Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I Am Left Hopeless

Well, it's happened again and before they'd even taken the shooter into custody, the governor and president had offered their thoughts and prayers.
Seventeen dead according to the latest information.

You know what? It doesn't do one goddam thing to even discuss this. There will never be gun control in this country. We are obviously fine with trading the "right" to "bear arms" for the safety of our children. Just fine.

We've seen presidents shot, we've seen lawmakers shot. We've seen John Lennon shot. We've seen concert-goers shot and movie audiences as well. We've seen young men shot for doing nothing but living in their own black skin.
We've seen our BABIES shot and nothing has changed and what would it take and I've given up hope for the tiny scrap of sanity needed to get rid of the guns that kill the people.

We are cowboys and soldiers. We are John Wayne in both of those roles, a real he-man, and a man's man, a gunslinger, a dead-ringer for everything we call American.

We are, quite simply, fucked.
Fucked and fucking stupid and fucking crazy and fucking money-loving whores who bow down to the NRA and then rise with still-puckered lips and fat wallets to make the laws.
We are fucking afraid and we are fucking tired and we are fucking enraged and we are fucking bewildered and we are fucking terrified and we are fucking stuck in our culture, in our government, in our beliefs and in our fears.

And none of our words, our tears, our rending of garments or our calm, rational attempts to change things are working.
I have come to the point where I don't think they ever will.
Not here in the USA where the red stripes stand for the blood which has been shed which is sacred which is red for the rage of the bloodstained and the innocent, too.

I was going to post pictures tonight of our lunch today. Of babies and children. Of what the American dream is all about, which is the human dream which is the dream of enough to eat and safety for ourselves and our children, for the ability to move freely through our streets and our lives without the fear of being shot or of having our children shot at school after we send them off with a good breakfast, with kisses and I-love-you's, with a book bag packed and with homework done and with maybe a phone that when the shooting begins they can use to text us and say, "I am so afraid. There is blood everywhere. I am so afraid."

You know that in the next few weeks, there will great and deep discussions of why and how and none of that matters. We all know that. I'm sure it's already begun. No matter what you factor into the equation, it always ends with guns. And then death.

That's all. That's all I have to say.

Hold each other tight.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I'm fucking pissed. And I'm fucking sick of this. And I'm fucking SAD.

  2. All of this. Yes. And yet I dare not lose hope.
    I hope you will post the pictures of the babies tomorrow.

    1. I did. May all of our babies be safe and well.

  3. YES to everything you said. And yes, sadly, we are fucked. Apparently the NRA owns this country. Yet, as 37paddington said, I dare not lose hope.

    Keep on doing what you do, Mary. We need your words of wisdom and love more than ever. We cannot give up.

    1. I am getting a breath of hope from the words coming from the survivors of yesterday's shooting. Those kids will change things if anyone can.

  4. I'm too old to see this change. Fucked works for me. May the next generation look for a solution.

  5. My hope is that maybe this generation of young people that have grown up with all this evil and slaughter will say NO we will not take this any more and do something to change things. Unlike their parents and grandparents before them that just seem to accept it as a part of life in the good ole USA. Or maybe they will be too traumatized and numb to it all to effect positive change. I don't know. But I never dreamed I would be so ashamed of this country and what we have become. I feel hopeless and defeated. And so very heartbroken one more time.

    1. Ashamed. Yes. One more reason for me, as an American, to feel shame about the country I live in.
      And of course heartbroken too.

  6. Amen, Ms. Moon. My heart is broken yet again today. Talks? discussions? Blah, blah, blah......accomplishes nothing, it seems. I am heartsick again, but I continue to love and hope
    Susan M

    1. I can love and perhaps I will feel hope again. I don't know. We all do what we can and I thank you for YOUR love and hope.

  7. I despair. It's just heartbreaking and I'm so fucking sick of this shit.

    1. We are all so fucking sick of this shit. God. We should not have to be dealing with this. We should NOT!

  8. What really kills me is my own two teenaged sons' cynicism. They know that nothing will be done.

    1. I don't blame them for feeling that way. I am afraid that I do too.

  9. I'm working on my own post. but I am so glad my kids are grown and I fear for my one grandchild still in school. This country is filled with pathetic losers. the one who resort to guns and the ones that keep letting them do it.

    1. And in the end, it's the guns that do the killing. Always.

  10. When the murders of 20 elementary school children didn't move the apparently heartless motherfuckers in the government / NRA to make some kind of change, then nothing is going to. P.S. Dear hunters, sport shooting enthusiasts, gun collectors, those who feel the need to "protect their families", and Second Amendment proponents, etc. - I DO NOT WANT to take away your stupid fucking guns. But for the love of everything sane - please, please be open to some logical restrictions and safe guards. Also, spare me your tiresome "drunk driver" comparisons and "teachers should be armed" arguments.

    1. They have NO good arguments. There are none. And they will burn in hell for doing nothing after those elementary school kids got slaughtered.

  11. If I didn't have my own back issues to contend with, I'd be raging...Enough! But as you so eloquently point out, my anger and despair will come to nothing...

    1. Well, we can't help feeling the way we feel. I don't know what's going on with your back, but I hope it gets better.

  12. Wish their damn salaries and insurance was paid in thoughts and prayers. Our friend's daughter's best friend was shot. Today,I was having a minor procedure done. As I spoke to the surgeon, his daughter called, sobbing. There was a lockdown at her private school with armed police searching the classrooms. I won't ever forget the fear and sobbing I overheard. I'm so weary.

    1. NO! Is your dentist's daughter all right?
      I agree with you on the thoughts and prayers paying insurance and salaries. Hey! Why not? It's worked so well on every thing else.

  13. It's unbearable. You're right, nothing is going to happen.

    1. It is unbearable. And yet? We keep bearing it. Why?

  14. I can't rant or scream at the bullshit. All I can do when I hink about it or hear about it is cry and ask 'when is enough e-fucking-nough.'

    1. I've been very quiet today. I really haven't wanted to talk to a soul.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.