Friday, April 19, 2024

Hot, Humid, And Frequently Humorous

It's Friday and you know what that means! Maurice did help me hang out the laundry but I didn't get her in that photo. 

The day started out oddly. I didn't wake up until almost 9:30 which is an hour after I usually get up. I had slept so hard that I don't think I changed position very much in the night and when I went to get out of bed, it took me three attempts to make it because all of my parts hurt when I unkinked them from their sleeping position. How weird! And of course I was sleep-coma-ed, feeling as if I were still in the dreams I'd been having. I felt like Rip Van Winkle waking up after his long years of sleep- what had I missed? I wondered, as I brushed my teeth. 
Turns out not a lot. 
I knew I needed to take a walk. That would be the best thing for mind and body I could do and eventually, I did put my walking costume on and headed down the sidewalk, promising myself that it would only be a teensy-tiny walk, just enough to get the joints loosened up. Of course that's what I always tell myself and compared to how far I used to walk, all of my walks ARE teensy-tiny but I managed to get in a few miles before I collapsed. It is so humid here now and the heat is getting worse. I swear it's like trying to walk underwater or in a dog's mouth. That's the image that kept coming to me- a panting dog's mouth. And every time I walked beside still-undrained water, I could feel the vapor of it, smell the wetness of it, and there is still a lot of undrained water.

But, I made it and when I got home it was already past lunch time. Mr. Moon offered to take me to the Hilltop and I was pleased to go. The lunch crowd had thinned out by the time we got there and we got our food relatively quickly. The two in-residence toddlers were playing in the store area, unstocking bags of chips while one of their mothers, I suppose, stood close by to make sure that they were safe. There seems to be a surfeit of babies at the Hilltop recently. I get the feeling it's mostly a family affair and if a daughter-worker has a baby, the baby comes to work too.

For those of you who may not know, that thing on the left there is a device that you can clamp to the top of a door frame and put the baby into. The springs at the top of the strap make it so that the child can jump and jump and jump on their cute little legs, springing into the air and returning to earth safely. I mean, it's only a few inches that the baby can jump up but some kids adore those things. 
The menu that you can see if you enlarge the photo is one of the three menus posted. There is another one of subs, salads, and sandwiches, and yet another of hot foods like hamburgers, fried pork chops, and hot wings. 

Both Mr. Moon and I got chicken salad today. He got his on a sub, I got mine as a salad. A chicken salad salad, as it were. Here's what it looked like. 

I always ask for it with ALL the vegetables and as you can see, their salad vegetables are the same as their sandwich and sub vegetables. So we're not talking any sort of baby frisée  and seaweed salad with essence of pomegranate and shaved parmesan here. But you know what? I love that chicken salad salad. It comes with crackers, as all salads should, and they even ask you if you want white or wheat crackers which I think is very kind of them and rather gourmet.
By the way- that's the one scoop salad. You can also get a two or three-scoop salad. If I were a roofer or a construction worker, I'd go for the three scoops but I am not so one was more than plenty. 

I really enjoyed our little lunch date. We sat outside at one of the picnic tables and it wasn't deadly hot and there were no bugs. We laugh at the silliest things, Mr. Moon and I. I swear- I cherish the moments I make him laugh more than anything. 

When we got home it was time to start making the supper. The man has been asking me to please cook some of his venison and I told him I would. I made a nice soup, despite the heat, with chunks of the meat and many, many vegetables. 

I've also got bread rising and it's martini time. Mr. Moon just got home from some things he had to attend to at Moon Plaza involving electricity. I swear- that man is working harder and longer now than he did when he was in full-tilt business mode. He wants to paint the trim in Lily's house before they move in and he called a few of his old painting buddies. He was a painter when I met him and in fact, that is how I met him. That's another story that I may retell again at some point because it's a good one. Anyway, turns out that all of his old painting buddies really are old now, just as we are. While we were eating our lunch, he got a call-back from one of the guys he'd tried to get in touch with. He's about to go get a second knee operation and as he said, "I wouldn't be much help to you."
"Damn," said my husband. "I need to make some younger friends."

Martinis are being sipped. I need to go preheat the oven for the bread. The clean sheets are on the bed and the rest of the laundry is folded and put away. I finished reading "James" last night and I am going to start at the beginning again tonight. I am excited about that prospect. I feel like I may have missed some things and if so, that needs to be remedied. 

For at least this evening, all is well. 

Happy Friday, y'all.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Sounds like you'll sleep well tonight too. Sweet dreams.

  2. The look and feel and smell of clean sheets is priceless. So is a good walk. A chicken salad sandwich or croissant is always one of our weekend choices and I generally order mine sans the bread but plus all the original lettuce and tomato and mayo.

    1. How can you pass up a croissant? But honestly, sounds like a good choice for a weekend meal.

  3. Happy Friday and weekend to you and yours, Mrs. Moon! Xo, Rigmor

  4. Walking is good exercise and it makes a nice start to the day. Your restaurant salad looks terrific. Now that our weather is finally getting warmer I love a good salad with all the extras.

    1. Well, I don't know if I'd call that salad a good one but there's something about it that I love.

  5. Hmmm. Here a chicken salad is salad vegetables and some cooked chicken pieces like a drumstick and a piece of breast. Yours looks very interesting.
    The ability to make a spouse laugh is one of the most precious things in a marriage.

    1. We too have more regular salads with sliced chicken on them.
      Can you imagine a marriage without silliness in it?

  6. I could enjoy a nice chicken salad salad like yours! I woke up a little late (for me) this morning and had to rush to get the dogs tended to before the day started for real. The rush left me discombobulated all day.

    1. I swear- oversleeping, even when you don't have a "job" really can throw your whole day off.

  7. Your stew looks wonderful, heat or no heat! Combined with bread & a martini, even better. Happy Friday!

    1. That was some damn good soup. It'll be even better tonight!

  8. I spy a bay leaf in that venison dish. I hope Mr M loved it as expected.
    Walking is my thing, not far, not fast, but it makes a difference. I ruined the weather by making that summer skirt. Cold and rainy and all the kids are playing out in down jackets again.

    It's funny to think you're dealing with heat and humidity. The flooding is making sure the humidity stays high. I hate thinking about the biting insects who love that weather.

    1. Yep. A bay leaf in the soup. I have realized in adulthood that the bay leaves my mother used were so old that they didn't really impart any flavor. It was shocking to discover that they, in fact, do.
      How dare you ruin the weather like that? You know you have all the power just in that needle and thread of yours!
      Surprisingly, the mosquitoes are not THAT bad yet. I've seen them far, far worse.

  9. That salad looks delicious. I just added James to my "want to read" list.

  10. Whenever I hear/read chicken salad (or ham salad, any kind of salad) I always picture a mixed salad of things like lettuce, tomatoes, maybe olives or onions, cucumber, sliced peppers and the chunks of sliced chicken or ham mixed into it. I had no idea the chicken salad was finely chopped chicken mixed with dressing or mayonnaise to be scooped with a spoon.
    I never re-read a book immediately, always wait a while and read others in between, so when I find something missed the first time it gives me a whole new perspective, even if I didn't miss anything, I might focus on a different character and it makes the story different.

    1. Do y'all have tuna salad or egg salad? We mix those with mayonnaise and different things too. We just love to mix up proteins with mayonnaise and call it salad.
      I usually do not reread a book immediately either but in this case, I really want to.

    2. We do mix tuna or egg with mayonnaise but only to spread on sandwiches. In a mixed salad the eggs are chopped and the tuna left in chunks.

  11. I love that that place looks to be a family run restaurant and the ladies bring their babies to work. That's what the Turks in my local farmers' market do (and at the Chinese store) and that's the way they get ahead!

    1. Not only are there babies and little kids all over the place, there are pictures of babies and kids all over the place!

  12. it's been hot and really humid here too. I had all kinds of plans for outside yesterday until I'd spent about an hour out there and I was done. hot and sweaty and got nothing really accomplished. I have the remains of a Costco rotisserie chicken in the fridge that I need to debone for chicken salad.

    1. I've only ever met one chicken salad I did not like. And honestly, I've made Glen's mother's chicken salad so many times that I'm sort of burnt out on that too. Every Christmas for forty years. But mostly, I love it all.
      It's too hot for me to spend much time outside working. I just can't.

  13. We had a similar baby contraption called "Johnny Jump Up".
    I spent yesterday and today with my friend, Jan, helping with her garage sale. It was so cold but we had fun and she made almost $1000 so that was good! We've been best friends for 60 years since we met first year of high school!

  14. I would be at Hilltop every day… or at your house! I love those deep sleeps and hate the aching body after.

  15. I don't think I have ever finished a book and gone right back to the beginning again. I admire your enthusiasm for doing that! I AM curious about that book.

    Chicken salad is yummy. I like it with mayonnaise, grapes and walnuts. Is that Waldorf Salad? Anyway, I was just thinking today about making that again when we have leftover chicken.

  16. I am married to a man who cannot stand to be idle, just like Mr. Moon. I keep trying to explain 'retirement', but the man just doesn't get it.

    PS: I love your porch. I really do.

  17. I'm looking so forward to hearing you retell the story of meeting Mr. Moon. I missed it the first time!
    I also love chicken salad. Venison--not so much.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.