Sunday, November 17, 2024

A Quiet Sunday

I went outside a little while ago to turn the garden sprinklers off and pick green things for the tonight's salad (kale, collards, mustards, arugula, turnips, basil) and it was firmly right in the middle of being the golden hour. The sun was just drenching the tops of trees with glory and gold like pretty ladies, dressed in their fanciest dresses and wearing their most glittering jewels, leaning towards each other to gossip and whisper as the musicians tune up at a soiree. 

I've never been to a soiree that I can remember but I'm sure that's what it's like. 

Another beautiful, coolish day today and I spent most of it inside or on the back porch and I'm not sure why but I guess I was just lazy. Mr. Moon did not get up early to go hunting but Vergil did and he caught a deer but was finished cleaning it before I even got up which was a little embarrassing but that's what happened. 

I haven't seen the pretty black cat today. Not even a glimpse. So I'll give you some pictures of Maurice. 

That was her, sitting politely at the dinner table. She got a little too interested in what was on the plates at one point, though.

Mr. Moon had to have a little word with her. 

And then the funniest thing happened this morning. I was making our Sunday breakfast which we eat on the back porch and we had the door closed to keep the night's cool air in and Glen called to me in the kitchen to come look at something. I joined him at the window in the door and he said, "Look at Maurice." She was on the rug on the porch in front of the door, lying on her back, just soaking up the sunshine and doing a little grooming. Nothing out of the ordinary. 
"Now watch this," he said, and saying the words, "Roll over," he waved his hand from one side to the other and damn if that cat didn't stop what she was doing and ROLL OVER! 
"No way," I said. "Do it again."
And he did. Over and over and every time he said roll over, and waved his hand, she'd roll from one side to the other. 
We were both flabbergasted. I tried it and she did the same thing. 
"We have a trained cat!" I said. 
I really should have filmed it. It was unbelievable. Maurice doesn't listen to a thing we say although I am sure she understands everything and could probably speak English herself if she wanted to. I decided that she was just fucking with us this morning, playing some sort of mind game to illustrate her ability to understand and respond to prove that she could if she wanted to but she doesn't want to and never will. 

Ooh boy. 

And y'all- that was the most exciting thing that happened today. I made our Sunday breakfast and the biscuits were exceptionally good, I did the Sunday crossword, I did a load of laundry, Mr. Moon went to Moon Plaza to get some more things done there. 
I stopped in at a thrift store on my way home on Friday after having lunch with Liz and bought four new place mats and three new napkins. I know- big haul. But I decided that I was going to get rid of some of my old placemats and a few napkins to even things out a little so I went through the baskets which hold the napkins and placemats and I culled a few things. While I was doing this, I found six very unusual and to my eye, gorgeous silk napkins which I have NO memory of acquiring or having at all. None.

They appear to be vintage. Linda Sue- did you send me these? Maybe one of my kids gave them to me. 
I have no clue. 
I just showed them to Glen and said, "Next time we have Lon and Lis for dinner we can use them." And then I said, "Of course I will have forgotten about them by then."
"Yes," my husband said. "That is the problem."

We are a matched set in this way, our minds seemingly losing abilities and capabilities at about the same rate. This is both scary and reassuring, tragic and funny. 

As long as we can keep laughing, we'll be okay. 
I think. That's a theory, anyway, and I've never lacked for a plethora of those. 

I'm going to go peel some shrimp and oh! Maurice just brought in a mouse. She's such a good kitty cat. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Well, at least Mr. Moon is there to dispose of Maurice's haul. Yikes! Sounds like Maurice could join the circus with her tricks. Yep, cats can probably speak many languages and do whatever they were told.... but...that ain't gonna happen. The napkins are cool and certainly do look vintage. Forgetting where things are at around this house in the 'norm' anymore. Too damn much 'stuff' to begin with. With Christmas decorations coming up....the search begins and often never ends. Oh well.
    Paranormal John

    1. She brought in a mouse last week and before Glen could get to it to throw it out, she ate the mouse. All of it.
      It is so reassuring that we're not the only ones who forget. It's like we've worn some of the little parts of the gears.
      At least I don't decorate for Christmas. Those days are long gone.

  2. Mary I know you have discussed this, but I just want to bring it up again: a diet heavy with greens can cause kidney stones. Of course it's healthy, but still....
    I have never known a cat to respond to any command.

    1. I had two cats who knew up, down, sit, and came when called. One of them learned to high five in about five minutes.

    2. I think that cats can be trained. I believe I remember seeing some in a little circus.
      Yes, I do know that a diet heavy in greens can create kidney stones. CERTAIN greens. Others actually help prevent kidney stones. So there's that too.

  3. Your sky is flawless, not a cloud to be seen and continuous blue.
    Maurice is definitely stepping up her game. Roll over on command is a clever trick. Another mouse! At least you did not have to dispose of the critter.

    1. It really is some blue sky, isn't it? So pretty this time of year.
      It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. She did it repeatedly.
      I didn't have to dispose of the last mouse either because she ate it.

  4. what a flirt that Maurice is......with Mr Moon, at least! Too cute! Those silk napkins are gorgeous....but I don't think I would use them as napkins.... perhaps they might *become* part of something else? I find silk to not launder well (as far as food stains)... Your spanish moss ......I'm envious. Just 20 miles east of us....spanish moss is abundant........but not here
    Susan M

    1. Maurice and Mr. Moon have quite an affection for each other.
      I doubt I'd ever get around to making anything with those napkins but I have thought about it. I think we should use them sometime. They're not doing any good at the bottom of a basket.

  5. Maurice is trolling you. She's explaining that you have a brilliant cat already, with no need of that black intruder. But I wonder if she'll ever do that trick again..

    1. I thought about both of those things!
      "Can black cat do this? No. Black cat cannot."
      And, "What trick? What are you talking about?"

  6. Okay, the napkins had me laughing out loud. I guess that is the way I should look at our 'slippages', instead of being surprised and a little afraid of them. I love this little snippet of life between you and Mr. Moon, and Maurice the wonder cat.

    (Sounds about right though...that a cat CAN understand, but they'll still do as they please.)

    1. Between the two of us we almost have one functioning brain.
      Maurice the Magnificent? She's a funny girl.

  7. Silk napkins? That doesn't seem likely, to me anyway. Perhaps they are scarfs or unfolded pocket squares? I love that first picture with the sun coming through the tree.

    1. Definitely not scarfs or unfolded pocket squares. I am most certain they were napkins.
      I love that picture too.

  8. Hilarious about the rolling-over Maurice. I’m sure she speaks English, too. But, of course, never on command. Silk napkins always seemed so impractical to me. Those are beauties. I wouldn’t want anyone wiping their face on them.

    1. I have actually heard a few cats speak human although I probably shouldn't say that because it could land me in the mental health facility. Not like reciting the pledge of allegiance or anything. Just a few words.
      As to the napkins- might as well use them. Neither they nor I are getting any younger.

    2. My Angel used to make a sound that was very close to Hello.

  9. Yes, I agree with Mitchell that those napkins are too cool to use as napkins! They remind me of a silk handkerchief I have that belonged to my Grandpa. I use it as a pocket square in his wool jacket that I still wear.
    BTW, I was reading the Oct. 28th New Yorker magazine this morning and saw Rosemarie's name mentioned in the book review of Lovely One. I was so pleased for her!

    1. Oh, I love that you use a silk handkerchief as a pocket square that you wear with the coat that belonged to your grandpa. It's like he's enfolding AND accessorizing you.
      I read the article! Hurray!

  10. I can't imagine using silk as a napkin. I bought several sets of functional cotton napkins during my estate sale days.
    Cat has been very interested in Minnie's wet dog food lately. she comes over and sniffs it but not really interested in eating it. Minnie's not having it. Mostly gives her the stink eye but growled at her once.

    1. I have so many cotton and linen napkins. We use them for every meal. I really do like using them instead of paper.
      I feel quite certain that Minnie absolutely does not like Cat nosing about her food. When Jessie brought her dog Sophie over recently, Sophie wanted to eat Maurice's food and then Maurice tried to eat some of Sophie's food. No one got too upset.

  11. Yes, Cats do have more of an Understanding than they are given credit for and they don't mind our ignorance of that since it's not as if they'd do what we say just becoz they understand what we're asking anyway... just when they feel like messing with us. *winks* Fancy Napkins and Fancy Hankies were used back in the day but I'd be loathe to risk messing them up now with daily uses.

    1. Well, that's why I love getting things at thrift stores. If I get napkins there, I have no compunctions about using them and generally, napkins at thrift stores are in great condition, if not unused, because people don't use them. But I do!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.