from doctor Zorn's office and I knew exactly what it was about. There wasn't anything else it could have been and sure enough- the nurse wanted to schedule a telecom appointment with Dr. Z to discuss the results of my Cologuard test. 
"This does not sound good," I said and I literally felt as if I'd been punched in the chest. 
The nurse did not reply to my remark because of course she didn't but instead asked if this would be a good time to schedule that meeting. "Sure," I said. What else was I going to say? "Uh, no. I'd really rather not discuss the results of my Cologuard test at this point. Perhaps in a couple of weeks? How about after Christmas? That sound good?"
So she scheduled the meeting for 8:15 tomorrow morning which is a bit early for me but let's get this shit over with.
No pun intended.
I have a strong feeling that whatever showed up in the test needs to be identified and verified with a colonoscopy and so I'm pretty sure I'll be getting one of those soon. 

So that was that and I ended up taking an Ativan and I mean an entire Ativan which I never do and it did help and before I went to my lady-parts exam I took another half. This spaced out dosage was not enough to render me unsafe to drive, I assure you. So don't worry about that, please. 
And let's not really worry about these tests results either. God knows I haven't been losing any weight unexpectedly and that reassures me that if something is brewing in there, it's not gotten far along. 
Of course I say this now with a few traces of Ativan in me. But we're just going to take this one step at a time. 

Now. Back to today.

I did a little Dr. Googling about positive Cologuard tests and yes, they are testing for cancer and polyps, too, I believe. There are false positives and also, the older you are, the larger chance there is for one of those. So I felt a little better but by the time I got up this morning I was back in the worrying-for-sure stage. Dr. Zorn called a few minutes after eight and early was fine with me. 

He is such a good doctor and a kind person. The first thing he said was that he knew I'd figured that my test was positive if the nurse said he wanted to talk to me and I said yes, of course and he said that the test was positive but it does not mean that I definitely have colon cancer. He gave me all the information about age and false positives and so on and so forth and then he actually sort of apologized because, as he said, he knows how I feel about all things medical, but that he wants me to get a colonoscopy which of course I knew would be the next step. He has two different gastroenterologists in mind to do the procedure and hopefully, if one can't do it, the other will. He assured me there was no rush. Anything within three months or so. 
And at that point, I felt much better. 
Honestly, I don't think I have colon cancer but I could be wrong and of course I'll get the colonoscopy. The drugs they use for those procedures are the best! 

And now that that's all out of the way, I can tell you that we've just had a rather regular day. Well, Glen DID go to a funeral. We sure know how to party here in Lloyd, don't we? And then...

I was the one thousandth, eight hundred and sixty-fifth person to register an early vote in Monticello, Florida. 
Done, done, and DONE! 

And I made Mr. Moon a coconut cream pie which would have been perfect if I hadn't let the meringue and coconut on top get a little too crispy. 

It'll be fine. 

And the rest of the day has just been about being happy and contented and so very grateful that we have each other and that we love each other and that we have this life. I picked greens and some bell peppers from the garden and hung the laundry and brought in the laundry and made that pie and the sheets are clean and martinis will be made and there are roses, too.

And chocolate. He knows me. 
And I know him. And we are forty years in and every day becomes a little more precious. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Rob just had to have an emergency (or at least, expedited) colonoscopy/endoscopy because his iron was low, his father died of colon cancer, and the doctor (who has zero bedside manner) was worried. I was positively SICK with worry and terror but it turns out he just had three polyps which were not cancerous, and the endoscopy was negative and he just goes back in 7 years. The procedure took about a half hour and he was back to normal by the time he got to the car. So glad Dr. Zorn is a good doctor and could allay your fears. xoxo

    1. Thank you, dear Ms. Quimby, for telling me this. I needed to hear it. And thank all the powers that Rob is fine.

  2. Happy anniversary! Forty years in - that's impressive! The roses and the coconut cream pie are lovely. Happy Friday, and happy too that you have Dr. Zorn. No wonder you were at sixes and sevens yesterday. Here's hoping for a false positive or a mere polyp, and that the colonoscopy happens sooner rather than later so you have less time to fret.

    Anniversary hugs to both of you -
    Chris from Boise

    1. Thanks. And yes, I would like to get it done and over with.

  3. Happy anniversary and I'm glad you have each other. I hope the test happens soon and shows nothing dramatic. Chances are strong that it will. Thank you for telling us about it.

    1. Thank you, Liz. I was thinking about your recent call back for the mammogram and how horrible these things can be to wait for.

  4. I shall hope for benign polyps ... I understand they are easily snipped off!
    The lead-up to a colonoscopy is the worst part!

  5. Easing into the event with a Cologuard test is a smart way to go. Best wishes.

    1. Dr. Z was trying to protect me from another medical procedure, I am sure, but I will happily (sorta) get a colonoscopy.

  6. Happy anniversary! When you mentioned colonoscopy the very first thing I thought of was how wonderful the drugs are. Hahaha gotta look for the silver lining.

    1. Is there something wrong with us? I mean- the drugs?!

  7. I also tested positive and trying my best to avoid the colonoscopy, I asked if I could take another at home test first and if negative, I could skip it. They said yes, I tested negative. I think it was due to all the salsa I eat. I wish you the very best!

    1. Well, I'd just as soon get this over and done with so I know what's what. It is way over time for me to get a colonoscopy anyway.

  8. Welcome to the 'colonoscopy club.' I've never used Cologuard because colon cancer runs in my family. I've had many colonoscopies and still do not like the prep, but the anesthesia is lovely. I've had polyps but all non-cancer. My family history requires vigilance, so I am guaranteed many more colonoscopies because early detection brings the best outcomes. Hold that thought. As everybody agrees, the anesthesia is the best part.

    1. Yes, m'am. And I am so sorry that you got the luck of the draw in the genes department. You must be a pro by now.

  9. I have only had one colonoscopy and it was a pretty good time- yay drugs! You will be fine, I know it- you eat too well to have your intestine go wonky. AND you don[t smoke so , no worries.
    The roses are eye popping gorgeous! Think of nothing else. XXXOOO

    1. Are we all sickos for remembering how good the drugs are when you get a colonoscopy?

  10. I got my first colonoscopy when I was 38. if it helps, sometimes occult bleeding too small for the eye to notice from a small hemorrhoid bleeding will show up on colonguard tests and the cure is MORE FIBER/WATER. I get it tho, my dad's family 3 people have had colon cancer, his mom, him and my cousin but they also drink/drank heavy too. you got this xxalainaxx

    1. I don't know that I tested positive for occult blood. I did not ask that. But yes- you definitely need to keep an eye on things.

  11. My sister worked in surgery for many years and cologard false positives were very common.

  12. Happy anniversary you two. You are definitely couple goals. As for the test, all will be well. They just snip off any polyps they find, benign or otherwise, and you’re good as new. Plus, you know, the good drugs.

    1. Somehow the idea of a polyp being snipped gives me the shivers but better that than not getting a polyp nipped.

  13. My doctor told me that after 80 I will not have a colonoscopy unless the Cologuard test shows something because seniors have thinning tissue everywhere including the colon and it is too risky to have tears or holes poked through in a regular procedure. So I will send my little box off in the mail when I am supposed to. incidentally, I LUV crispy coconut and really really brown toasted meringue. It reminds me of a candy bar which name escapes me.

    1. I used to take my mother to get her colonoscopies and it got to where the prep almost killed her. I finally asked the gastroenterologist if she REALLY needed these regular scopes and he hemmed and hawed and then said, "Well, probably not."
      She never got another one.

  14. I had a positive test, here in Australia we are eligible for a free “poo test” every two years from the age of 50. It’s surprising how many people don’t do the test, it is sent out to you when you turn 50 automatically. I had a colonoscopy and it turned out to be a hemorrhoid, so all good, so life still goes on for me, that was 20 years ago. Marie, Melbourne, Australia

    1. Thank you, Marie from Melbourne! I'm so glad you had such a good outcome.

  15. Happy anniversary to you both.
    Get the colonoscopy sooner than three months. Do it before Thanksgiving. Get it over and done with. I know how scary it is but we have a mammo tech who tells women, "The only thing worse than being told you have breast cancer, is not being told you have breast cancer." If there's anything bad going on, get on top of it. Don't let fear stop you. You got this Mary. You are a strong, tough woman who has survived so much. You can get through a colonoscopy. One thing at a time.
    I know I sound like a cancer nurse, it's because I am sweetie. Don't delay. Sending hugs and love.

    1. I'm not afraid. Truly. I'll gladly get the colonoscopy as soon as it can be scheduled. What wise advise from that mammo tech.

  16. Yes, get the colonoscopy done and over with soon. No point in worrying for months. I always have polyps, so get one every 2-3 years. Not fun but it keeps me here. And I hope your anniversary was good despite the doctor's news.

  17. I wish I would have commented when you said you were using the home test. But I didn't. We just went through the same thing with my husband. He took the home test and got the call. He was a nervous wreck. When we went to the appointment to set up the colonoscopy the nurse told us about the false positives etc. I asked her if there was as many false negatives and she wasn't sure (YIKES). So he had the colonoscopy, everything was just fine. So I am hoping the same for you. Fingers crossed.

    1. I appreciate these personal experiences with positive tests and then all clear colonoscopies. Thank you, Miss Merry.

  18. well...sorry to hear the cologuard results positive but % of false positives is pretty hoping your colonoscopy will reveal nothing! Celebrate your anniversary with a lovely dinner......with a martini and that lovely coconut pie...... sending love to you both
    Susan M

  19. These early warning tests are great but do cause angst when something shows up. It is basically a fancy faecal occult blood test and even something you ate can trigger a false positive. But if in the unlikely event it isn't a false one you will get on to it far quicker than if you waited for symptoms. And colonscopy drugs are the bomb! Not the prep bit .... no way ... but the sleepy ones for sure.

    1. Well, they do test for DNA that can be indicative of cancer so there is that, too.
      I will get the colonoscopy and I am hanging my hat on those drugs!

  20. Too crispy? Not at all, that pie looks perfect.
    I'm sure the colonoscopy will be fine and they won't find anything wrong. I had one years ago, kept at my doctor until he wrote the referral, because my mum died from colon cancer and my brother has them every couple of years and always has polyps removed, (they laser them off during the procedure), but mine came back perfectly clean and I was told I'd probably never need another one. It's good that you're getting one even if all it does is put your mind at rest.

    1. The pie is pretty darn good.
      It's so funny how here in the US they just stress the hell out getting regular colonoscopies. If someone here had a mother who died of colon cancer they'd probably recommend they get one every two years or so. Funny how different the perceived wisdom can be in different geographical areas.

  21. I got the phone call myself 16 years ago. It was positive for breast cancer.
    I got early treatment and I'm still here!
    Get the scope over and done with. You will cope better when you know what you're dealing with.
    A very happy anniversary to you both.xx

    1. Christina! I did not know that. I am so glad that you got tested and had early treatment! I will indeed get the scope. I promise you.

  22. Well, you and I are in the same boat at the moment! I'm sorry about that test result, but as you said it's probably NOT cancer. As I understand it, most of the time cologuard tests are positive it's because of polyps, and they get taken out and that's that. When I had my last colonoscopy they gave me fentanyl which surprised the heck out of me -- but I was definitely in a state of blissful semi-oblivion.

    Early detection is ALWAYS better. You're doing the right thing. As you know.

    And meanwhile, it's nice to see your beautiful life chugging along as usual. :)

    1. You are so right. Early detection is always better. Thanks, Steve. I wish neither of us was having to deal with anything colon related!
      I guess fentanyl is good for some things!

  23. It's always a shock to have to do some medical test.Take a deep breath and go for it.Hopefully all will be clear or easily fixable. I have found that the tests and procedures I have had to undergo have been bearable because they know what medication to give you to treat adverse symptoms. Good luck.Yes- early detection is better!!! Wendy SA

  24. We just went through this at my house. Hubs Cologuard results positive, too. "Cancer DNA detected". He was already planning his funeral by Colonoscopy day--a full month later. Two polyps removed, no other issues found. You'll be the same.

    1. Thank you for that reassurance, Vicki and I am truly glad that your husband is okay!

  25. That's why I don't bother with Cologuard tests anymore as I had a positive result and the colonoscopy showed I was fine. The colonoscopy test prep has gotten better (I had one last month). I think they have improved the flavor of the stuff you have to drink. My advice is to use lots of Vaseline on your butt during the prep so you don't get sore. That made a HUGE difference for me. My colonoscopy only took 20 minutes and I was happily drugged and woke up easily. Do it soon so you are not worrying about it.
    Happy Anniversary! xxoo

    1. Thanks, Ellen. I needed to hear all of that. I think my main problem with the prep is that it's so BORING not to eat for a day.

  26. I can certainly relate after being told I had an aneurysm in my brain. so I'm thinking positively here that your result will be the same as mine. medical shit can be scary especially as we get older.
    and that pie looks perfect to me. if Glen doesn't want it I'd take it if I was there.

    1. Ellen, I immediately thought of you when I got this news. Not that you'd had a positive Cologuard test but because of the tests you did have that showed things that were really possibly scary.
      Glen would probably let you have a piece of the pie but I doubt he'd give it all away. It is'a fine pie.

  27. Happy anniversary! I agree with Pixie, getting it done sooner rather than later will be much better for you mentally. Our minds tend to go to the darkest places. Sending love.

    1. I'm a natural The Sky Is Falling person anyway. I disastrophize everything.

  28. I'm hoping for the best for you. Happy anniversary! Sending a hug...

  29. I've had 5 or 6 colonoscopies in the last 13 years (I always have polyps). The one I had last year was 10 times easier than the earlier ones. You take pills instead of drinking of gallon hideous stuff. Yes, the prep "action" is horrible. But it's literally 24 hours: you start prepping at say noon on a Monday, have your test done before noon on a Tuesday. Just schedule it and get it over with (I have raging hypochondria so I'm sadly well versed in health fears). And the pie looks divine.

    1. Really? They've made the prep easier? That's good to know!

  30. Well no wonder you were a little stressed yesterday. Here's to a quick and easy colonoscopy! Never had one, yet, but have done the Cologuard thing twice.

  31. I am late to the party, but Happy Anniversary, and I wish you two darlings many more! I am only a little worried about the colonoscopy news because you eat so well, with so many fruits and vegetables. My little black cat had 6 teeth pulled and has an abcess. Between her doing poorly with a lot of pain and my rehabilitating wrist, things have been a struggle. I love you and am thinking of you.

  32. May your colonoscopy prep be better than usual and test results negative. I'm holding you in my thoughts here in CA. Happy Anniversary, Moons, and Many More! x0x0 N2

  33. I hope that all goes well even as I know you must have a tiny part of you that is scared. It sounds perfectly reasonable that not being pressed into the colonoscopy is a great sign.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.