Sunday, April 7, 2024

Cats And Bamboo And All That Jazz

This is where I've been finding Maurice at night when I go to get ready for bed. That's a stack of sweaters she cozies up on, waiting for me in my bathroom which is where I keep my dresser. I think she feels safe there and of course there's the territory claiming factor. If she gets to that end of the house first, she gets to sleep with us. 

That cat is always on high alert. Friday night, when Glen was out of town, I went to sleep in a state of almost-terror due to the fact that she was on one side of me, up near my head, and Jack had snuck in and was laying on the other side of me, down near my knees. I was scared to death that I would wake up with two cats raking their claws across my body while trying to kill each other but I was also scared to death to try and remove one because that certainly would have started a fight. Surprisingly, it was a peaceful night. 

I took this picture of our tiger when I was out kicking bamboo. 

And then she did this.

I really wasn't planning on writing a cat post this evening but it's been an extremely mundane day. I didn't have the motivation to do much of anything at all. I kicked bamboo, as I mentioned and it is slowing down. But remember when I talked about how sly that shit is and how fast it can grow without you even noticing it? 

That's in the camellia bed right beside the old kitchen yard and I had seriously just done a search in both of those areas a few minutes before and had not seen that. AND- there was another one just like it a few feet from it, also on the fence. I only noticed them when I opened the back door to the old kitchen garden. Those things were almost as tall as me! One more day and they would have towered over me, not unlike my grandchildren. 

Wow. Could this post GET any more boring? 

I also did a little more work on the plants I don't want beside the front fence, "little" being the key word. My hands started screaming at me after an hour and I obeyed their command to stop. 

Are you going to watch the eclipse tomorrow? Good Lord. 
What I mostly remember about the last one we had which was only seven years ago, was that it freaked me out. I wrote a post about it and again, if you want to go back and read what I had to say about something years ago, you can go HERE.
This was back in the days when I still had my darling chickens. 
Damn but I miss those sweet birds, my feathered babies, my deliverers of perfect protein in beautiful form. 

I guess this is enough mundaneness for one day. 

Love...Ms. Moon 



  1. Maurice is standing on a "Breaking Free" pamphlet and looking for all the world like doing it.

    1. That's actually book by one of the daughters of Warren Jeffs, who is the so-called "prophet" of the fundamentalist branch of the Church of Latter Day Saints. I'ts an eye-opener for sure, even if you think you know a lot about him.

  2. In 1972, a few months after we were married, my husband, a friend and I drove from Boston to Quebec’s GaspĂ© Peninsula to view a total eclipse in a field in the middle of nowhere but right across the road from where NASA had set up observational shop. One hell of an experience, atavistic for sure. When the sun reappeared the whole field full of people, who knew exactly what an eclipse was, burst into cheers and applause as if we’d all been harboring some very primitive fears. Our daughters are ensconced in a little cabin in Texas’ zone of totality, while I have an important medical appointment at the exact time we’ll be experiencing 91% totality. Such is life. Margaret

    1. What a great word "atavistic" is. And what a terrific use of it.
      I surely hope your appointment went well, Margaret.

  3. We are supposed to be in the area of totality but they keep moving the line. So we shall see. I ordered special glasses two months ago, but Amazon did a stealth refund on Thursday. I knew before I called. They were deemed unsafe. So I will be content with 5 minutes of darkness.

    1. I read some quote by an ophthalmologist who says that NO glasses are safe to watch the sun through. So...

  4. Life is never mundane when you have cats. And bamboo.
    I miss your chooks, too.

  5. I miss my cats, so I love when you write about yours and show us how beautiful they are.

  6. The last eclipse i saw in s crowd at the library, and it was a relief when the sun reappeared. Some very primitive fears around it. I can see why people who didn't know what was going on, centuries ago, might have been a tad worried. Timor mortis conturbat me stuff.

    1. Agreed.
      I wonder how many people have hurt their eyes watching eclipses since the dawn of time.

  7. I won't be looking at the eclipse, probably there won't be much to see way down here anyway and they'll show it on the TV news so that's good enough for me. I've never heard about the crescent shadows you mention in the linked post.

    1. They are for real, as you saw from the pictures.

    2. I took pictures of them here. Not very good pix, but they're exciting to see.

  8. Maurice always looks so angelic in photos. As for mundane, I love this day-in-the-life post. I remember when we had out bamboo learning that it could grow up to 3 feet a day. And it did!

    1. Yes sir. Fastest growing grass on earth. I think.
      Maurice is the farthest thing from angelic. She is demonic. But she is pretty, even with her battle scarred nose.

  9. I'm glad I only have one cat. She slept with me last night and I woke to the sounds of a cat bath in the middle of the night, then we both fell back to sleep.
    Have you ever made anything with your bamboo? I was just wondering. I know it's sturdy.
    It sounds like a lovely, relaxing day. I keep forgetting about the eclipse. It's only a partial eclipse here. We'll see how dark it gets. Last time there was an eclipse, we were in Vancouver. It was eerie seeing the sky dark in the middle of the day.

    1. Glen has made some trellis for the garden with our bamboo. It is sturdy but it doesn't last forever.
      "Eerie" is a very good word to describe a solar eclipse.

  10. Don't think of it as a boring, mundane day, Mary! Think of it as a calm, stress-free day! That's much more comforting!

    1. You are right. It's all in how we frame it.

  11. no eclipse sighting here though it is only partial for us. completely overcast and predicting rain. of course they predicted rain for yesterday too and it didn't. there's a feral male that sort of lives under out house and drives Minnie nuts. Also Cat doesn't care for him either. She's always on high alert and ready to come inside when he's out in the open, like yesterday evening. he might be the daddy of the wildlings due to his coloring. I have no idea what he eats. I don't feed him. unless he goes over and cleans up what the wildlings didn't eat.

    I didn't do too much outside yesterday either, hot and humid, I was sweating in no time.

    1. I wonder if that is Dad Cat. Surely might be. I have no doubt that your cat and dog baby don't like him at all. He may eat wild things like birds and mice. Mostly likely, in fact.
      I am not looking forward to the warmer temps and higher humidity.

  12. Do your neighbors get any of that bamboo? How far do those roots go, I wonder?

    No eclipse for us but weirdly I heard that it might be partially visible in the far north of the UK.

    1. Yes. The bamboo does grow into the neighbor's yard to the east of us. It also grows behind us all up and down the RR tracks.

  13. After several years of battling my neighbors sly and sneaky bamboo as it tries to conquer my yard, I now truly believe that stuff is sentient.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.