Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Maggie World!

This was last night's salad and yes, I am posting it because I think it's so pretty and I'm being a little braggy. That shredded stuff in the middle is crab, leftover from a few night's ago and there are cucumbers in it, cherry and regular tomatoes, green beans, black olives, and, uh- well, the avocados and eggs. I always think I can throw a salad together in minutes but 

A. You don't THROW a salad together although you may of course toss it when it's done, and 
B. It takes a while to get the crab meat out of the crab legs and then another while to cut up all your vegetables, and
C. Then you have to make the dressing. If you make your dressing. 

So yeah, it never takes minutes. Or, rather, it takes quite a few minutes.

Look who's having a sleepover with us tonight. 

Why, it's Ms. Magnolia June! Here she is playing with Linda Sue's sewing shop miniatures along with some rabbits and bears that I got at a thrift store a long time ago who also have accessories. As Magnolia said. 
She is as happy as she can be. 
When I picked her up she was all ready and was wearing lipstick and eyeshadow. Lauren, who was at the house and in charge, said, "Maggie! You put on make-up?" 
"Of course she did," I said. "She is going out." 

On the ride home she informed me with solemn gravity that she had not eaten lunch. I am pretty sure this is not true but whatever. I told her she could definitely have a snack when we got to my house. Would she like a peanut butter sandwich? A chicken sandwich?
"No," she said. "I don't like sandwiches. Do you have eggs? I would like scrambled eggs."
So I made her some scrambled eggs. That girl has been requesting scrambled eggs from me since she was a tiny girl. She was so happy. Scrambled eggs and strawberries.

She ate on our new table. She was amazed when I showed her how it worked. I had told her about it in the car and she asked if Boppy had taken the "prickly things" off the tree before me made the table out of it. 
"You mean splinters?" I asked. 
"It has no splinters," I reassured her. It is as smooth as glass. He sanded the wood. Do you know what sandpaper is?"
She did not. I tried to explain sandpaper to her using a nail file that I keep in the car. After a minute she said, "I'm going to pretend I understood that."
She cracks me up so much. 
Lily told me that earlier, she had gotten a call at work from Lauren who said, "Maggie wants to ask you a question." She put Maggie on the phone.
"Yes?" asked Lily. 
"Could you please ask your mother if she will make me fish tonight?"
So Lily asked her mother if I would make Maggie fish tonight which of course I will along with the de rigueur cheesy noodles and sliced cucumbers. 

We have still not yet decided whether or not she will sleep with me in Mr. Moon's and my bed or alone in the guest room. 
Guess which one I'm betting on? 
I think Mr. Moon enjoys an opportunity to have the entire guest room  bed to himself, to tell you the truth. 
I did point out to Maggie that she is seven years old now. She pointed out to me that yes, she is, but that she gets scared and she's worried that Maurice might come into that room in the night and as we all know, that is a valid reason to be scared even though Maurice never sleeps on that bed. 
Oh well. If she can put up with my snoring, she can sleep with me. 

I worked some on my dress pockets today and all I can say about that is- I suck at pockets. My problem was that the pocket pattern I made, based on superior pockets in another dress, just did not work right. Too shallow, too long of an opening. 
So I am back to ripping out and when will I learn that basting is my friend? I would save myself so much time by basting things before I really stitch them. Also, to be honest, I am hating the fabric I bought to make the pockets with. Which is silly. That fabric won't even really show. 
So that's the pocket story for today. 
To be continued, of course. I am DETERMINED to get pockets in this dress. 

And I guess that's about it from Lloyd today. And I need to go make cheesy noodles and all that other stuff. 

Oh! Wait! There is this.

That pretty gray oak snake was crossing the road on my way to get Maggie. Isn't that a lovely design?

Well, Maggie asked her Boppy for a ride on the four-wheeler and now this is happening. 

Oh, that girl. Her wish is our command. As it should be. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I think Maggie is part cat, beautiful, sure of what she wants, loves her people! I liked seeing her working with her miniatures there.

    1. Maggie the Cat. I think I've heard that before! She is rather catlike, that girl. You would not believe the way her imagination works when she plays with dolls or miniatures or anything.

  2. Oh Maggie magpie- she does delight! Cleverly and properly and "ask your mother". hahahah. Also agree that Maurice is spooky and a real threat so, scoot over, Granny! Your food posts always make me feel hungry though I am not. Miniatures a hit, I will keep that in mind!

    1. She creates worlds with those things. Yesterday she told me that a monster had come to her little world on the counter and turned all of the bears and rabbits into BEASTS! But Daddy Bear had said, "ARRRGGGHHHH!" to the beast and he went away and now the rabbits and bears are just a little bit beast.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That salad looked SO good! The gray oak (rat) snake is of the constrictor family and squeezes its prey to death. It also 'rattles' it's tail like a rattle
    snake when threatened. I'm no authority, just looked it up. Actually, I
    saw 2 snakes on my walk yesterday in a Metro Park (Ohio). I should have had Depends on! Thankfully, they left me alone and I did likewise. No idea what kind they were. I didn't know I could move that fast!
    Paranormal John

    1. Yes. I read a quite interesting article here:
      I learned a lot!
      Do you know what kind of snakes you saw on your walk? I've been feeling like it's very snaky weather here right now and sure enough, I have seen some snakes.

  5. Princess Magnolia will no doubt decide exactly where she wants to sleep tonight......after her preferred fish dinner.....and you will comply accordingly! Bless her curly headed heart! And those lips.....oh my. Lily will have her hands full with her in about 4 or 5 years! LOL
    Susan M

    1. You can guess where she slept!
      Lily has her hands full ALREADY! Trust me.

  6. I suppose if you are stopped by the pocket police you might worry. But personally I would probably try the hot glue gun cause I'm lazy that way. I once won $75 from Woman's Day magazine for suggesting hemming jeans with the glue gun.

    1. Oh no! I couldn't! I would hate the way that felt, I think, and would never wear the dress. But I can see hemming jeans that way.

  7. I pretend that I understand quite regularly. That girl is a hoot.

    1. Don't we all do that? I just loved that Maggie verbalized it.

  8. That is a Beautiful Salad, you should be braggy about it!!! And the Grand playing with her Woodzeez, my Granddaughter enjoyed hers for a very long time and they had the cutest miniatures to go with them. When she outgrew the Woodzeez, their Buildings and such, I kept the Tiny Foods, couldn't help myself, they were so precious.

    1. There are toys I know I will never get rid of.

  9. I think from now on you should only buy dresses that already have pockets.
    That's a beautiful salad, I wondered what the shredded stuff was and guessed coconut. But crab is better! Perhaps Boppy could show Maggie how sandpaper works on a small unfinished plank?

    1. I bought that dress quite a few years ago and now I do not buy dresses without pockets. I promise!
      I thought about asking Boppy to show Maggie how sandpaper works but we got so busy I forgot.

  10. well, damn, I missed the post where Glen brought home the table and I want to see it. and yeah, much easier to buy stuff that already has pockets. or maybe do what women did a long time ago, a pocket on a sash.

    1. The top of the table pulls forward and upward so that it can be a coffee table when we are not using it as our dining table.
      I think a sash would bug me to death. I have been known to wear an apron with pockets around the house to deal with the problem.

  11. My daughter Maggie has a nice self-confidence that I don't remember ever having but I think it came from growing up with 4 older brothers. I think your Maggie learns a lot from her big brothers too!

    1. I think so too! And she seems to have just been born with a strong sense of self. I grew up the oldest with three younger brothers, no sisters. Very different situation.

  12. A good day in all. I loved the "I'm going to pretend I understand that." I shall have to remember and use it myself.

    1. Sometimes we just have to say it to ourselves and sometimes we should say it out loud!

  13. "I'm going to pretend I understand that." Hilarious! I can think of many instances that phrase would come in handy. (I wonder if Maggie picked it up from Lily or Lauren?)

    1. Who knows where she heard it? Maybe from one of her brothers. Definitely genius.

  14. I adore your relationship with your grands. it is so beautiful to witness. Your family is the way we wish the world could be. Hugs, darling Mary. I'm all caught up now.


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