Friday, November 10, 2023

I'm A Tired Girl

That is what the sasanqua camellias are looking like in my camellia jungle right now. They are so brilliant, almost preternaturally so. 

It was another Vergil and Glen working day today. Mr. Moon went and got the man this morning so that Jessie could have the car to come out when she wanted. The guys got to work right away and they designed a method of getting the boards up on the roof that didn't involve Mr. Moon climbing half way up a ladder and reaching them up to Vergil the Roof Man.

They make a good team those two. One with lots and lots of experience and one with a good amount of experience himself who is an engineer. 

So Jessie did come out and we decided to go to Monticello to eat lunch at the Mexican restaurant which we did. But first, Levon had to open his birthday present from Mer and Bop. 

What I got Levon was some sort of Pokemon cards thing at Costco and despite the expression on his face in that picture, he was so thrilled. As was August who pleaded with me to get him the same thing for his Christmas present. And of course I will- that's easy. 

At this point, they didn't want to go to go eat lunch because they wanted to stay at the house and play with the Pokemon cards but I bribed them by promising them each a dollar in quarters to put in the trinket machines at the restaurant. 

So off we drove to Monticello and we had another delicious lunch there. 

I had never noticed how very anatomically manly those bulls are before.

As close to a smile as I could get them to make.

But August really wanted me to take this picture. So I did.

And then we came home. The boys were pushing for us to take them to Wag the Dog but the whole trinket machine thing had gotten out of hand and neither Jessie nor I wanted to fight the battles that would surely arise at Wag with them wanting crappy, broken toys and Jessie not wanting to buy them crappy, broken toys. 

The afternoon was mostly spent with August doing homework, Levon drawing some pictures, me reading a book to Levon, Jessie and I yawning a lot, and then the boys doing some Wii playing. They played so hard their hair was wet from sweat when they left. 

I got the sheets hung out earlier and I've made up the bed with them so that is done. I think a little of the mystery ailment I've had has lingered on today and that's making me sleepier than usual but oh well. 

The men appear to be done for the day and I suppose I better start making our supper. I apologize for this deadly dull post. You've all been with me before to the Mexican Restaurant in Monticello, you've seen one trillion pictures of grandchildren sitting in those seats in the kitchen, and you've heard about the clean sheets I've put on the bed every Friday for eons. 

I'll try my best to have something new and exciting to discuss tomorrow. Meanwhile, I just heard my husband in the kitchen trying to get Siri's attention. 
"Hey Siri."
"Hey Siri."
"Hey Siri, wake your ass up!"

We do have our fun here, don't we?

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Sometimes days of doing the things we love with those we love are all we need.
    Did Siri wake her ass up?

    1. I'm not sure if Siri woke her ass up or not. Probably. She and Mr. Moon have a very good relationship and are in touch many times daily.

  2. Sometimes we have to wonder why projects can take so long. Nevermind that they are being done safely and properly. It's just how damn long all that involves. Glad you are feeling better and good that Jessie and boys can enliven both your days. And last, good job getting all those Friday jobs done. Help making beds is always appreciated.

    1. And I have found that there is definitely a thing called "Glen Time" which has no real connection with actual time. He thinks he can do forty things in two hours and gets so frustrated when he can't.

  3. Lol at the Siri machine. If you want to delight those grandsons, have one of them ask Siri if she farts.

    1. Oooh! That's great! I will try to remember that! That is right up their little potty-humor alley.

  4. I like reading about the clean sheets on Friday. I'd worry if you didn't mention them -- are her standards dropping? What next, fluffy bedroom slippers at the grocery store??

    1. Haha! I'll not change my sheets on Friday before I'll wear fuzzy slippers to the grocery store. Trust me. But I do generally get that task done and it is the most rewarding task for me. Especially if I hang the sheets on the line. They just feel so much better.

  5. What kind of project could they have on the roof so long involving wood? You just had the house reroofed. I am just curious. Maybe it is a secret.

    1. Oh, no! It's not a secret. They were replacing the siding on the eaves. I'm going to post a picture tonight.

  6. None of your posts are EVER dull, ever. Bring it on! You've had a full day....and hope you have a good nights rest in clean sheets to shake off remnants of your *bug*. I sometimes feel guilty on Fridays when I think of your clean sheets......knowing my clean ones are a few days behind schedule LOL
    Susan M

    1. It is just such a luxury for me to have clean sheets that I do not mind getting that done every Friday. It's one of my favorite rituals.

  7. I enjoyed reading your "dull" (not) post, I always love seeing that colourful restaurant. I remember buying a complete Pokemon set for my great nephew when he was about six or seven, it came packed into a little metal lunchbox.

    1. These cards came with nice little metal boxes. I guess the company has this all figured out. When I looked at them I was thinking, "Huh. You could put joints in these things," but I kept that to myself.

  8. Could not see the video but enjoyed the description. Pokemon was fun when I was a kid, too.

  9. i think your postings helped me learn how to find joy in the minutiae of daily life and for that i am forever grateful <3 xxalainaxx

    1. You don't know how many times I've thought of this comment today since I read it this morning and every time it made me happy. Thank you, lady.

  10. The video says it is unavailable and marked private so I wasn't able to watch it. Mr. Moon and Virgil sure have been busy up on that roof!
    My grandson got Pokemon cards for his birthday too!
    Hope you feel better and have a nice weekend, Mary.

    1. The video is watchable now, I think.
      Vergil's been busy on the roof. Glen's been busy on the ground getting things up to him!
      Boys of a certain age NEED Pokemon cards. I know this to be true.

  11. well, aren't they clever! can't go wrong with pulleys and rope. Marc and the guy working for us at the time moved a one car wood garage that was not fastened to the ground. First they turned it 90 degrees and then they moved it back about 12 feet using only a fulcrum and lever. the fulcrum was a concrete block and the lever was a 2 x 4. primitive tools will get you there.

    1. Oh my god! That's a great story! "Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the world!" or something like that.

  12. Ha! Did Siri respond to that request? The pulley device is pretty darn smart! I love the fact that August is wearing a Pokemon shirt at the same time that he's coveting Levon's Pokemon cards. I don't get Pokemon at all, but hey, whatever keeps them happy!

    1. I don't know what Siri did. I can't wait to try out Debby's suggestion about getting the boys to ask her if she farts.
      I swear to you- all of my grandsons have gone through major Pokemon phases. Each and every one. And they've all felt compelled to educate me about them and guess what? Due to my strong powers of being able to block information I do not want, I still know NOTHING! I am pretty proud of that.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.