Friday, March 17, 2017

Scattered But Felt Truly

Such a beautiful, beautiful day although the past two nights have killed the tomatoes and turned so much spring bloom into mush and also some of my potted plants.
Ay yi and what can I say?

Violet is still morphed into a flattened shape over her eggs and it appeared to me this morning that she had kicked two eggs out from underneath her. I removed them. Supposedly the mother knows when eggs are not viable and although I do not know if this is true in general or specifically in her case, she is certainly sitting on enough and as I said before, we humans just love to get involved, even when we have no idea what we're doing and that's just the way it is.

I have so much anger in me today and all of it directed at the president and his evil minions. I can't even begin to speak of his proposed budget and I am beginning to suspect that he truly is, if not THE devil, at least a demon of high order and if there are any Christians left in this country who do not see this, they are either blind or willfully going against the very words of their own Jesus who said (supposedly), "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Of course I do not really believe in Jesus or at least, not in the sense that he is GOD, nor son of a god any more than any of us are, but I do believe that as humans we are here to help each other and I do believe in love which so much of what Jesus was purported to say espouses, and there is no hint, no single molecule or mote of any love whatsoever in the man we have elected as our president.
I say "we" and don't jump on me. You know what I mean.
My fellow Americans, as Lyndon Johnson used to say in his Texas drawl.

I am rambling and it is Friday and I don't know whether to laugh or to cry but if I was a praying woman I would pray that our planet can survive the destruction this man seems to want to bring upon it long enough so that love can achieve its balance once again so that the tides may move as they are meant to move under the spell of the moon, so that people may live in at least a hope of peace and freedom and enough to eat, and that hens can perform their miracles of the most simple and complex sort, the egg itself being a symbol of the rebirth of the sun and the light and love and plenty.

When Owen saw Violet yesterday, sitting upon her egg throne, he said, "She is having birth!"

And I would clean this up and make something more tidy and sense-like of it but I need to get ready to go to town and hold my own miracles, my own babies, because on a day like this, in times like these, there is nothing to do but to hold on to that which is true and which is real and to believe in it with all of our hearts, to close our eyes and pray/not pray with all of the love in our souls for the very love of them.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. It's a crazy time. I just can't believe half the stuff I read in the news these days. Not as in, it isn't true, but as in -- what the hell?! Do we have to go back to '70s smog in LA and the Cuyahoga River catching on fire before people realize that all these rules and regulations they're so hell-bent on dismantling actually serve an important purpose?

    1. I think it'll be too late by then. Some ships are just too big to turn around. It may be too late already so WTF? Right?

  2. Ah Mary, I'm with you on this. Where is our responsibility to lift each other up? Smh

    1. Not to be found in this administration. Or in the hearts of most Republicans, either.

  3. Steve, I had the same picture in my mind of the Cuyahoga on fire....every day is a WTF day.

  4. I am in the same place with hoping this idiot and the GOP in general don't​ ruin too much before we are able to right this ship and clean up their mess. I swear I have been a ball of nerves since election night.

    1. Trump-induced anxiety. We all have it. I feel so hopeless.

  5. I hear ya. that man et al is so devoid of compassion that must not have a heart at all or if he does it is a tiny piece of, well, I was going to say coal but coal is useful so maybe just a flake of ash. bad enough that he wants to eliminate the food programs that feed the most vulnerable and end the home heating subsidy so poor folk won't freeze to death but he has to add insult to injury by calling these programs unsuccessful. evil evil man.

    1. Evil, crooked, fascist, racist, mean, ugly.
      Need I go on?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.