Monday, November 17, 2008


Wanda Sykes is gay?

Oh man. She just made it to the top of my possible-girlfriends-if-Mr. Moon-ever-leaves-me list.

I feel certain she'll barely be able to contain her joy when she hears this news.


  1. You are too funny. I've always said if Beyonce ever announces she's gay, I will switch sides too!
    God knows I'm not having any luck with men these days anyway!

  2. Hah, did she just come out? That's pretty funny, and yes, she seems like she would be a fun girlfriend to have.

  3. Honestly, this one didn't surprise me.

  4. yep, easy one. That show she's in about Christine something-hilarious! by the way.

  5. Not surprising, but pretty awesome. I think I'll put Pootietang on my netflix list. I haven't seen that since it came out.

  6. The New Adventures of Old Christine- pure unadulterated joy.
    That show makes me wish I still got stoned.

    Pootietang? That's a real movie? I must see it.

    I'm not really surprised at this news except- uh, didn't she used to be married? Not that that means anything, but still.

  7. Oh, yeah, Pootietang is completely bizarre, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. One of those movies that's not like anything else.


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