Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Useless Updates

Y'all are so precious, giving me so many ideas about what to cook for supper. I have decided, however, on a Salade Nicoise or at least a bastardized version of it. I don't have any anchovies and I probably would not use them if I did which is why I don't have any.
If you follow my logic.
I texted Mr. Moon at work. "What do you want for supper?"
He texted back, "Nothing."
They had brought in barbecue for some reason at the bank where he works and he claims he overate it.
"Maybe a salad," he said.
Fine. I can do that.

Lily and I had a good time shopping today despite my complete negativity about every dress she picked out. I either refused to wear such a garment or pointed out that I would look terrible in it. So. Forget it. I'm wearing the not-quite-wedding-apparel and that is that. They'll just have to deal. Not that anyone will care and even if they do, I won't. So.
Turns out you CAN'T dress me up and take me out. You can take me out but you can't dress me up.

I'll wear a bra. I promise.

Okay. Speaking of wedding apparel- check this out:

These are the outfits Gibson and Owen will be wearing to Jessie's wedding. Could you die? Okay, don't die. Jason made Owen pose like that, like a little model dude. The pocket square in Gibson's vest is sewn in. Of course. Otherwise he'd eat it. 

In World News, it would appear that the Supreme Court has made a decision not to make a decision at this moment. Fucking wimps. Hey guys- which side of history do you want to be on? Huh? HUH?!
I leave it at that. For the moment. But I keep thinking about what my friend Togi said about how Queers (his word and he's allowed to use it) shouldn't even have to be asking for their human rights. It's just ridiculous. Sure would be nice if they did just go ahead and make reality legal though. 

Well, I guess you've heard enough from me today. I wish I was sager, funnier, more poetic. But I'm not. At least not today. I will tell you that after some hours at the mall I don't have a lot positive to say about the fashion trends right now. I know you needed to know that, right? 
Oh! Lily and I saw the ugliest garment we've ever seen and we've seen some pukers. This one was in the high-end section of Dilliards and it looked like someone had sewn a blouse onto a pair of pants and it was a really ugly blouse and a really ugly pair of suit pants and hot pink and polyester were involved. 
They would have laughed that shit right off the runway on Project Runway. People would have been crying. And packing their things and going home. Tim Gunn would have been appalled. 
Oh well.

Have a good evening.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I don't think SCOTUS ever decides to make a decision right away. They always take months after oral arguments before they release their decision (they have to weigh it and discuss it and write it). I liked the questioning, but I don't want to get too excited.

    I will say this (from my Facebook): The point of marriage [according to California] - and the state's interest here - is to regulate procreation? In a country where half of marriages end in divorce and nearly half of children are born outside marriage? How can you even make that argument with a straight face?

  2. Your little men are ADORABLE! How can you take so much cuteness??? I wish you;d taken a picture of the ugly pink blouse/pants outfit. S. Jo

  3. They'll do the right thing. Procreation is not the purpose of marriage, it's a side effect. If they claim marriage is for procreation then all those older couples and infertile couples and those who just chose not to procreate would have to be forced to divorce.

    On another note, those boys are adorable.

  4. OMG. Could they be any cuter? I think not!
    Don't know why my dinner suggestion didnt go through. I thought it was a good one. For future reference.

  5. Martin Luther King's letter from Birmingham jail....

    We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was "well timed" in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation. For years now I have heard the word "Wait!" It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This "Wait" has almost always meant "Never." We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that "justice too long delayed is justice denied."


    "I must make two honest confessions to you, my... brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with...(the) moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that (the) great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is ...the moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises...to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."

    OK, I am jumping of MLK's soapbox.

    Same shit, different pile.

    Your grandsons are SO freaking cute.

  6. Yeah -- the mighty justices deliberate for months so we won't know anything until June, I think. And hearing some of the asinine statements from Alito made the blood boil. As for Prop 8 -- damn. I still don't understand fully why that thing passed here even accounting for the hard-core propaganda of the Mormons. I'm convinced the working of the proposition is why it passed. Basically we were told to vote NO on YES PROP 8. Or something like that.

    But those boys sure do look divine in their fancy duds.

  7. I love the pocket square. That is hilarious. Even I do not own a pocket square.

    Reading here made me realize I hadn't checked on the status of the SCOTUS hearing since yesterday evening -- so I had to go read the NYT site. I love this quote from the attorney supporting Prop 8: That gay marriage "will refocus the purpose of marriage and the definition of marriage away from the raising of children and to the emotional needs and desires of adults, of adult couples." WTF? You're telling me marriage isn't already about adults' emotional needs and desires? Since when?!

  8. Good grief, those boys are sweet. Weddings are the best. But I don't envy you your quest for the dress.

    I do believe that in our life time everyone will have equal rights to a wedding. A legal marriage wedding.

    The other day, I almost asked you here what you were having for dinner.

    Tonight we're having black beans and guacamole, a couple peppers diced and some corn to scatter on top, some salsa, maybe some brown rice. Maybe some fish in there and flour tortillas.

  9. Just wear what makes you feel comfortable. I hate malls BTW. I am hoping that the SCOTUS will make the decision that allows equality in marriage. It is a legally binding contract between people, not just men and women.

  10. NOLA- Oh, of course it's going to take them forever. It sounded like some of them were trying to get out of taking it on at all though. Damn them.

    S. Jo- I didn't even think about it. I should have!

    Ellen Abbott- That was the most ridiculous argument ever.
    The end.

    Yo- I didn't get it! I am so pissed. I want it!

    Birdie- Words to remember often and ponder frequently. Yes. Thank you.

    Elizabeth- Alito- what an asshat.

    Steve Reed- Right? So I should not be able to be legally wed now that my husband and I are past the age of procreation? Hell. All we DO is take care of each other now. That is our job.

    Vesuvius At Home- I ate Mexican for lunch. Chicken wrapped up on corn tortillas. Good. Always.

    Syd- One would think those justices would get that point. I hate malls too. But being with Lily was fun, even in the dreaded mall. But after about an hour I couldn't breathe and we had to leave.

  11. I could TOTALLY die. Such boys. And not that Owen's not fabulous, but oh, that picture of Gibson was such a great surprise :)

  12. "We've seen some pukers" made me LAUGH.

    Those boys are delicious.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.