Thursday, September 5, 2024

No Title

It has been a strange, rather difficult day but Glen just sent me that picture and just as I know it is soothing his soul, it soothes mine too. He has taken the kayak out onto Lake Miccosukee which is right down the road in the opposite direction of the Wacissa. He has had a very good breakthrough today and has dealt with a worry that has been worrying him recently. It was an issue concerning a friend and finally, he directly addressed it and it turns out all is absolutely fine and I know he's so relieved. I hope he will sleep well tonight as he surely did not last night. 

When I woke up this morning I had to struggle out of a completely absurd and yet, not abnormal dream for me. The general outline was that somehow I had joined the military and was about to be sent across the world to serve somewhere and of course I had a small child to take care of and I was desperate to get out of my service. "I have no passport!" I kept saying. "Neither does my baby!" 
But you know, being the military, that was not a problem and when the dream ended, my fate was still up in the air although the baby had turned into a baby chick whose name was Soda. 
Soda? Really? 

There was more but why report such ridiculousness? I can almost hear my brain every night trying to decide how to deliver my nightly dose of anxiety and insecurity in new and different ways with new and different scenarios.

So when I went out to kiss my husband good morning I was already almost in tears from the dream and from the fact that my sciatica was pretty darn bad and my left knee feels like it's going to unhinge itself and obviously I have lived long enough and blah, blah, fucking blah, and there was my husband, sparking with anxiety and having slept very, very little and oh boy. We were just a mess. 
We were able to eventually make ourselves laugh about it all and when I read Steve Reed's blog and Deb's blog and they both started out by saying that they had not been able to sleep the night before, I told Glen about it and he said, "Well, at least I don't feel so alone anymore."

So thank you, sweet bloggers for your honesty. 

Glen's main issue had been resolved within a few hours and because of his relief, I felt relief as well because although I know I can't do anything when these episodes occur, it makes me feel so inadequate and sad that I can't. But my physical pain continued. 
Although I am not a doctor I feel quite confident that I know where this pain is coming from. Here's a good illustration of how sciatica occurs and where it occurs in the body. 

Luckily, most of my pain is centered in that upper part as I so elegantly described as being in my buttock the other day. Now. Do I have a bulging or herniated disc? 
That I do not know. But if I do, I know for sure that there is no quick fix. There just isn't. 

So I decided to go pick the very last of the beans (that I was going to pick, anyway) and pull the plants. It was much cooler today which was a blessing. I wouldn't call it "cool" exactly, but definitely less hot than it has been. However, after a half hour of picking beans, I realized I just could not do any more and probably should not do any more and I didn't. But I was glad to get those picked. I also cut the butternut squashes. 

And then I sat on the couch and shelled beans and watched TV. Even sitting is not that comfortable. I took some ibuprofen and that helped some. 
I think I'm just going to have to rest for a little while and that's all there is to it. 

But I feel I must discuss something here that I did yesterday. I didn't bring it up then because you know me- Ms. Modest, Ms. Demure, I did not want to take any of focus off of ROSEMARIE AND KITANJI BROWN JACKSON for co-writing the most important book of the year, most likely, and my accomplishment almost approached theirs in scope and achievement. 


I cleaned my refrigerator. 



I've been trying to kick my ass in gear for days to do this job and finally, I saw an article about a new trend called "Fridgescaping" and I knew it was a sign. 
Mostly a sign that the women of America are slowly and surely losing their fucking minds. First tradwives and now this. I suppose that tradwives are big on Fridgescaping. 

So no. I did not put flowers or framed mini-portraits in my refrigerator, nor did I pour all my liquids into charming glass pitchers but I did take everything out, throw out and pour out all the things that needed to be dumped, and gave it all a good scrubbing. 
And it did make me feel better. Plus, I can find the food I'm looking for in there. 

And that's about all I'm up to these days although wouldn't some of my zinnias look darling next to the pickles? 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I am old enough - have a good few years on you - to have seen a lot of stupid things in my life, yet somehow fridgescaping had escaped me until just a few minutes ago. Margaret, who loves decorating and just playing with her pretty stuff, but who has never once entertained the idea playing with her pretties in the refrigerator.

    1. I can hardly think of a more blatant waste of time. However, if that's what someone wants to do- it's not hurting anyone.

    2. Fine with me, too, but not just a waste of time, because can you imagine actually trying to find last night’s leftovers or the hatch chile.jam and knocking over knickknacks as you went? Margaret, who really doesn’t care what people do in the privacy of their own homes, but really…that Margaret.

    3. I hear you. I was just trying not to be judgmental which is of course impossible.

  2. Fridgescaping? I guess tablescapes and bento boxes are passe now. My fridge looks bare in comparison to yours! I hope the sciatica clears up. Would you consider seeing a, shock, horror, doctor??

    1. Your refrigerator probably IS bare compared to mine. At least 70% of all that stuff is condiments and homemade pickles, either mine or given to us. OR, homemade preserves.
      I have my annual physical in a few weeks so...

  3. I can certainly empathize with you regarding sciatica. I have periodic
    flare ups. It's not as bad as it used to be. Being an RN for 38 years and lifting patients all that time (many times off the floor), sure played havoc with my back. Last year I started walking about 3 times a day when the weather was nice and most of winter I could even walk. Now the knees started showing their ass. I started on glucosamine chondroitin and either it's my imagination or it's really helping. There are specific exercises for sciatica (YouTube), which may be of help to you. Glad Glen's issue has resolved. At this age we're dealing with so many medical issues and then throw in emotional ones.... bah humbug. Hope you're feeling better.
    Paranormal John!

    1. I think I tried glucosamine chondroitin at one point and it gave me headaches so, that's off the table. Things just wear out when we get older, don't they? You lifted patients and I spent most of my life toting babies and toddlers and being pretty physical in yard work and stuff. Plus I need to lose weight. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed by it all.

  4. That concept is just too precious to me. But I do love an organized fridge. I have a white side by side and a dry erase marker. I write the contents on the door and wipe it off when the food is gone.

    1. Whoa! Really? You keep track of everything in your refrigerator? I think I'll quote Jimmy Buffett on that one- I just don't want that much organization in my life. I do essentially the same thing though and write down items on my ever-present list when I finish something that we generally keep on hand. I often have a back-up in the pantry but that one will go to the replace the one I just finished.

  5. I've read about fridgscaping. What a waste of time and fridge. Well done, you, to clean a fridge in spite of sciatica.

    1. Standing is about the least-painful thing I can do. Besides lying down.

  6. I'm sorry about your sciatica. My low back is also bothering me. I have been on and off with the heating pad and will be applying pain patches once they arrive. I hope you and Mr. Moon have a more peaceful night. Fridgescaping? What fresh hell will trendies think of next?

    1. I hope your pain patches help.
      I am resentful that even the concept of fridgescaping has a place in my brain now.

  7. Laughing about a restless night is best because we all know it happens to the best of us.
    Your fridge looks fantastic. Mine could improve.
    Sciatica? A friend says it comes and goes; a.k.a., good days and not so good days.
    I hope you feel better tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, Susan. And you're right- there are so many things we can handle best by laughter.

  8. I recently read about fridgescaping for the first time. I think it's silly and probably won't be around for long. I like my fridge neat and organized but... come on...

    1. Organized is one thing. Decorated is another.

  9. I have to draw the line at fridgescaping. That is hilarious. I would knock over a pitcher of flowers every time I opened the door.
    Inelegantly - I am a sciatica sufferer too. I feel like my main issue is a huge softball sized lump (which does not actually exist) in the middle of my left buttock. The pain radiates up to my spine and down my leg. And what makes it extra fun is that years ago I had a bad case of shingles and the lesions centered in my buttock and followed the nerve down my leg. Fun times. I keep a stash of super strong pain pills leftover from things like dental work and sometimes, rare times I will use one when I cannot stand it anymore and haven't slept in days. I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Have you tried physio or dry needling?

    2. Oh god, Miss Merry. That sounds horrible! I guess once these nerves are affected, they tend to remind us of their presence more frequently.
      And Pixie- have you tried dry needling? Interesting concept.

  10. my fridge is scaped like a hoarder house after a tornado. I had awful sciatica when i was pregnant, and then again when I stopped teaching and started deaning (sitting is evil, I think). It's awful. I hope yours abates soon!

    And we couldn't sleep last night either--maybe there was some kind of a solar storm or nation-wide earthquake or maybe it was the (*&*^& cat puking 14 times, who can tell.

    1. Sitting IS evil but I can't stand up all the time. Dammit.
      Yes. Solar storm. That is it! And it made your cat puke all night! And it just made my cat shit in the pantry. Fucking solar storms!

  11. Mostly a sign that the women of America are slowly and surely losing their fucking minds. First tradwives and now this.

    This made me actually Lol - as you often make me do! I love you. Sj

  12. My mom had the exact same problem. Would wake her at night; she'd just pace the floors trying to get some relief. One thing that actually helped was acupuncture. She was very skeptical at first but it helped.

    1. I would not mind trying acupuncture. I've had it done before. I don't think my pain is nearly as bad as your mother's. That's the sort of pain I had when I had my kidney stones.

  13. Have you seen a doctor to diagnose your sciatica? It could be just a tight muscle or an injury. There are several causes of sciatica. Go see your doctor Mary. Get some help. At the very least, get a massage to loosen up your muscles. Or as Elle Clancy suggested, acupuncture. There are alternatives. Sending hugs sweetie.

    1. I do have an appointment with my GP in a few weeks. If it's still troubling me it'll be on my list of things to definitely discuss.

  14. I second Pixie's comments. Mine was caused by a tight piriformis muscle. PT resolved it.

    Fridge-scaping - good lord!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Huh! I don't think I'd ever heard of the piriformis muscle and have just looked it up. It could well be that. Same nerve, just different reason for the compression.

  15. Flowers and mini portraits in their fridges? Those women have far too much time on their hands I think. Your before and after pictures both look like a grocery store compared to my fridge. I need to go shopping.

    1. I have some strange sort of fear of running out of mustard and stuff, I think. Yet another neurosis.

  16. Ha ha ha fridgescaping!!! Does mould on cheese count as greenery???? Oh and my dream last night was that I was an Olympic diver (?????) preparing for my dive. All psyched up and what not and then I wondered how the hell I was going to dive off an 18m board when I can barely swim. I guess feet first would be another first at the Olympics!

    1. Yes. I think that mold on cheese is definitely considered a greenery.
      Oh gosh. Your dream sounds like a nightmare!

  17. Here's my secret treatment for sciatica: a large dose of patience and an even larger dose of distraction. And definitely a heat pador some heat ointment with arnica.
    These fridges remind me of the fridge of one of our elderly aunts, where after much searching we often found her sunglasses, car keyes, the remote control and other essentials. She was a pioneer in this field.

    1. Oh, Sabine. You made me laugh! I think Glen has some CBD cream. I wonder if that would help. Patience. Yes. This feels like something that requires a lot of that.
      I love that your aunt was a pioneer in the field of fridgescaping.

  18. I saw that!!! flowers in the fridge, omg, further proof that the human race has gone insane. who has room in their fridge to decorate it. but first I have to say when I saw your before and after pictures I laughed out loud because I COULD NOT SEE ANY REAL DIFFERENCE. also, your refrigerator is way bigger than mine. I'm glad Glen got some relief from his worry.

    I could tell you that there are yoga exercises you can do for sciatica that really do help. also a good gentle chiropractor although I know a lot of people think chiropractic care is either hogwash or dangerous. anyway I hope you get relief from the pain soon which could just be from a misalignment and not a bulging or herniated disc.

    1. Trust me- there was a difference. It may not look like it but at least I can now find leftovers that I KNOW are in there.
      I am so relieved that Glen is relieved.
      I used to go to a chiropractor a long time ago. I love him. No matter what my issue was, he always did the same exact things and I always felt better after. He's retired.
      What yoga poses would you recommend?

  19. Nothing like a clean and organized fridge! And that is the height of fridgescaping as far as I'm concerned. Also, I know so well the kind of worry that was keeping Glen awake, and how good that he addressed it directly and discovered all was well. Now if only your back pain would abate. It's unbelievable how involved those muscles are in every moment we make, so I do hope you find relief soon.

    1. It is somehow comforting to know that there is no hardening sweet pickle juice on the bottom of the refrigerator. Or whatever the sticky stuff is that's so hard to remove.
      Glen is a brave guy, really, and I will always think of him as "Zen Glen" in some instances. I did in this one for sure.
      I think to be human is to have back pain. I do not think that in our evolving down a different path from our cousins, the great apes, and in deciding to walk upright, we may have not been quite ready.

  20. I don’t have a google account. I’ve been reading about your pain and t connect because I went through the same. Dr said was sciatica and begged for an X-ray. Called me the day after and said you need a hip replacement immediately. So I went through that and was healed and the pain was gone! I then had X-rays on the knees that he deemed”lousy” ( is that a medical term?) and turned out I needed both knees replaced. I walk now everyday and no pain. I know you don’t like drs but hon, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for my new knees. It really wasn’t a difficult surgery or recovery. I call my left knee-Knina and my right is Knewknee. Strongest parts of my body.

    1. Wow! That's a lot of replacements! My beloved GP's sister is an orthopedic doctor. Do you think I could get a family discount? Their family? Ha!
      I'm so glad that the surgeries worked so well for you.

    2. Well. I just wanted to share. I’m lifelong walker, so I admire you. I had a women’s walking club here in my little town.

    3. I've been a lifelong walker too. And so you understand what it feels like not to be able to.

  21. You know what might feel good for your sciatica? A Jacuzzi! Remember you wanted to put something where you took those trees down? How about a lovely hot tub for you and Mr. Moon to soak in? Think about it.
    I picked up Ketanji Brown Jackson's book and she writes a lovely thank you to Rosemarie in the Acknowledgements. It's so amazing what Rosemarie has accomplished and I feel so proud to "know" her through her blog.

    1. We've thought about a jacuzzi but it gets so hot here that we wouldn't be able to use it for most of the year so it's not very practical. I think a pool that I could just move about in easily might be better.
      Aren't we proud of "our" Rosemarie? Yes!

    2. I am in my hot tub daily and it helps everything. I grew up in NE and my dad put one in way back in 70’s. Me and my siblings are quite fond of them. I had to laugh at your comment bc one of my brothers moved to NC and was telling his neighbor about our hot tub and got some funny comments about sitting outside in hot water down there. Up here in Catskills it was 44 THIS morning. Breaking out my “Duck”!

    3. Oh! I am so looking forward to my duck!

  22. It's intriguing to guess what has been troubling Monsieur Moon's mind recently - so intriguing that I probably won't be able to sleep tonight!

    I like the picture of you from behind under "Sciatica". Your buttocks remind me of the butternut squashes in the next image.

    1. Glen thought he'd let down a friend who was angry with him. Turns out that no, he hadn't, and the friend was not angry in the least.
      Oh, I WISH that my buttocks were that firm.

  23. OMG! How have I not heard of FRIDGESCAPING?! That might be the funniest thing I've ever seen. I can't imagine putting a framed picture in the refrigerator. I think people are losing their minds. (It's all about Instagram, I'm sure.)

    Yes, that was funny that we all had the same sleepless night. As I said on my blog in response to your comment, I'm blaming sunspots!

    I'm glad Glen ironed out the friend problem and I hope your sciatica eases. I know you have anxiety around going to the doctor but it might be worth it just to discuss options -- like maybe PT?

  24. Fridgescaping! I have been trying to dredge up the energy just to clean out the fridge and repack it.I will not be looking for posies and ribbons to decorate it! I also heard of the new gen Z craze of Silent Walking which merely means leaving your headphones at home when you go for a walk.Didn't think that needed to be explained!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.