Saturday, December 30, 2023

Share The Love, Share The Germs, Share The Soup

 I woke up in the middle of the night and it occurred to me that I was not feeling the greatest. It took me awhile to get back to sleep but I finally did, dreaming in the early morning that I was sick and I haven't felt great all day. It is quite possible that I am getting what Owen had, what Gibson now has. They don't have covid so that's good. 
I haven't felt terrible, just very tired and slow and my eyes feel weird and I'm a little achy and I'm even spacier than usual. So I haven't done much today. 

I have started working on this jigsaw puzzle. 

I got it at the Bad Girls Get Saved By Jesus Thriftstore a few months ago. I snatched it right up because it's an eboo puzzle and those are some of the best. The company is woman-owned and made from recycled materials and vegetable inks and dyes. Also, they are colorful and fun and they are very inclusive when it comes to race and gender issues. This puzzle is a 1000 piece puzzle which I don't ever do but I've put a card table by the dining room table so that I have plenty of room for pieces and there's so much going on in this puzzle that I think it will go quickly enough. I have no timeframe so it doesn't matter anyway. 
Maurice came to help me out.

This would have been okay as I could reach into the corner of the box and grab pieces out from underneath her but she was not going to tolerate that. 
There was blood. 
Oh, that cat. 
"I love you. Now I must hurt you." Slash, slash. 

The ironing board cover came and I was hugely disappointed because it's not long enough for my ironing board. I just assumed that all ironing boards are of a standard size. It would appear this is not so. I tried. I tried and tried to make it work but it just would not. Mr. Moon even tried. He couldn't make it work either so off it will go, back to the Amazon universe and I suppose I will try ordering another one and this time, will be more careful about size. 
When it comes to ironing boards and their covers, size does matter. 

I was so excited when it came because I have a little sewing project I wanted to start and I can't do sewing without ironing. The dress that came with no pockets is quite long and it occurred to me that I could easily cut off enough at the hem to make two nice patch pockets. Or, since I'm doing it, two patch pockets, nice not being guaranteed.
I have cut the amount off the bottom that I wanted to cut and have ironed (sadly, on my old stretched-out cover) a new hem and have pinned it and will stitch that by hand, perhaps tomorrow. This is one of those projects which appears to be stupid-easy but will probably take me days. 

Mr. Moon has taken the afternoon to go sit in the deer stand in the woods but he is after a wild hog, not a deer today. I just wrote a long thing about feral pigs and how they are not indigenous here and how destructive and out-of-control they are but it makes me sound like a damn hunting apologist and I guess I am in that I've learned a lot since I married a man who hunts, and wild pig tastes very, very good. I guess I'd rather eat the meat of a hog who has lived a fine and fancy life being free who was shot quick and clean rather than one that was factory farmed and butchered inhumanely. I mean, if you can humanely kill anything. 
This is obviously a subject which I am very conflicted about. 

I think I'm going to go make yet another soup. This one from the leftovers of the chicken and spinach stew I made last night. It's already got the chicken and celery and onions and garlic in it as well as rice and spinach so I might as well just simmer all that in the rest of the chicken stock I have, add some carrots and a few more vegetables and call it supper. Soup sounds good and whenever we have it for supper I call it a Fuck You, Jay Leno meal because he once said that soup is NOT a meal and that's all there is to it. 
Oh, go buy another car, Jay. And eat a steak. Or come by my house and I'll make you a real soup. 

Gonna get cold here tonight. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. feel better soon. my favorite trick is now coating my face with vicks. we both just got over a very mild case of the covid here (first time for both of us). xxalainaxx

    1. You coat your face with Vicks? Doesn't it set your face on fire?
      I'm really glad y'all's covid was mild.

  2. It's been a crappy fall and winter so far, or an excellent one, if you're a virus. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow. Hubby still has a fever and I'm going out tonight with the nurses I work with. Can't wait:)

    We have a problem with feral pigs here too. Some jackass thought it would be a good idea to bring them to Canada in the '80s and '90s, they got loose and guess what? They're smart and hard to kill. Hope Mr. Moon kills one.

    1. OOH! I hope you had a great time with your nurse buddies. Nurses are the best partiers.
      Yeah. When pigs get introduced, it's almost impossible to get rid of them.

    2. Especially the orange pig who is off his rocker, ya know what I mean.

  3. I would have no qualms about eating a feral pig. No antibiotics, lived a good life, and it's a pig! I too would assume ironing board covers are one size fits all.

  4. If you have access to an old wool army blanket you can cut your own pad for the ironing board. They work great. You could even make a double pad if you want.

    1. This is where I purchased my ironing board cover. It is fantastic.

    2. Susan- I'm going to check out that web site. You can be pretty sure that I will not be making an ironing board cover. Not when I can get one for less than thirty dollars online.

    3. Well, it is pretty expensive given that it is shipped from Australia. But it is great. I used to do a lot of sewing and it was worth investing in the tools.

  5. too bad about the ironing board cover.....but...the next one will fit! Sorry you are a bit under the weather but hope you feel well enough tomorrow to make your *hoppin john* that you make.....(thought of it today)...... yes...... rather eat a wild pig humanely dispatched.....than anything else. I raised a pig once many years ago out here, cooperatively with a farmer *neighbor*. A herd of 6 little piggies. Hubby could not participate in the rearing /caring because they were *too cute* but I knew from day 1 she would supply us with months worth of pork products....and I did not have an issue with it. Wouldn't do it again, but was a good (if labor intensive) 8 month long project for me! Again, feel better.....and happy new year to you both!
    Susan M

    1. Of course I will be making Hoppin' John! My first husband and I raised a pig too. We were not enthralled with that beast. She used to get out of her pen and scare my children. Also? She shit in her water. No thank you.

  6. Geeze, my last ironing board cover had a pull string round the bottom to make it fit. It was delivered, too. Pig never goes wrong. Go Mr. Moon.

    1. This one had a pull string too but even let out as far as it would go, it was too short.
      You're right about pig.

  7. I'm going to make a chicken soup tomorrow sometime! Leno doesn't have a clue! LOL

  8. Hope you stay warm and enjoy your soup!

  9. I cannot remember ever buying buying an ironing board cover, but I would have guessed they were the same. Gees, it seems like everyone is sick! I hope you feel better soon.

  10. I guess ironing boards are now a niche industry, with sizes and shapes. I hope you get well fast. You might be very tired, too, well, no might about it, what with the work and emotional upheaval of Christmas.

    1. I'm feeing much better today already! Maybe I was just sick of 2023.

  11. Perhaps Jay Leno has clear broth in mind when he says soup is not a meal. I do agree with you that, that soup is indeed a full meal when packed with vegetables, rice or pasta, and some type of meat, bread on the side, with or without butter.
    I love your newest jigsaw.

    1. I was thinking about that too, River. Clear broth is NOT a meal. For sure. But a soup meal like you describe should satisfy anyone. I even made a salad to go with ours last night.

  12. Jay Leno knows doodly about winter soups. Poor fella.

    1. Maybe his mother thought that a can of Campbell's chicken noodle was enough of a meal for a child.

    2. It's obviously stunted his growth.

  13. LOVE the puzzle! Miami is one of my favorite places! Can't wait to see it when it's complete, assuming Maurice allows you to finish it.

    Too bad about the ironing board cover, but hopefully easily remedied. Good luck with the sewing project.

  14. I feel the same about meat eating too. I know darn well if I had to kill it myself I would happily become vegetarian. And I'm sure we'll never know the true horrors of factory farming, so assuming Mr. Moon does get a boar, enjoy it!

    1. Oh yeah. I say that all the time. If I had to kill to get meat, I'd be planting a hell of a lot of beans.

  15. I wonder what Jay Leno would be like as a dinner guest. That puzzle looks like so much fun with a little danger thrown in. Our cats wouldn’t attack but puzzle pieces would be all over the house. Shame about ironing board. Size queens!

    1. Well, if Jay was our dinner guest, he and Mr. Moon could surely talk about cars together.
      For some reason, my cats rarely knock puzzle pieces to the floor. I am very grateful for that.
      Size queens, indeed! And the funny thing is- after I ordered it, I realized that in the description it said it would fit wide boards. So...wider and shorter, eh? Not as easy to make work as, well, you know.

  16. I love that puzzle. I wish I could find such nice ones. I was given one at Xmas and I think I shall have a hard time doing it.
    Glad that you mentioned ironing board cover sizes.....I need a new one and it has reminded me to measure!
    Happy New Year to you and Glen and all your lovely family.

    1. I wonder if you can get eboo puzzles on ebay? I know you can order new ones but they are not cheap.
      Yes- measure twice and order once! That's my advice.

    2. I did find that very puzzle online, but it was £19.99. !! I usually pay less than £3 at a charity shop so not ordering !

  17. Love the Puzzle Graphics, and Maurice, The Box, Blood, Slash Slash, sounds a lot like Eli. Happy New Year and I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Why do we even let these cats live with us, much less love them?

  18. why on earth are you sewing that hem by hand. turn 1/2", turn it again and machine stitch that baby down. I've made two of my usual winter dishes...potato leek soup and shepherd's pie. enough for several dinners each. the last several nights have been in the low 30s so I guess you're getting it now. warming up to 71 today so says the app.

    1. Well, Ellen, you encouraged me to get out the old sewing machine which I did and I did the hem and pockets with it. I'm sure it saved me a lot of time.

  19. I think you could make your own ironing board cover as you can sew and you can make blankets so... You could make it as thick as you want! There might be ironing board cover patterns on Google! Just thinking...
    I get to spend time with my daughter today which will be wonderful and I will just love it! Hope all of you are healthy soon and ready to enjoy all of the wonderful treats that 2024 has for you!

    1. Nah. Too much trouble to make an ironing board cover when I can order one. Next one I order I will make sure is long enough for my ironing board.
      Oh, how I hope you had a good time with your daughter!

  20. A day in which Ms Moon draws Hazardous Duty pay for doing a crossword puzzle. :) Happy New Year and watch out for that cat!!

    1. I know, right? That damn cat.

    2. Ooops, make that "jigsaw" I fat-fingered that one for sure.:)


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