Well, let's see. What might be the Number One Selling Book on the New York Time's nonfiction list this week?
Could it be...oh...Lovely One by Ketanji Jackson Brown? Co-written with Rosemarie Robotham?
Why yes. Yes it could. And yes, yes it is.
The book has hardly been out for a week. There's an interview with Ms. Brown in the NYT's if you'd like to read it.
In the interview Ms. Jackson describes Rosemarie as a "brilliant collaborator."
I have already said it but I will say it again- I could not be more thrilled for our beloved 37 Paddington. Go visit her and read what she has to say about this absolutely amazing achievement.
I have already said it but I will say it again- I could not be more thrilled for our beloved 37 Paddington. Go visit her and read what she has to say about this absolutely amazing achievement.
I am so glad to have had that news to cheer my heart and soul today because it's been a little rough. It rained most of the day and that wasn't a problem but the flat grayness of everything did nothing to improve my mood. Physically, I've felt better but I have had no motivation at all. I finally talked myself into starting Levon's name blanket which I want to give him for his birthday which is on the same day as Hank and Rachel's wedding. We've already discussed having a little table set up for presents for the boy and I sure would like to have that quilt on it for him. I bought the fabric months and months ago and it's been stashed in the guest room, making me feel guilty every time I go in there which is about fifty times a day because I have to walk through that room to get from the kitchen side of the house to the laundry room/our bedroom side of the house.
It's probably a very good thing that Levon looks to be the last grandchild because I'm not sure I could get back on the floor to cut and pin what I need to cut and pin to make the blanket again. For those of you who haven't been reading here since Fred and Wilma invented the wheel, I made my first name blankets for Hank and May when they were little. Just nice flannel blankets with their names on them.
And then of course Lily and Jessie had to have their own and once the grands started coming, I made them blankets too. Here are two I've made.
I hope he doesn't think it's too babyish.
I used an old tablecloth as the piece in the center between the very, very soft green fabric and the printed flannel. I used to try and find old blankets at thrift stores to use but this is Florida and even on our coldest nights, we don't need that much cover. So I cut the tablecloth and flannel to fit and stitched those together and then pinned that to the soft green fabric and I can sew that up tomorrow. Maybe.
I used an old tablecloth as the piece in the center between the very, very soft green fabric and the printed flannel. I used to try and find old blankets at thrift stores to use but this is Florida and even on our coldest nights, we don't need that much cover. So I cut the tablecloth and flannel to fit and stitched those together and then pinned that to the soft green fabric and I can sew that up tomorrow. Maybe.
Then I'll cut, place, and sew the patches of different colors of flannel and on top of that will be Levon's name which I will machine baste and then hand-embroider along the edges. That is really the part that takes awhile but it is something I love to do. Each blanket is different, of course, and I love the idea that something I make for each grandchild will be with them for awhile and will hopefully bring them warmth and comfort.
And now, the really hard part of the day- we haven't seen Jack since last night when he came to bed with us. He does that most nights, settling himself on the bed while I take my shower and then snuggling up for lots of petting while I'm reading my book and when Glen gets in bed he makes sure to give him a little head bump, we turn out the light, he settles down beside me again, and sometime during the night he leaves to go do whatever it is that cats do at night. Sometimes he's back in the bed when I wake up but he's always at his food bowl when I walk into the kitchen. He knows I'm going to give him some wet cat food which I mix his ground-up thyroid pill in. Our routine is that I fix that for him while my every-morning-but-Sunday cheese toast with tomatoes is in the toaster oven but every day he optimistically tries to convince me it's time and every day I tell him that no, not yet. Soon. Our routine does not deviate.
I noticed this morning that he wasn't there for his treat but once in a blue moon he'll be busy elsewhere and come in a little later so I didn't give it much thought. But when I was eating my lunch today on the back porch where he always joins me I realized that not only was he not there, but that I hadn't seen him all day. And neither had Glen. I looked upstairs but there was no sign of him there. Neither was he trapped in a closet and he wasn't under any of the beds. And I am so very, very worried. I've walked around the yard but saw no sign of him at all. This is just not normal behavior for him. At all. He spends his days on a bed or within a foot of his food bowl, interspersed by periods of napping on the back porch or lying right beside me while I type.
Glen and I are both worried. Even Maurice seems to be confused by the disappearance of her mortal enemy.
Well. There's nothing we can do at this point except to wait and see. I know that cats do often take a few days to go on walkabout and then return home, hungry and unapologetic. But Jack has just never done that. He moved in, he knew he was home, and he's been here ever since.
We shall see how things unfold.
Love...Ms. Moon
Levon's quilt will be gorgeous, as all the others have been. I am now also concerned about Jack....cats do love their routines and when they stray from them....it is cause for worry for us. I will keep him in my heart tonight and hope he turns up soon!
ReplyDeleteSusan M
Well, I doubt it will be gorgeous but it will be Levon's.
DeleteLevon's blanket will be perfect for him!
ReplyDeleteHopefully, Jack will be back tonight and looking for some snuggles! Missing his meds though ... that's a worry!
The meds are not my overriding worry at the moment.
DeleteJack! Come home! Come home NOW!
ReplyDeleteThat's what I keep saying.
DeleteOur Victor, who was with us from birth until his final breath 18 years later, used to terrify us when, every couple of years, he’d decide to go walkabout for a day or two. Margaret
ReplyDeleteWe've just had Jack for so long and he's never done that. Not once.
DeleteI'm so concerned about Jack. Does he have access to the outside at night? I've had a few scares with Eddie. He's been locked in the closet and snuck
ReplyDeleteout into the garage a couple of times. Thankfully the garage door was
closed. When we had a kitchen floor the spring/summer, some of the
ceiling was removed and he jumped on the kitchen counter and then
into the ceiling. I couldn't find him but heard him meowing. I freaked out. He eventually was able to find his way down onto the kitchen countertop. Sweet Baby Cheeses....these animals can put years on us. Hope our Mr. Jack shows up real soon and everything is OK. I'm thinking of Jack and sending out positive vibes. The blankets are really sweet. Wish I had had one.
Paranormal John
My cats have access to the outside all the time. And also, of course, the inside.
DeleteYour cat must have scared you to death getting up in the ceiling.
Yes! Why didn't your grandmother make you a blanket?
My grandmother never made me a blanket, but her mother made crocheted bedspreads for all her grandchildren as wedding presents, and I have the one she made for my parents in 1944. Margaret
Delete#1 on the NYT's best seller list is an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to KBS and Rosemary who we all know is a skilled and highly accomplished author. Together they produced the #1 seller and that is most impressive.
ReplyDeleteYour blankets are lovely and beautifully customized for each grandchild. Levon's blanket has a great outdoorsy theme.
I'm worried about Jack too. His disappearance seems out of character. That said, my neighbor has 6 cats and on occasion one escapes and resurfaces in a day or two.
I can't even imagine how it must feel to have a book on the NYT's Best Seller list. What a glorious collaboration that was!
DeleteMy cats don't have to escape. They go in and out at their pleasure. So- a little different.
My youngest granddaughter received a quilt with Levon's green fabric as the backing. I never saw her clutching any part of that quilt except the back. Hers was yellow.
ReplyDeleteThinking about Jack on his way home.
I call that nubby fabric "preternaturally soft."
DeleteThank you for your good visualization.
One of those blankets is truly, truly a hug from MerMer no matter where they happen to be. It's a lovely tradition.
ReplyDeleteGaza just showed up here after a couple weeks gone. Hope Jack shows up soon.
I'm so worried because Jack is just as domesticated as a cat can be.
DeleteI would like to think that my grandchildren feel hugged when they are under my blankets.
Wonderful to have your own blanket made by your own mermer! He'll love it.
ReplyDeleteCats do weird stuff. I've had them vanish and when I'd given up hope, come strolling in checking the food bowl to be sure it's full.
I so hope you're right, dear Liz.
DeleteI fear Jack might have used up his ninth life. I feel slightly sick as I write this and hope like hell I am wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe blanket is perfect.
He has had a good run with cat-lives, hasn't he? Damn. I don't feel good about this.
DeleteI hope Jack returns. Your blankets are wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThank you, e.
DeleteYour blankets struck a note in my heart... I crocheted a large blanket for my son with the alphabet on it.. it took me two years. Robb was about 4 when I finished it. He slept with it all the time,,, through college.. moves to Atlanta and Tulsa and then back to Kansas City. When he died, it was still on his bed. I took it home with me...
ReplyDeleteThat made me cry. He had you with him all that time and now you have him with you in a little bit of physical reality. I am so sorry your son is gone. So sorry.
DeleteYou've given me an idea now for my little grandson. I'm quite happy to sew as long as it's not clothes (!!!). Did you print the lettering off from the internet? Oh and I do hope Jack shows up soon. It must be a real worry for you!
ReplyDeleteI used to just freehand the letters but I have since bought stencils at a craft store. I use those to make templates with cardboard like from cereal boxes.
DeleteCats also take themselves off somewhere private when they know it is time to die. I hope Jack turns up hungry for food and petting.
ReplyDeleteI have thought of that too, River.
DeletePS, I LOVE that fabric. It's perfect.
ReplyDeleteI hope that Levon thinks so.
DeleteThe fabric and border are wonderful and perfect together. I’ll be keeping lots of good thoughts for you and Jack!
ReplyDeleteI think with the fabric it's mostly the softness that matters but of course, I want the kids to be pleased with the way it looks too.
DeleteThat will be a great looking blanket for Levon and he will love it. I know exactly what you mean about getting it done! I have fabric scraps left from a quilt I made my middle son years ago and I want to use them to make a quilt for his son (my newest grandson), Adam. So the fabrics are piled on my sewing table but I haven't started cutting yet. Adam's 1st birthday is in December so I had better get going. Thanks for the motivation, Mary! ;)
ReplyDeleteGetting started is the very hardest part.
DeleteOld jack- I trust that he knows what he is doing and that something bigger did not decide for him.
ReplyDeleteThe blankets are such treasure for the children- Maybe they will make it all the way to college!
I am thinking the same about Jack.
DeleteJessie's blanket went to college. Not sure about May's. It might have.
37 paddington: Thank for always supporting my efforts, Mary! I hope Jack turns up soon. My heart is still aching at the loss of my daughter’s beloved dog, and she and her love still grieve, so I am newly aware of how heavy your heart must feel right now. But perhaps Jack is on a walkabout as you say, and will be home soon. I pray that is so.
ReplyDeleteI am just grateful that I know you and can shout out to my little tiny part of the world how wonderful you are.
DeleteI thought about your daughter's dog and how the grief for a pet is deep and dark. They are literally part of our families.
How nice to have a handmade blanket. Wish I'd thought of this when my girls were small.
ReplyDeleteWe need many more good people like the Justice in our government. May it soon be so.
May it be so. Yes.
DeleteHas Jack showed up yet?
DeleteI'm sorry to hear about Jack. I hope he turns up soon if he hasn't already. You mentioned looking upstairs -- I remember that's where he was last time! Barn, maybe? Garage?
ReplyDeleteI love the fabric for Levon's blanket -- that camping print is great.
He's definitely not in the garage. If he got into the barn I figure he could get out but I'll check tomorrow.
DeleteI hope Levon likes his little forest critters and their camp sites.
do you have a cat door? can he get out at night while you sleep? I hope you find him. it's terrible when they go missing. I'm surprised you didn't pick a print with backhoes and trucks for Levon or is he past that fascination now.
ReplyDeleteYes. We have a cat door and both cats have always just come and gone as they pleased.
DeleteLevon has indeed gotten over his fascination with heavy equipment but while I was going through my fabric today I found some flannel that I'd made him something out of that had bulldozers and backhoes on it when he was little. It's so sweet that you remember that, Ellen.