Friday, February 16, 2018

It's So Exciting!

This boy is going to have his first sleep-over at Mer and Bop's tonight. It will be the first time he's ever spent the night away from his mama who is more nervous at the thought of this than he is, I do believe.
"There has to be a first time," I told her today. "And this will be it."

We were at Costco earlier and there were some HUGE baking potatoes. You know? Those football-sized ones?
"Do you want Mer to get you a potato like this for your supper?" I asked him.
"Yes," he said. "Mush it up." And then he demonstrated how one mushes a potato with those clever little hands of his.

I'll report in tomorrow on how things went with the mushed potatoes and so on. I think it will all go quite well.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I hope you all have a wonderful time!

  2. Replies
    1. I believe that August was the coolest customer of all of us.

  3. In anticipate it being wonderful. Maybe some sad middle of the night moments that MerMer will cuddle away.

  4. Awww! It’s hard on a mama’s heart. Of course he will be more than fine but it’s the whole growing up thing. Does a mother’s heart ever get used to this?

    1. No. Never. At least as far as I can see and my oldest baby is going to be 42 this year.

  5. Can’t wait to hear! So exciting for all involved!! Joanne

  6. PLEASE photo-document the cooking and mushign of the football sized potato!!

    I hope you all have fun (and sleep).

    1. That's a super adorable photo of Augst, btw. He looks like a little kewpie doll child to Maggie's dolly pictures.

    2. I didn't buy the football sized potato although August asked me if I needed to. I already had some regular sized potatoes and they did the job. August does look like a Kewpie doll!

  7. that August is gonna be a heartbreaker.

  8. Our first grandchild (who's now married and roughly three weeks away from gifting us with our first GREAT grandchild!) was about two months old when she first spent the night. I still have the note that our daughter put in her diaper bag. Her favorite time for a bath, when to put her to bed, etc. If we were to have a fire in our house, that note is one of the first things I'd gather before running out.

    1. Oh, that's great! I was so impressed that Jessie just assumed that I would know how to take care of her boy. I had to text her to ask when he usually goes to bed! Of course, he is two years old. Plus.

  9. Holy moley that August has been growing up into a big boy. Is this what big brotherhood sparks?

    1. I guess it can! But damn, they grow no matter what.

  10. Was the potato from Washington State? Nothing like the indomitable force of an industrious youngster and a little red wagon.

    1. I'm not sure where that potato comes from. I think it might have been Idaho.


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