Monday, May 20, 2024

A Boy Is Promoted!

Explanation to follow.

Meanwhile- what a day! 

Owen was graduating (or being promoted as I think they called it) from the 8th grade. Next year he starts high school. Look y'all- it was ten minutes ago that he was graduating from Pre-K. 

So of course I went and I had a few errands to run before I met Lily to pick her up so that we could carpool. She checked Maggie and Gibson out of school so that they could come too and then it was time to line up to wait to get into the gym where the ceremony was to be held. They started letting people in at 2:30 and the whole shebang started at 3:00. 

We got good seats. Jason was there too, of course. Mr. Moon couldn't come because it was tiny home delivery day. 
The superintendent of schools was there along with another board of education member. So all three of them had to make speeches after the eight grade filed in and filled those seats and they were the usual incredibly boring, "You can't control what happens but you can control how you react to it," type of speeches full of trite advice about how to survive high school and do your best there and in life in general, and then one of the students made a speech and then another student made a speech and then two girls sang a song which was great and eventually, after about four segments of eternity, they got to the part where they called all the kids' names and they filed OUT of their seats and walked past all the people who needed to shake their hands and the students did indeed shake their hands and got their diplomas or certificates or whatever you get for graduating eighth grade and filed BACK into their seats while the last few words of advice were given. 
I was amazed at how good all of the children in the bleachers were. I didn't even hear one crying baby! And this went on a for a very long time. I honestly thought I was going to stand up and scream at a few points but that would have been entirely inappropriate. I did enjoy people watching, especially one darling little baby girl who was so happy, playing with her daddy's ears. She had such long curly hair and such a dear face that I decided she would look exactly the same when she was 47 years old as she does now. 

Here's what Owen looked like after he got his certificate.

Thrilled, no?

He was happy when it was over as was everyone in that gym, probably most of all the superintendent of schools who is going to attend 22 graduations and promotions this week. 
Why would anyone want that job? 

When we finally got outside I was so happy and of course pictures were taken. 

Proud family!

And when this happened, I about died. 

The it was time for all of us to pile into my car so I could take them home and come home myself but when I say "my car" I mean the car Glen usually drives because my Prius needs a new starting battery (have I already told you this?) so I was in his Camry. Everyone got in, buckled up, and I tried to start the car and...NOTHING.
Well, the dash lights came on. 
Other than that, click, click, click, dead, dead, dead. (See picture above.)

There's more to the story but needless to say I called Glen who was a bit unsettled and busy because the trailer hauling the tiny house onto Tom's property went over a berm and the rear end of the tiny house came off the trailer and the tiny house is now at an angle, leaning on a tree. 
I shit you not. 

But he came and jumped the Camry. Jason had taken Lily and the kiddos home and I drove his truck back to Lloyd and he took the Camry to Costco to get a battery to put in it. 

He is my knight in shining armor. He is my sweetheart. He did say, "You have to quit breaking our cars," but he didn't even curse. 

Driving his big old honkin' work truck was a trip. "Do you have a pillow for me to sit on?" I asked him. "No, but I have a sack of corn. I don't think you want to sit on it though."
Then I asked him if there were any special instructions I needed before I drove it. "Just don't hit anything," he said. 
I didn't and I felt sort of powerful, sitting up there in that cab, surrounded by tools and thermoses and the smell of petrol. I sort of wished I had a bulldog to hang his head out of the passenger side window with its ears blowing back in the wind. 

Here's one more picture and in it, you can see that the day was completely worth it for me, eternal graduation ceremony, dead battery and all. 

How I love that boy. 

I'll let y'all know how the situation with Tom's tiny house goes as things unfold. I do believe that professionals are going to be involved. Or at least that's what Glen says. And no, he was not driving the truck hauling the trailer. If he had been, that house would be sitting right where it's supposed to be. 

Tomorrow I go to the dermatologist for the first time in many years. I finally made an appointment. Wish me luck. I have a few extremely funky-looking growths that definitely need to be checked out. A life spent in Florida, mostly outside, can definitely lead to problems. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. What a precious boy. High school next year. He's growing up and we're growing old. As grandma's should. Is that Jason walking ahead in the blue shirt?
    The mishap with the tiny house is so unfortunate. What a bite; it never should have happened! I hope the "deliverer" is insured!

    1. Good eye, Joanne! That is Jason. I think the deliverer is insured. It's all just sort of been such a cluster fuck that who knows? Glen does, I'm sure.

  2. One thing after another! The graduation was great, if a bit long!
    Are you telling me you don't have a portable jumper in your car??? I've jumped a dead battery numerous times with mine, never leave without it! Takes ten seconds. You may need to investigate, if you're going to continue breaking cars.
    The tiny house is getting to be a big issue, dangut. I hope it's not damaged.

    1. I do not have a portable jumper in the car! Glen's given one to all the kids. I guess he figures I'll always just call him. I'm going to try not to break any more cars.
      The Tiny House should be named Big Pain In The Butt. I think it's fine.

  3. He held hands with his sister. What a gent!

  4. I think all graduations are long, aren't they?!? Congrats to Owen and I hope he has a grand time in high school!

    1. Yes. Graduations by design are long and boring. Why? Why must we do it like this?

  5. I’ve been seeing Owen on your blog since he was born. It seems like only a short time ago but time truly flies. Congratulations to him and it’s so sweet that he’s holding Maggie’s hand. Hope the tiny house situation works out without more trauma.

    1. Kids give time wings, don't they?
      I assure you there will be more trauma with the house.

  6. Owen is so tall and so handsome- more mature than his eighth grade age! WOW. I thought he was graduating from HS- time is such a trickster. And look at YOU, I love that color of your dress and you couldn't be more adorable if you tried! ( whom ever told you that you were overwieght has pants on fire!) Lovely family as usual - Magnolia's curls!!! Anyway, congrats to all- for behaving during the ceremony! Tedious. Congrats to Owen, such a champion, he is.

    1. That is one of the, if not the most, flattering picture of me taken in years. I am not kidding. It is an illusion.
      Can you believe how much taller Owen is than I am?
      Maggie's curls are responding to the humidity we're having now. At least it's good for one thing.

  7. I love that last picture of you and Owen. And you can't exactly beat Mr. Moon's driving instructions can you - "just don't hit anything"! Says it all really!

    1. Doesn't it? Mr. Moon is wise. And practical.

  8. The photos warm my heart. That last one of you two is a joy. The speeches sound like torture.

    1. It was torture. My idea of hell is an eternity of what we sat through yesterday.

  9. The photos are lovely, Owen holding Maggie's hand :) You and Owen sharing a hug :)
    shame about the car AND about the Tiny House, but all will be well by the end of the week, or even by this time tomorrow!
    Congratulations Owen.

    1. The cars are in running order and the Tiny House will be all perfect eventually.

  10. Congratulations to Owen, and good luck at the dermatologist. I hope things get better for Tom and his house.

  11. I love that picture with you and Owen! Not to sound snarky, but I don't know when "graduating" from middle school became such a thing -- or why. When I went from 8th to 9th grade no one so much as sneezed, much less made a speech.

    1. My thought ,too. I did not know that eighth grade jump to ninth was special.

    2. When I went to school we had elementary which was 1-6, then Jr. High which was 7,8, and 9, and then high school. I remember some sort of 9th grade ceremony when we graduated. But yeah- I have no idea why they make it such a big deal now.

    3. Here in Australia infant school is kindergarten and grades 1 and 2, primary school is grades 3,4,5,6, the high school is grades 7,8,9,10,11,12.
      It used to be grade 7 was part of primary school in my state, but the Eastern states had it as part of high school, so we changed to fit in with them. I still think grade 7 is too young for high school.

  12. Congratulations to Owen.He looks so grown-up already.I'm sure he will enjoy high school!

    1. In some ways he is very mature. In others- well, not yet. He can take his time as far as I''m concerned!

  13. I love all these pictures. Owen and Maggie, Owen and you. You are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Awww, thank you Patricia. That was so sweet of you.

  14. Hurrah for Owen! Life moves on and we cannot put the brakes on. All too soon he will be graduating from high school and I hope that you and Glen are around to witness that. I also hope that Tom's small house problem can be easily resolved.

    1. God. I hope we're around for Owen's high school graduation too.
      There is NO easy involved in this whole Tiny House venture. None. Not one bit. Because Tom is involved.

  15. 8th grade graduation seems like a big ceremony...somewhat mirroring college. Congratulations Owen! You guys combine joy and mishaps well. 2 cars on the fritz (Prius & Camry) is a hoot. Glen and his truck rescued the day. You look terrific in your blue dress. Driving the big truck in your stylish, beautiful blue dress paints a great picture. You had fun! Oh no - the TH is in a bit of trouble. Hopefully the fix comes quickly.

    1. Yep. Two Toyotas whose batteries decided to die at the same time. I was thinking about what I must have looked like, driving that truck in my blue dress. I doubt a soul noticed. Plus, I really should have sat on the sack of corn. I could barely see over the wheel.
      TH is in trouble but it is getting sorted.

  16. good on Owen but I'm really amused by all these graduation ceremonies they have now. the only one I had was high school. now it's pre-K, elementary school, middle school. my kids didn't have all those either. they had award ceremonies but not the whole graduation thing where every kid get called and walks across the stage to shake hands and get a piece of paper. and what a day for Mr Moon.

    1. If they had just done the awards and the handing out the certificates thing that would have been great. I actually liked seeing how each kid approached the adults as their names were called.

  17. That picture of you and Owen is definitely a keeper! Your dress is dreamy

    1. I have had that dress for years and I do not know what I'll do when it finally dissolves into shreds. I wear it all the time.

  18. Congratulations to Owen. Here we have a grad in grade nine, before high school, and then another for grade twelve. I wore the same dress to both, hadn't grown. I love that photo of you and Owen, especially that dress, one of my favorite colours.
    I hate it when things go wrong with cars and I'm glad you have Mr. Moon as back up. That would be quite handy.

    1. That's how we used to do it here. I do not know why they have changed things. There is so much difference between a ninth grader and a senior and I don't understand why they think the kids those ages should all go to school together.
      Mr. Moon is the best back-up.

  19. Lovely happy faces , I adore them xx

  20. 37paddington: be still my heart. Owen in high school! That handsome young man who I rent so keenly from when he used to brush your hair and help you sweep and rock out dancing to Stones music with you. Owen! Your first grand baby, who named you. Please congratulate him for me and tell him how proud I am of him. I looked at that photo of you and him for a long time. It is the sweetest thing, the way his arm encircles you, as yours once encircled him. ❤️


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