Monday, May 5, 2008

Where Have You Been All My Life?

My neighbor's Poplar tree is in bloom and she gave me this blossom. First of all, I had no idea that Poplar trees grew here and secondly (and obviously), I had no idea they had such a blossom.
Just makes me wonder- what in hell else am I missing?


  1. Oh man, they are thick at Torreya. I think that is a "Tulip" Poplar- the most pop'lar Poplar.

  2. See- this makes me feel so ignorant.

  3. How beautiful! Do they only bloom in semi-tropical areas? I guess I never saw a poplar tree in bloom before!

  4. I actually heard reference to the tulip poplar on Antiques Roadshow last night in the context of it being a "local" wood in Kentucky. Not sure of its range.

  5. That thing looks like the plant that made Mr. Spock a hippie. Does it spit a powderie subastance when you try to smell it? Where can I get one? I could use some hippifying!

  6. Sorry, HWB, sadly it does not.
    I hear tales of some sort of mushroom that grows in mythical cow pastures, however....
    Or, alternately, you could just come hang out with me for a few hours. Bound to hippify (hippiefy? hippyfy?) the hell out of anyone.
    Brown rice, anyone?

  7. MS Moon, you knew I was gonna comment, didn't you? Tulip Poplars, the tree blooms only at the very tip top of the branches. The only time ppl will see the flowers is when they fall off. They seem to grow naturally here in the Hudson valley. Fast growing tree hence not very strong.

  8. Sally Moon- I was HOPING you'd clear this up for me. So obviously, tulip poplars have a very wide growth range. From Florida to the tip-top of where you live, which is far up north in the Hudson Valley. Quite a tree!
    Thank you!

  9. Obviously my long-lost cousin.
    Miss Sally is the woman whose blog is About Olive, which I have linked. Go and visit her. She takes amazing pictures.


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