Another pure blue sky day and the new leaves on the oak trees are going from a shy and dainty green to a far more bold and take-charge color and it all looks so pretty together. As you may be able to see to the right there, the Bradford pears are already starting to bloom.
I guess this will not be the year we'll be taking them out.
So. Guess what? I had another dental appointment today. This one was for a cleaning that was scheduled a mere three months from my last one because Dr. Twelve Year Old thought that my gums were possibly receding and somehow a three-month re-check with cleaning was the compromise to going to see a periodontist. My gums may be receding but not alarmingly so and let's face it- how many years does he think I am going to need these teeth? Of course the answer is, for as many years as I'm alive and would like to eat food, but I don't think going to see a periodontist is a top priority for me and oh my god, could I ramble on any more?
I am sure I could but I'll try not to. I'm making no promises though.
So I went for my appointment and I'm sitting there in the waiting room and my sweet (although quite politically different than me) dental hygienist came out to get me and I coughed a little bit because Mr. Moon and I are both still coughing some from our recent illness and I told her that I had been sick but wasn't running a fever and in fact had not run a fever at all but then I coughed some more and said, "I really don't want to get you sick."
"I don't want you to get me sick either," she said, but not in a mean way. In a caring, gentle way.
So we decided that I should reschedule for a few months from now and I apologized about fifty times for not having called beforehand and then I left and silently screamed, "WOOO-HOOOO!"
It was awesome.
But I really should have called and cancelled.
And then I went to Walmart because I wanted to buy another bottle of this:
I love this shit. Being an adult now, it is not Mr. Bubbles that makes bath time so much fun, it is eucalyptus steam shower spray. And I had gotten the original bottle at Walmart and I've been meaning to go back and get some more and I had to go to Costco, and Walmart is right next to it so- why not?
I entered the Evil Empire and y'all- it is just so nasty in there. The things that people leave in carts!? That the employees don't bother to take out? For god's sake. But you know what? If they paid a better wage, the employees might find it worth their while to do things like taking breathing tubes out of carts before they put them back.
Anyway, I girded my loins and spent at least twenty minutes looking for the desired product and of course there was no one to ask as the employees are fewer and farther between than even the ones at Target. Okay, I did see one woman who appeared to be from the pharmacy on an aisle looking for something but she had the saddest, tiredest expression on her face I have seen in a very long time and I just could not bring myself to add to her woes.
So I couldn't find any. I did find some strange, faux hippie brand of essential oils and I bought a bottle of eucalyptus oil to use by tapping out a few drops on the shower floor and that will work fine but I may actually have to order some of the spray because it works best.
Anyway, I girded my loins and spent at least twenty minutes looking for the desired product and of course there was no one to ask as the employees are fewer and farther between than even the ones at Target. Okay, I did see one woman who appeared to be from the pharmacy on an aisle looking for something but she had the saddest, tiredest expression on her face I have seen in a very long time and I just could not bring myself to add to her woes.
So I couldn't find any. I did find some strange, faux hippie brand of essential oils and I bought a bottle of eucalyptus oil to use by tapping out a few drops on the shower floor and that will work fine but I may actually have to order some of the spray because it works best.
Wasn't that exciting? I also bought some seeds in the garden section and two bags of potting soil. I have things rooted all over this house that need to go into dirt. The lady at the cash register was so nice. She had that island lilt to her voice and I was so entranced I almost forgot that I had to pay.
I am as easily distracted as a three year old.
I am as easily distracted as a three year old.
Then I went to Costco for Sugar Bomb cherry tomatoes- have you tried these? If not, get your tushie to the store and buy some. You know what they taste like?
They taste like tomatoes. Like real, true, sun- and vine-ripened summer tomatoes grown with love.
They're probably some horrible GMO Frankenstein invention combining the DNA of tomatoes and strawberries and tangerines and goldfish or something but my lord, they are good.
They taste like tomatoes. Like real, true, sun- and vine-ripened summer tomatoes grown with love.
They're probably some horrible GMO Frankenstein invention combining the DNA of tomatoes and strawberries and tangerines and goldfish or something but my lord, they are good.
And then I came home and worked in the garden some, doing a bit of weeding. Mr. Moon is back over at Tom's, making boards. He could barely wait to get started this morning. This is making him so happy and as long as he comes home every night with all of his fingers, I am happy too.
Know what else makes me happy? The duck is on the bed and I am wearing cashmere. Pinto beans are simmering in one pot, collards, mustards, and kale in another.
Life is good today. I hope it is for you too.
Love...Ms. Moon
That spray looks interesting. We have shower bombs here that are like a bath bomb but you put them in the shower. Duh!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy Mr Moon is happy and therefore you are happy. And avoiding the dental hygienist - wow, that never happens.
Enjoy the cool spell.
We have shower bombs too and I've actually never tried one. I have tried bath bombs.
DeleteI am very much enjoying the coolness!
When we retired from weaving and turned the barn over to "the boys", my brother and b.i.l filled it with every wood tool known to man. They had a planer, too, and made a lot of boards for a lot of good projects.
ReplyDeleteMen that do woodwork are handy to have around, aren't they? I can think of a lot worse things for guys to be doing.
DeleteNobody likes Dental Appointments. I went with The Daughter for her extensive one Today to offer Moral Support since she was so Anxiety ridden. Well, seeing my Child have a difficult extraction that lasted over an Hour, I almost Passed Out, first time in my Life I have ever almost Fainted, so embarrassing! I was Fine, but had to drop into a Lotus Position on the Floor so I wouldn't just fall over like a Big Old Tree, so it alarmed everyone, but once down on the Floor sitting I recovered instantly. Being Light Headed was very Strange tho', and felt horrible, like when you get up too quickly. She was Fine, but I realize they're always your Babies and I'd rather go thru something myself than see my Children or Grandchildren go thru it. The Evil Empire, yes, The Son once worked there and HATED it so much he wouldn't even use his Employee Discount. Will have to look for that Spray now you've given it an Endorsement. *winks*
ReplyDeleteOur children ARE always our babies and their pain, whether emotional or physical will always affect us. I have never passed out either but I can imagine that I might in that situation. Good for you for getting to the floor.
DeleteI agree, you should buy a lottery ticket. Receding gums are normal with aging, it's why old people have thinner lips. It happens faster in those who have had their teeth removed.
ReplyDeleteI just have rose scented soap for my shower, most "fancy" things affect my asthma. Your oak tree is magnificent.
I don't know if eucalyptus steam would be good or bad for asthma.
DeleteWe do have some amazing oak trees around here.
Put your essential oil drops on a bit of cloth. Putting them right on the shower floor will start to create problems. Ask me how I know!!!!
ReplyDeleteArgh! What kind of problems?
DeleteEating into the surface of the tiles perhaps?
DeleteOh, I had my appointment with the periodontist this morning, (all good), and my DOG had hers this afternoon. We are bad doggie parents, apparently. We will be broke folks once she's done too!
ReplyDeleteI never took an animal to get their teeth tended in my life. I am pretty sure I was a terrible dog mom.
DeleteI know it's all about the big bucks but I will never understand treating your staff badly. My DIL is currently working for my long-time heating service company. I have always admired and respected their efficiency and told her so, and she says they are absolutely wonderful to their staff and she loves it there. I'm not sure why that's so hard to comprehend but again, I guess it's all about the big bucks!
ReplyDeleteI know! And I agree- if you take care of your employees they will take care of the company. It's such a simple equation. One of the things I like about Costco is that there is very little turnover. I've seen the same people working there for years and they always seem to be cheerful.
DeleteNo, I can't shop at a Walmart... or a Hobby Lobby either. I just can't.
ReplyDeleteHope it warms up for you so you can out in your yard to enjoy your blooms and plant your seeds.
Well, I've never once stepped foot in Hobby Lobby and never will. I am a bit of a hypocrite, I suppose. I won't go to ChikFilet either. Or however you spell that damn place.
DeleteAnd it's perfect weather for working outside!
The Evil Empire is my only choice unless I want to drive half an hour into Shopping Mecca. Which I don't mind doing if I have a lot of things to get but not for one or two small items. My hygienist is also politically opposite from me and I don't especially like her but she's who works there. my first two times with her she recommended going to a specialist which I declined (I'm old and can't afford it) and she told on me to the dentist when he came in to take a look! I thought that was kind of pissy.
ReplyDeleteI hear you on the Evil Empire. They suck the big weenie.
DeleteMy dental hygienist is also a member of some Christian megachurch. I finally had to unfollow her on FB but I do enjoy hearing about her kids and grandkids. We have that in common- our love for the young'uns.
"The things that people leave in carts!?" That is an irritation with which I can fully identify. We call them shopping trolleys over here and you have to use a one pound coin to release one. Some people seem to use the trolleys like waste baskets on wheels and I hate having to clean up the trolley before I can start to shop - till receipts, apple cores,tissues, food wrappers, coffee cups, advertising brochures etcetera. In contrast, I never leave anything in my trolley because my other name is Jesus.
ReplyDeleteHaha! Jesus Neal Yorkshire Pudding!
DeleteYeah. I never leave anything in carts either. They always have a trashcan in the place where you can leave them but people are too damn lazy or too much in a hurry to walk the five steps to dump their detritus in it.
I'm glad life is good today! Shopping carts are always disgusting. Except at Publix.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of eucalyptus shower spray. That's a new one on me. It makes the shower smell good, I assume?
You are so right about Publix carts! Those are always cleaned out. Costco mostly too, actually.
DeleteThe eucalyptus oil is mixed with grain alcohol to make it sprayable and it's sort of like being in a nice sauna when you use it.
love the costco tomatoes- we always get the multicolored ones. the ones here are grown over the river in leamington, ON. which is the tomato capital of the world. seriously you drive through that part of ontario and all you see are hothouses for miles....full of tomatoes!