Saturday, December 16, 2023

At Least These Days When I Say I'm Late It Does Not Mean I'm Pregnant

Here I am, late again today. You know my routine is so damn important to me and it wouldn't matter so much but it involves the timing of when I get our supper made. Mr. Moon does not like to wait until what would be a proper suppertime in Spain. He would probably like to eat at six p.m. which I am not having. But I do try to get food on the table by eight, at least. And because I MUST write my blog post before I cook dinner, I need to start that process somewhere about five. 
There is more to all of it than this but that's the general story. 

I'm late today because I made some soup for May and took it to town and stopped at Publix, too. I talked to her this morning and she sounded good. She said she's had worse cases of the flu but she still hasn't been this sick in quite awhile. Same for Michael. I asked her if she'd like some mama-made soup and she said that yes, she would. I gave her several options and she chose a lentil and vegetable soup and so I made a pot of that. I did not have a huge selection of vegetables but did have plenty of greens and carrots, celery, onions, garlic, and tomatoes. I am not thrilled with how it turned out but as I told her, it has good things for her in it.

Michael's diet is the complete opposite of May's. Whereas she's been a vegetarian since she was about thirteen or so and who eats very clean, he loves hamburgers and all of the meaty things that May never touches. So I'm sure he didn't want any of the soup which is okay because he is happy with the canned soup that Rachel took over yesterday for them. I also took May her fruitcake and by golly, if the damn fruitcake did not end up falling INTO the soup container! 
Good Lord. 
As I said when I opened up the bag I was carrying them in and saw what had happened, "Fucking Tupperware!" She reports that the fruitcake is fine though because I had wrapped it so well.

It was so good to see my girl, even though we were all masked and stood some distance apart. May is so damn sweet and so damn funny. We're alike in too many ways to count. I've always said that between the two of us, one is redundant. But it's a lovely redundancy to me. I had to touch her, which I did so very briefly. I put my hands around her beautiful face and even in that brief touch, I could feel her fever. 

I did a quick run through Publix to get milk and bleach and a few other things that I cannot live without. And look what they had.

The prettiest little blue spruce in a pot. I wish I'd seen that before I decorated my tree. Oh well. Maybe next year. 

So yes, I did that and by the time I got home it was almost 4:30 and I wanted to go pick salad greens on this chilly, drizzly evening because I'm going to make us a pizza and you know how we love to eat our pizza with a very simple oil and vinegar salad on it, heavy on the arugula. And then I had to start the pizza dough which I always make in my food processor but because I have not yet gotten a new lid and my work-around isn't working any more, I had to transfer it all to the Kitchen Aid because god forbid I just knead the dough myself. I was in a hurry! 
So by the time all of that was done, it was basically NOW. 

It's been raining all day and is going to possibly be stormy tomorrow and the temperature will start dropping again. Mr. Moon went and helped Tom bring his plants inside. He is such a good guy. Tom seems to be hanging in there. 
We're going to have to move some of my plants too, I suppose. I'm very surprised that they didn't get more frost-bit the week that Glen was gone to Tennessee and it got so chilly. I mean- the bananas froze. I'm just glad my porch plants didn't. 

I suppose I better get in that kitchen and start grating cheese and chopping vegetables. I swear to you that I am only going to make a simple pizza tonight. SIMPLE! Or, pizzas, probably. The man does love a Hawaiian Pizza with ham and pineapple and although I have no problem with that, I'd rather have a spinach and artichoke heart pizza. With of course onions and peppers and so forth. 

We've been watching the old Christmas movie "The Family Stone" which is streaming on Hulu (I think) as we eat our suppers and I have to tell you that I love this movie. It has a stellar cast and it is funny and heartbreaking and I have probably seen it at least five times and am enjoying watching it again. 

It absolutely may not be your cup of egg nog but it is definitely mine. 
May agrees. She loves it too.

All righty. Really. Time to cook! 

Love...Ms. Moon

P.S. Lily sent a text today with a picture of Gibson when she took him to visit the Cat Cafe which is a place where you can hang out with cats while having a coffee or a glass of wine or some other beverage. The cats there are up for adoption.

Lily said he was in heaven and when they went in, he said, "I'm literally shaking." He even cried a little and said, "I'm so happy."
I'm thinking there may be a new member of the family this Christmas. We shall see. 
Our precious, darling, loving Gibson.


  1. Another cat might be climbing the tree this year.. I hear you on what order things have to happen in!

    1. I know it would make Gibson happy.
      As to order- I have the icons on my google Chrome page lined up in the order I open and use them. I feel like a techno genius now. It's so comforting.

  2. Whatever cat ends up with Gibson will be lucky. I am glad May and Michael are feeling a bit better.

    1. They have a pretty busy house what with the two dogs, a grown cat, the pet rats and three children! But there are plenty of places a kitty could get away alone to.
      I'm glad they're feeling better too.

  3. glad May got your healing soup...... and I can't imagine not eating dinner till 8pm.......I;m darned near ready for bed by that time! LOL!
    Susan M

    1. Well, I like to go to bed pretty soon after supper to read. That allows Glen to watch what he wants on the TV. And nap in his chair or, as he says, practicing his sleep.

  4. A very good mama to take mama soup to May. I wish she and Michael were well.

  5. It's not fair being so crook this close to Christmas. Hopefully your healing soup will do the trick.
    I do hope Gibson gets to adopt a new cat. Or two.
    Anyone who shakes with excitement near cats is a good person.

    1. That household can barely hold a kitten, much less two! And I haven't heard any plans to adopt. Perhaps it was really just a bit of a field trip.

  6. I love that movie and haven't seen it in years. I'll put it on my list for this Christmas watching.
    I wouldn't survive in your house. We usually eat at five, because of Jack, but me too. I don't like eating late because I have reflux and really don't want to lay down with a full stomach, and I often go to bed at eight:)
    I hope May feels better soon.

    1. I love that you love that movie!!!
      I generally head to bed around 9:30-ish but I read in bed for an hour at least. I hear you about the reflux though.

  7. Poor May, to be so warm you can feel it, I do hope they are both well again before Christmas. I used to eat at 6pm or 6.30, but lately it's closer to 5.30 so I can get the kitchen cleaned up before the news comes on at 6, then I settle in my tv recliner with Lola between my feet.
    We have a similar cat cafe near my home, the cats are up for adoption, but if you want to just play with them you have to buy a coffee.

    1. Well, you know how mother's can take your temperature with their hand on your forehead.
      I generally do a few things after supper. Sometimes I clean up the kitchen, sometimes Mr. Moon does it. Sometimes I work on a jigsaw puzzle, fold some laundry, put it away- that sort of thing. I rarely sit and watch TV for very long.
      I haven't been to the cat cafe so I don't know exactly how it works but I do know that Hank and Rachel got a kitty there.

  8. I must admit it worries me that you touched May, as much as I know you love your daughter. Let's hope the Covid cooties keep to themselves. I'm sure she appreciated the soup, and HOW did the fruitcake fall in there? That's a pretty massive Tupperware fail!

    Cat cafes are such a good idea. I don't think I've ever seen "The Family Stone." Maybe I'll give it a try!

    1. I know, Steve! WHY did I do that? It was truly an unconscious thing. I just had to. Okay. The Tupperware is from a line of their stuff that obviously does not work very well. I can't get the lid to stay on this particular container and I should have remembered that when I put the wrapped fruitcake on top of it and place it all very, very carefully in a canvas bag.
      You should definitely watch The Family Stone. I think you would like it. I really do.

    2. Has that lid been in the dishwasher? Because that is a big no-no with tupperware. Many of the containers are dishwasher safe but NEVER the lids as they warp.

  9. Gibson joy made my day. I do believe that your fruit cake would as well, can’t wait for that! Incentive to get home quick!
    Sorry your girl is ill. Sucks. What a good mama you are.
    Love you, lindasue

    1. I love you too, Linda Sue! The fruitcake is not the best this year. I pre-apologize.

  10. I tend to get our evening meal on the table for around 6.30 so if Mr Moon gets fed up of waiting, he can always pop round here. As you have illustrated before now, cat-loving Gibson has a very good heart for a young lad.

    1. That was a generous offer, Mr. P.! I'll relay that invitation to my husband!
      Gibson has the BEST heart.

  11. my bananas got bit too that same cold spell. I'm so glad the Texas Star hibiscus (in case you forgot what they are) is coming up for you. I plan to send you a live plant of the turk's cap this spring. I have a little volunteer coming up but too cold to dig it up and send it now. we used to have our dinner at 8 but now we try and have it on the table by 7:30.

    1. I am cheering so hard for those seeds! I certainly have more left so I can make another attempt if those don't work.
      A turk's cap! Yay! As I've probably said before, they grew in Roseland and I loved them.
      I TRY to have supper on by 7:30. That's what I shoot for but for some reason, I always think it'll take me less time to make the meal than it does. I never learn.

  12. We eat dinner at 6 usually. I couldn't wait as late as 8 as I would be up all night. You make terrific pizzas and soups and everything actually!

    1. I know that a lot of people can't eat supper late. I suppose I could start supper earlier but that would mess up my entire routine!

  13. New here, from Ellen Abbott's blog. I don't live close enough to any of my children to offer soup when they are sick and it always makes me feel guilty!

    1. Well, hello, Kathy! Glad you came by. If you love Ellen, we may share sensibilities.
      I am so very lucky to live close to all of my children and grandchildren. I always say that they're close enough for me to get my arms around them, should I need to! And I seem to need to quite frequently.

  14. Replies
    1. Yes! Because you are good, upstanding citizens who live sensibly. Honestly, Debby- that is how I see you. And I guess we are too, mostly. We don't break too many laws and we vote and pay taxes and try to be good neighbors but sometimes, I just have to be a rebel! I bet you do too.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.