Thursday, March 30, 2023

No Title


I've spent a lot of time outside today because it was another perfectly perfect day. It is still beyond gorgeous. So much green against a clear blue sky, a breeze making the wisteria leaves do a little flutter dance. The birds have been so busy, singing and eating and probably taking care of babies or waiting for babies to take care of. The cardinals have been bathing in the bird bath and squirrels chitter from tree to tree, talking about whatever it is that squirrels discuss. The confederate jasmine has begun blooming and I can smell its perfume from fifty feet away.

Maurice has followed me around all day, keeping watch over me or being amused by me- I have no idea. But it simply can't be a coincidence that every time I look up from whatever I'm doing outside, the little tiger is around, being so careful not to look at me directly, not to appear interested in the least. She is good company. I remember how the chickens, too, would find me outside and often perch on the garden cart and peck through whatever I had in there to see if any of it was interesting. How I miss their soft, sturdy bodies, the flap of their wings as they fluttered down from a roost. 

I spent some time doing potted plant things. I started out by separating those tiny tomato seedlings and giving them each their own little pots. I seriously doubt that they are going to breed true. Oh well. It's worth a try, right? 

I potted some giant begonia rootlings along with some I already had in a pot and watered them well. I can put begonia pots on the ground now that the chickens are gone. They loved begonias more than almost any other food. I replaced the Swedish ivy in a hanging pot outside that froze in the winter, with more that I'd rooted. I cleared out the bed to the left of the steps off the back porch to plant another jar-full of the firespike I'd rooted over the winter. I picked up some limbs and I trimmed a palm frond that had broken and tidied up some of the hydrangeas. I also cleaned out around a tree in the front yard and the place where Elvis was laid to rest. 

Remember Elvis? God, he was gorgeous. And the best damn rooster ever. 

I pulled more croscomia but not in an orderly fashion, just some here and there. I kicked a few more bamboo and that was enough for today. 

The rose I planted in the garden is budding out beautifully. 

And look at how much my beans have grown! Can't beat those rattlesnake beans. 

We just had a surprise visit from Lily, Lauren and Ms. Magnolia June. They brought their car over for Mr. Moon to work on. It needs work  on something involving transmission fluid, I think. 
"I didn't ask him to do it," Lily told me. "So don't fuss at me."
She's so funny. 
It was sweet to see all of them, even if just for a few moments. I got some wonderful hugs. 

I read something online today that is somewhat pertinent to a subject that got raised in my post yesterday about the Jessie-Vergil family going to Wyoming which is severely politically horrible right now. 
As is Florida although Florida is possibly worse. I don't know. 
But it seems to me that we can't just boycott the states we abhor the politics of. Well, of course people can boycott them if they want. But it seems so much more complex than that. I think of the people in these states who support their families with businesses that are geared towards travelers. Trust me when I say that many of the those people are as Yellow Dog Democrat as any of us are. As left-leaning, human rights supporting as anyone can be. People who are fighting for women's rights, minority rights, LGBTQIA rights. People who love their states, not the politics of them. 
Anyway, Ron DeSantis, the evil demon, has had a hair up his ass about Disney for a long time. Now don't get me wrong. I am not now nor have ever been a big Disney proponent. In fact, I have often bemoaned the fact that the Mouse has fucked up my state in so many ways. However, one thing that I truly have appreciated about them has been their support of the queer community. They were one of the first if not THE first, huge corporation to offer insurance benefits to same-sex partners before same-sex marriage was legal. And despite DeSantis' attempts to tamp down their influence, Disney is doubling down on their support of the LBGTQIA community. 
Is this good for their business? You bet. But does it make me happy to see DeSantis outwitted? 
More than you can know. 

So anyway, that was my little rant. And meanwhile, the Jessie-Vergil family has made it to Wyoming which may have evil politics, but is going to be the place where my grandsons are going to see and experience things they never could have even dreamed of before. 

We all have to deal with these issues the best we can. I suppose that in the end, we have to follow the advice of Jiminy Cricket when he said, "Always let your conscience be your guide."
(God that was corny. Sorry.)

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Hooray and hallelujah ... T***p has been indicted! 🎉🍷👏

  2. Thanks for all of the garden and plant updates :) spring is upon us!! And Elvis sweet Elvis. I remember him with baby Owen. A very fine chicken.

    1. Yes! I think that Elvis may have thought that Owen was part of his flock. I still cherish the pictures of the two of them together.

  3. Lovely garden updates. And animal and bird observation. I like these visits.

  4. dear Elvis.....RIP you lovely thing! Can't even begin to discuss the boycotting issue.......I am with you on that...there are good and passionate people fighting for what is right...regardless of what State they live in.... And Maurice does seem to be your garden muse......bless her claw ridden little feet!
    Susan M

    1. PS would love to see the entire sign on your fence...... a house of significance, no doubt
      Susan M

    2. She was following me around outside today too. And in the house for a little while. She wants her treats, I think.
      We each have to make decisions like boycotting for ourselves. I can see both sides, especially since I live here in Florida.

  5. Thinking about "Women Talking" , do we stay and fight, do we stay and forgive or do we leave to begin again on our terms....
    boycotting , shutting it down seems the only hand we are dealt- voting clearly does not dissuade , hit them in the revenue which might get their attention.
    Elvis was exceptional- I have NEVER seen such a gorgeous rooster!

    1. I read that book and I hated it! Not saying it was a bad book, it was just so disturbing on so many levels.
      I don't know about the revenue thing. I mean, our fucking governor has refused federal funds for various things (like Medicaid expansion, school relief, help with food for families) because he's trying to prove a point. We are talking billions of dollars he's denying to those in our state who need it most. So who knows?
      Elvis was a glory boy for sure.

    2. WOW why has he not been slain, one would think of something in Florida that could do the job- a bug, a large reptile, a bag of ants? Something!

  6. A friend visiting from Norway told me something about her chickens. She has a farm with a bunch of free range chickens. Some friends of hers wanted to rehome a pair of peacocks and so she and her husband took them. I guess they are great guard birds. The chickens haven't been bothered by foxes since they got the peacocks.

    1. Peacocks and guinea hens are very good at alerting poultry owners of threat by predators but the noise they make is unbelievable. I would not mind having either but my husband is not so enthusiastic about it.

  7. Your beans are doing well, I may plant some myself now that it is getting too cold (here) for snails etc. Elvis was certainly a handsome rooster.

    1. Green beans are generally one crop I can count on here.
      Elvis was the finest.

  8. What a lovely way to spend a day - pottering in the garden. And as River said, Elvis was surely the most handsome rooster!

    1. I love that kind of day.
      Wasn't Elvis just The King?

  9. I think you're right that these issues are too broad and too global for a mere boycott of certain regions. It's important for the boys to see and experience the natural world and those amazing western landscapes.

    I think it's beautiful how Disney has outsmarted DeSantis and basically neutralized that oversight board that he appointed. Disney is on the right side of history, for sure. And as you said, supporting human rights is good for business.

    1. The Vergil-Jessie family is driving through some amazing country right now. SO MUCH SNOW! Frankly, I am thrilled for them.
      I loved what Disney did in their making DeSantis' board so useless. Ha!

  10. If I can offer any words of wisdom to you, I would say this: Children are sometimes shaped by seeing what they are NOT. Wyoming might do that for them. I would not worry too much, especially since they have sensible parents to help them process what they see.

    1. I can't think of anything the boys would see in Wyoming that would upset THEM unless you count them not having a TV in the cabin where they're staying. They will be fine. Mostly they're going to see some of Vergil's oldest friends, their kids, and lots and lots of snow.

  11. DeSantis fucked around with the Mouse because the Mouse would not bow to his don't say gay gay hating decrees and found out. I love how Disney outsmarted him.

    we have had some exceptional days here too. and my beans are up and it's amazing how fast they grew in 24 hours.

    1. Clever, clever Disney!
      I could deal with weather like this forever. It is heavenly.
      Jack and the Beanstalk is based on reality! Sort of.

  12. Glad you were able to get out in the garden and enjoy the sunshine. Sounds like your knee is cooperating and not giving you too much trouble. Happy Friday - clean sheets and martinis for you!

    1. The knee is doing much better! Thank you, Ellen. Clean sheets on the bed. Martini glasses in the freezer!

  13. Elvis was indeed beautiful.So sad about the chickens. The world is not in a good place at the moment-your garden seems like a good place to escape to especially with a cat to keep you company.

    1. My yard and my garden are my comfort and joy. I swear. And Maurice is my insane but beloved familiar.


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