Sunday, April 14, 2024

Dumplings, Darlings, And Dangerous Plants

I took that picture yesterday evening during the golden hour. Glen and I tried to get the boys interested in the idea of going out to the front porch and sitting and chatting for a little bit about All The Important Things, especially this house and how old it is and how much life has been lived here and how they, too, are now part of that whole story. I made them "fancy drinks" of orange juice and ginger ale which tempted them to sit with us but after a few moments of hearing things like, "This house was here when Abraham Lincoln was the president!" they sucked their drinks down and wanted to go back inside to play Wii golf. 
They need to get a little older to truly appreciate the golden hour porch sit. 

Here's what my dumplings looked like.

That was before they'd been turned over to expose that side of them to the simmering broth. Those might have been the best dumplings I ever made. All the fellas here agreed that they were very fine indeed.

After supper, Mr. Moon supervised bath time and I got started in the kitchen doing clean-up and before I knew it, two squeaky clean little boys were running wildly through the house as squeaky clean little children love to do. It's that last gasp of being tired and wired. They got into their pajamas and demanded (nicely) their root beer floats. I even had one! I can pass up a purple cow but a brown cow is a cow of a different color. 

Then off to bed! The reading material chosen was "Tarzana" (again) and "Professor Wormbog in Search for the Zipperump-a-Zoo."
There really must be something wrong with me because despite the fact that I have read that book at least two hundred times out loud to children, it still makes me happy. And it still makes me laugh. 

The pictures are charming. The plot is silly and wonderful. The characters are...mostly beasties. 
If there are young children in your life, I highly recommend it. 

And then I tucked those boys into bed, kissed them, and turned out the light and they were asleep. They were tired, tired boys. 

Mr. Moon got up with them this morning at 7:30 which is the time we told them that they had to stay in bed until, and they did. I got up an hour later and after I woke up with some coffee I began the pancake-making ritual. Today's pancakes were apple/blueberry/oat bran. The boys gave them a zillion thumbs up or something like that. 

They played in the Glen Den with Lincoln Logs for awhile after breakfast. 

That is August's self-proclaimed masterpiece. It even has room for Levon's stuffie. 

And then Mr. Moon mostly took over. He drove them to Walmart to get paint for model cars that they are thinking of making a project. Mr. Moon has had these cars in their original boxes since the sixties, most likely. They also went by Lily's to pick up August's meds which had been forgotten in the transfer yesterday. AND Boppy took them to eat pizza. So I lazed around and made beds and did laundry and tidied up. When the guys got back to the house, Levon told me that he wanted to go home and I assured him that Mama and Daddy would be here soon. Levon's such a tough little man but he does love his sweet parents. 

And then the anniversary love birds made it back and there were hugs and kisses and the rounding up of possessions to take home. 

All in all, it was a terrific visit and I am quite proud of those boys. They always take their plates to the kitchen when they're through eating and last night they thanked me repeatedly for a "healthy meal" and they're easy to have around. 

Here are a few pictures I've taken today and yesterday. 

An aloe in full bloom. 

A green anole hanging out on an aloe leaf. Do you see the spines on that aloe? Those things will rip your skin like piranha teeth. And do you see that other plant growing there? That's a dewberry and they have terrible-bad prickles. This is why I have not cleaned out the aloe bed. 
And here's a funny thing- I haven't used any aloe gel for any medicinal purposes in eons. 
I bet you there are at least a hundred aloe plants in that tiny area.

Another rose from the vines I did not prune. This is the most ethereal flower. 

And a few hours later after it had opened. 

Quite a weekend! 

And all is well. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I could use some aloe. I am glad you all had a nice visit and that rose is beautiful.

  2. After we moved here, all of my aloe died. I haven't tried planting it outside. might work.

    1. Also- I just took a look at YOUR blog and it looks fascinating.

  3. What an amazing rose. I'd disremembered the boys' parents were away a bit. Good for Levon, holding out as long as he did.

  4. I very busy weekend. That rose is beautiful, the colour so intense.
    Jack just got back home from his grandma's. He spent some time with her while I was away and he was exhausted when he got home. He's in bed sleeping already.
    Back to work for me tomorrow. Oh, and I broke a tooth in Vancouver. Sigh.

    1. Are you as tired as Jack?
      You broke a tooth? I am so sorry.

  5. I want some of your dumplings!

  6. I would love to come sit on that plant filled porch!

  7. So the idea is you scratch yourself on the aloe spines and then heal with the aloe juice?
    A perfect weekend by all accounts. Your dumplings look delicious.

    1. I had the same thought myself about those aloes! Wound and healing, all in one leaf!

  8. I remember my boys being that tired after a day of running about, they'd insist they weren't tired yet but fell asleep as soon as their heads were on their pillows. Were they just painting model cars or did they have to construct them first? Those dark red roses are the best :)

    1. Children NEVER admit they're tired. It's a point of pride. Neither do husbands in my experience.
      They never got around to painting or constructing but I think you have to paint first. But don't hold me to that.

  9. Those dumplings look outrageously good. Sigh. I think I've wanted to visit you for meal for over fifteen years.

    1. I would be so proud to have you join me for dinner, Elizabeth.

  10. Oh, that rose! Like velvet. Those boys are the greatest gift! I’ve said before how lucky you and they are! I’d sit on that picture-perfect front porch and listen to stories any time. I regularly use our aloe for cuts. Every time I water or trim the aloe!

    1. That rose looks exactly like deep maroon velvet. It is amazing.
      Our grandchildren are pretty precious to us. One of these days those boys will look back and remember sitting on that porch and they will be happy they did it.
      I'd like to just wave a magic wand and have all that aloe out of my yard.

  11. My kitchen aloe, no sharp spines, is in regular use for cooking burns. It's vital first aid.
    Those boys do get well fed and entertained chez Mer.

    1. You have the GOOD aloe variety. Obviously. I have the wicked one.
      No one goes home hungry from our house. I'm pretty sure of that.

  12. oh, that rose is exquisite! I would love to sit on your porch during the golden hour.

    I had a rare visit yesterday, my great granddaughter! her parents are thinking about moving back to Wharton.

    1. Wow! Would you like having your great granddaughter and her parents back in Wharton? That sounds pretty exciting.
      Ellen, you and I could solve all the problems of the world on my front porch.

  13. That was a fun visit for the boys! This morning I started my Monday, Wednesday, Friday getting Thomson and Michael off to the school bus. So I was up early so my son and his wife could get off to work. We read "7 ate 9" which was very funny and "Froggy for President". I'll go back this afternoon to meet the bus and so I'll be happily busy for several weeks!

    1. You really are going to be busy! I admire you for stepping up and helping.

  14. That is an ethereal-looking rose! (Though it may also be the light!) You do have an amazing front porch and one of these days the boys will appreciate all that history.

    1. The light does have something to do with it but it IS ethereal. The deep color of it and the velvet texture just blow me away.
      You're right about the boys. They're a little young as yet.

  15. Get them to shell peas
    A great pastime to listen to stories
    Love that porch xx

    1. You are not wrong about shelling peas and listening to stories! But first we have to harvest some from the garden and so far, we haven't even planted them! We need to get on that.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.