Thursday, March 28, 2024

Here Comes My Nineteenth Nervous Breakdown (Yet Again)

Mr. Moon has been keeping so many plates spinning at once lately. It's ridiculous. As he keeps saying- it's a good thing he's retired or he wouldn't be able to do it all. Some of it is just regular life like taxes and insurance and car maintenance, and some of it has been out of the ordinary stuff like selling the property on Dog Island and helping Lily find a house and dealing with situations at our rental property. It's been a lot. His phone never stops ringing. And of course he's been working on his old Camaro and trying to figure out problems he's having with the brakes and he's been putting a whole lot of work into the garden. 
I don't know how the man does it. 
If I get the laundry done and supper on the table I figure I've done a day's work. Well, that's not entirely true but you know what I mean. He's been bemoaning the fact that he had planned on doing a lot of river fishing this last winter and spring and hasn't done any except for the little trip he took with Jessie and her boys. He's been talking about going to the river by himself, launching the kayak, and putting his line in the water. That is his idea of heaven. And floating down one of our rivers here is indeed a sort of heaven. 
So yesterday when he started talking about it again, I said, "You need to just go. Go tomorrow. It's supposed to be pretty," and he finally said, "I think I will."
And he did. I am so glad. He needs that peace and serenity desperately. 

And it has been a pretty day. Yesterday's rain washed everything clean again and I have not seen so much as one cloud in the sky all day. 

It has been cool and a bit breezy and I imagine that it's been a fine day on the river. I haven't heard from him and I'm glad of that. I don't want him even thinking about anything here. I want him to just be on the water, watching the birds, the trees, the turtles and probably alligators. I want this blue-sky day to soothe his heart and soul. 

I, on the other hand, went back to town to get the things I need for our family's Easter picnic. I think this was a brilliant suggestion of Lily's- to have a plain old picnic at a park in the woods where the kids can hunt eggs and the adults can sit around and be lazy and for once, not worry about the damn food so much. I'm going to bake and slice a ham and take rolls and bread for sandwiches. I'm also taking smoked salmon for those who do not eat pig and also for those who just like smoked salmon and really, who doesn't? So I bought those two things at the Costco as well as sliced cheese for the sandwiches. I'll take mustard and mayonnaise and Miracle Whip and sliced tomatoes and lettuce and I'll bake a challah for bread and I've bought crackers for the smoked salmon although it just occurred to me that I did not buy any cream cheese but oh well. I'll probably go to that fucking Dollar General and get some. 
When I was at Costco I almost ran into a cart and apologized but then realized that the person pushing that cart had almost run into mine and it was Kevin! The guy who used to work in the liquor store whom everyone loves. Oh, what a hug I gave him! He looks so good! 
"You staying happy?" I asked him. And the way he answered left no room for doubt. His smile was as big as the sky. 
So that was lovely and then dammit, I got to talking to the woman who was working in the liquor store today (that Tito's doesn't buy itself) and she'd just gotten back from a trip to Jamaica that she'd taken with her mother. I told her that I surely wished that I'd had that sort of relationship with my mother and she proceeded to tell me how much she loves her mama and how very close they are. That she is the best friend this woman has ever had. 
And before you know it, I was fucking crying. Right there in the Costco liquor store. I wasn't sobbing but tears were escaping from my eyes and I told that woman that yes, she is lucky, but that her mother is very, very lucky too. 
It doesn't help that I am at the tail end of listening to that book, A Place for Us, which is basically the story of a father who lost his son due to not knowing how to love him because of the many reasons that a parent may not know how to love a specific child and these things were on my mind. 

I'm just a mess. I might as well be premenstrual or pregnant or postpartum or menopausal or post-menopausal or any one of the hundreds of different phases a woman goes through in her life due to hormones and changing life situations. I thought that at least one benefit of older age would be that I would find myself in a more stable and less transitory space when it came to emotions but it does not seem to be true. 
At least for me. 

And then I went to Publix and got the kids some silly Easter stuff and things to make a vegetable soup. Glen told me that he planned to stay on the river until sunset and so I really don't know when he'll be home for his supper. I figured that soup would be good as it can be ready whenever he is. I came home and got the laundry off the line and picked some greens and carrots and I've made a huge pot of soup because that's the only size I can apparently make. 

A guy at the church next door is running a leaf blower and I swear I will lose what small amount of my mind I have left if he doesn't stop soon. My god, there's hardly anything to clear over there. This is the time of day when there should be peace and sleepy bird call, not that horrid sound that I can't even describe beyond it sounding like a trillion man-made mosquitoes, all riding Harley Davidsons, invading my head.

I'll try to be more cheerful tomorrow, okay? 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Amazing, isn't it, how long men can position themselves behind noise emitting machines they control!
    It sounds like a delightful Sunday picnic in the offing!

    1. It is bizarre. And yet, what little boy does not make his cars and trucks go along the floor while making their sounds for them? They are wired this way.
      I hope we have a nice picnic.

  2. your Easter picnic sounds perfect! I hadn't even thought about Easter until tomorrow is marketing day for me. Meh..... I have a slab of ham in freezer and decided I'll make that, scalloped potatoes and creamed kale. WTH? Who cares? Back in the day.....I used to make Hot Cross Buns every year at Easter....but those days are long past.
    Hope Mr Moon is having a glorious time.....with that blue sky....and his could he NOT?
    Susan M

    1. I do not believe I've ever made hot cross buns. Your Easter dinner sounds fine.

  3. Bake a challah for Easter?! There's only one thing to say to that: Good yontif, Pontif!

  4. Some people need to be in constant motion, like you, I am not one of them. Your blue sky is glorious. What a nice day. Lily's Easter picnic idea is brilliant and your menu sounds terrific. Some cities/towns are restricting or banning loud leaf blowers. Hopefully more will step-up. I have a battery powered leaf blower and it is silent.

    1. I guess I do have a great need to feel productive and for whatever reason that translates in my mind to movement. I am not denying my functional insanity.
      I really thought I was going to have to go over there and smack the man running the leaf blower.

    2. And they will never, ever get around to banning or restricting the demon-machines here.

  5. An Easter egg hunt, outdoors, made me think about last year; we had one here, the first one I've ever gone to in my life. It was lots of fun. Too much snow this year and they've moved it indoors.

    I hate leaf blowers with a passion, so much noise for so little result. I hope you're feeling better tomorrow. I'm almost done that sweater I started knitting when I was feeling depressed a few weeks ago. I'll have to start another because it's been keeping the black dog at bay.

    Sending hugs and love.

      I couldn't do that if I was knitting a sweater for a kitten.
      Easter egg hunts can be fun.
      Yes. Start another sweater. It helps to keep hands busy, doesn't it?

  6. "...not worry about the food so much." Followed by a very long list of all the foods you plan to bake and make and take. To me, not worrying about the food for a picnic means going to the nearest Subway and buying a couple or three ready made assortment platters. So much easier. But I know you well enough by now to know that making and baking is how you express so much of the love you feel for your family. Buying ready made platters would seem like cheating to you.

    1. I know! I swear- I thought the exact same thing as I was making that list but I won't feel as if I'm hosting anything. Just bringing food. And of course I have to bring food. You know me so well.

  7. The picnic will be fabulous! Did you get any malted milk eggs? Those were always my favorite.

    1. No. I just got all the kids kindereggs. They were BOGO.

  8. A picnic for Easter sounds great. No worries about organizing the house before or after. Of course here it would entail warm jackets and hats and maybe rain coats and boots, but you're not here. It will be great.

    1. You would probably kill for the weather we've had the last two days.

  9. For someone on her 19th nervous breakdown of the week, you sure expressed a lot of love and gratitude in this post. You didn’t mention the cream cheese. Did you end up getting it at that fucking Dollar General?

    1. I have not bought any cream cheese yet. Maybe tomorrow. But maybe...not at all!

  10. My neighbor (a lovely young man) is absolutely addicted to his leaf-blower. It is one of those fancy backpack types. It drives me insane.

    1. And the damn thing is- the wind blows the leaves right back. I do not see the point of them.

  11. Glen is a brave guy - kayaking down a river that may well contain alligators. Trouble with those creatures is that you cannot argue with them when they are hungry. "Hey, let's talk about this dude!"

    What a splendid blue sky in your pictures - so clear and well, blue!

    1. Any body of water you see in Florida from a river to a lake to a drainage ditch probably has an alligator in it. Or at least the possibility of one.
      I keep trying to come up with different words to describe the blueness of the sky but it's just truly so blue.

  12. In winter I always fantasize about how pleasant the garden will be in summer. And then in summer, all my neighbors (really their gardeners) are out mowing and leaf-blowing ALL THE TIME.

    The picnic sounds like a great idea, though to my way of thinking you're making it way too complicated. I'd buy some lunchmeat and some sandwich bread and call it a day! LOL!

    1. Can you SEE me bringing lunch meat and sandwich bread? Not in this lifetime, my friend.
      Leaf blowers need to be cited for sound violations. I'm sure they exceed the limits.

  13. I think an Easter picnic sounds like a WONDERFUL idea and there won't be house-readying and post party cleanup. I'd say the food would be easier, but based on all the things you list that you're taking, I'm not so sure. :) I'm sure you'll all have the best time!

    The woman talking about her mama would have made me cry, too. I hope people with those kinds of relationships with parents know how fortunate they are. I can't help but be a tiny bit envious.

    I hope Mr. Moon had a great time fishing! He should go fishing much more often, even if life IS busy.

    1. Yes. Once I get the food there- I am done! Right?
      The woman at Costco told me that she truly appreciates her mother. She knows how lucky she is. I am very envious. As I said to her- who doesn't want a close and loving relationship with a loving mother?
      Glen has just driven down to Lloyd creek to throw a few worms on hooks into it. He's got the bug again.

  14. It sounds like you really feel all of your feelings, Mary. You are such a loving, caring person.
    Hope the Easter picnic is fabulous!

    1. Oh god. I do feel all of my feelings. Every day is one rollercoaster after another and I do not like rollercoasters at all.

  15. a picnic in the park on Easter sounds perfect.

    a close relationship with my mother is one of the things I always wanted but will never have. for one thing, she's dead. for another, she wasn't capable of it. an eat in kitchen and a live creek on my property are two others.

    1. "...for one thing she's dead..."
      That cracked me up.
      I'd love a creek on my property too. I guess I have an eat-in kitchen if only two people are eating at a time. But I know what you mean. I've always wanted that too.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.