Friday, November 24, 2023

Do Not Read This If The Word "Slime" Offends You

Here is another picture of yesterday's Pink Perfections that I just took because the only other picture I have from today (so far) is one I snapped to send Mr. Moon of the turkey carcass after I boiled it and who needs to see that? He didn't even need to see it but I sent it anyway. 

He has made it safely to Tennessee. 


I get so worried when he's on the road. And he's driving a different truck so there's that. Remember a few weeks ago when he was arranging for Vergil to buy a truck and helping our friend Tom sell a truck and, oh god...he explained it all to me and I really have no clue what happened but I think at this moment WE own Tom's truck. He fixed a problem it's had for a long time and became rather fond of it but it had no cruise control which is of utmost importance to him. So that man Youtubed the situation and discovered there was an easy (for him) fix and the truck now has cruise control which works perfectly. He is a clever boy. 

I had an interesting experience today. One that I'd never had before and hope to never have again. Every morning I take a handful of meds and supplements and I just toss those things into my mouth, take in a big gulp of water and wash 'em down without a thought. 
It's always worked for me. I've never had difficulties swallowing pills. 
Today though, it did not work so well and one of the big ass supplements and a big ass med got stuck. I think the med blocked the passage of the supplement after it got stuck. 
Not a good feeling. Also, rather scary. I mean- I knew I wasn't going to die because the food was not lodged in my trachea and I was having no problems breathing. But it felt very, very wrong. I could almost visualize those pills stuck sideways and it was a little painful. I tried swallowing more water but that did nothing to alleviate the situation. I had no idea what to do. Luckily, my body did and just like a cat harking up a hairball, I coughed up first one pill, then the next. 
This was not fun either but it was a relief. I am not even going to google this situation because I don't want to know what could have happened if things had not gone they way they did. I'm certain I didn't tear my esophagus because I've seen no blood but my throat is pretty sore. And of course I am now wary of swallowing anything more substantial than a spoonful of yogurt. I girded my loins, however, and took those pills again. They were slime-coated but thank goodness for the body's quick reaction in creating that slime and they were going right back into where they'd come from except hopefully, farther down. 
And they did. 

I'm going to have to put a trigger warning on this, aren't I? 

So that was more excitement than I cared for and the rest of the day has been blessedly without incident. The biggest thing I did was to take the trash and stop by the post office. I have lazed and rested and even started a new jigsaw puzzle. 

I think this one is going to be pretty easy because it has so much going on in different colors and designs. 

Oh, I did boil the turkey bones and there will be meat to freeze to make flautas and plenty of good broth for other things. Soup, probably. And of course I washed the sheets! Is it not Friday? 

Oh my gosh! I forgot the most exciting that that happened! And in this instance, fun-exciting. I got Wordle in TWO! That's a first for me and of course, it was complete luck. 

Strange, huh? Two firsts- Wordle in two tries and getting pills stuck in my gullet. 

Here's what the sunset looked like a few minutes ago from the steps on my back porch.


But now it has set and there is peace and mostly quiet here which is exactly what I need. I will now go pick all the turkey meat off those bones. Another wild night in Lloyd. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. The thing to do (according to a nurse years ago) is to take sips of warm turkey broth until the pill dissolves. Actually, she said chicken, not turkey-- and it was a recommendation for a stuck sucking candy, not a pill-- but the principle seems the same.

    And it's nice to know that our cats can teach us something, especially since I live with the Hairball King!

    1. I wonder why hot water wouldn't work as well? My body was not waiting for warm anything. It wanted those pills OUT.

    2. Hot water probably would work as well, but in that particular case the candy-eater was a child, and the taste and comfort factor of soup vs water probably mattered more. No doubt freshly steeped tea would have done the job too.
      Like you-- and like my resident Hairball King-- I would have wanted the thing out ASAP too!

  2. You might want to take fewer pills๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Šin one gulp! I take 16 or 17 vitamins and supplements, including 2 prescription ones every day ... 4 at a time; 5 if smaller! A carbonated drink also helps them go down easier!
    Anyway ... Just a suggestion!
    Now ... Onward to Christmas ⛄๐ŸŽ OMG!!

    1. Please don't mention Christmas. Please.
      Well, I've never had a problem with pills before so I think it was just a fluke. I did take them in two batches this morning!

  3. I'm glad that you didn't choke or have a worse reaction. That is so scary! Did you drink some green tea afterward to get over it?

    1. No. Two martinis. All pain disappeared. (And I'm not even kidding.)

  4. LOL Ms Moon.........but not funny, really. I'm sure we've all been in that gagging/ throat blockage situation at some point. I recall as a child......eating a fish bone (obviously not intentional)......and having same reaction as you.......and my Mother cut a big chunk of dry-ish white bread and said....*here, chew this carefully NOW and swallow it.......and the bone will go down*.......and damned if she wasn't right! I keep that counsel to heart to this day.................. glad Mr Moon safe and well.......and you and your turkey and fixin's can commune with each other! You are killing me with those Pink know that, right?
    Susan M

    1. Yes, we always used the bread for the fish bone stuck in the throat solution. And I was thinking of that yesterday when those pills were wedged in there although this was certainly not a fishbone situation. I was actually reaching for bread when the first pill decided to make its way back out. Ah- the pink perfections kill me too.

  5. That back porch picture is fabulous. Nature at its best.
    I did that sideways thing with a big oval supplement once. I learned to line them up long ways from then on.

    1. Good plan because it was definitely a wedge situation. Ugh.

  6. I have a lot of swallowing trouble, so I use a lot of water, one pill at a time, head held just right, swallow at exactly the right moment, all that. Otherwise I risk a laryngeal spasm, which I wouldn't wish on anyone. Anyway, kindly don't chuck all the pills in at once

    1. I'm so sorry you have to go through all of that to swallow your pills but it sounds like you have it figured out. I may start taking my pills in two gulps now.

  7. Yes, I am like Boud, I have to take one pill at a time with plenty of water. Glad you cleared it out of there and don't do that again, Mary! :)
    Enjoy your quiet time. You could start putting out your Christmas decorations if you want...

    1. I will try very hard not to do that again!
      I could pull out my Christmas decorations but I don't do that any more. Forget it. I have my little tree growing in a pot that I'll bring in. It still has a few ornaments on it from last year.
      Yes. I know. I am pathetic.

  8. I take pills like you do. In fact I can take pills with out any liquid (just not all at once!). I have experienced the slime situation on occasion. It is not pleasant. Your thanksgiving post made me smile. I am a tad envious of the size of your family and the fact that you all get together.

    1. We do have a decently-sized family. But I want to know- how do families with like ten kids who each have at least a few kids apiece do it? I mean...really? And there are families that big.

  9. I have spasms in my esophagus sometimes where I can't swallow food or whatever. It's very unpleasant. Glad you didn't choke on the pills.

    1. I've never had an esophageal spasm as far as I can remember. I'll be happy to never experience that if I'm so lucky.

  10. I've done the same, body no likey! But I refuse to take em one at a time, so I wet my whistle before slinging the pills, that seems to work. The worst time was whn a cinnamon capsule got stuck all the way down towards the end, it melted later when I was already in bed and I had cinnamon coughs and lordy I had to run downstairs to get water. Was traumatizing and I stopped taking cinnamon!

    1. NO! The body does NOT like that. I could feel it going, "All systems alert! All systems alert!"
      I don't blame you for stopping taking cinnamon after that experience.

  11. You do seem to find some lovely jigsaws...just the type that I like to do.The one I am doing at the moment is 1000 pieces and is a very complicated picture of lots of tins and bottles and packets of food and drink from the 1980s, all very close packed. I could give up on it but I know it is possible as I have done it before!
    I am just about to take my morning supplements, Turmeric and Omega 3, both quite large capsules.....wish me luck!

    1. How do you have room to do a 1000 piece puzzle? That is something I can't figure out. I need to research this. I don't think I could even do a puzzle like you're describing. I'm just not very good at them.
      I hope you had no choking today!

    2. I noticed that the library 1000 piece puzzles are not much bigger than my 500 preference. The pieces are smaller though, and I find them too annoying to handle. That's my story about why I don't plan to graduate to 1000 piecers.

    3. We have got a quite large dining table that is rarely used. I used to do the puzzles directly on the table and I had a large shallow box that my Dad used to get huge sheets of photographic paper in that the pieces could go in. Then, my son bought me a specially made thing for doing puzzles. I can fold it all up and put under the sofa if we need the table.

    4. PS The pills went down with no incident! Just about to take today's handful.

  12. 37paddington: but for the scary but with the pills, it sounds like a peaceful after Thanksgiving day.

  13. What a sunset! I usually don't have trouble with pills but every once in a while my anti-gastritis capsule gets stuck in my throat. So I know the feeling. Usually I can swallow it down.

    1. These pills were NOT going down. No way. I could just visualize them wedged into my esophagus. I'm really glad I could cough them up.

  14. I know people who can swallow a handful of pills but I cannot. I have to swallow them one at a time, even little ones. And I can’t swallow big ones at all. They have to be broken in half. I have weird throat issues. Those camellias are gorgeous. - Ellen

  15. That sounds like a scary experience. Taking them with water can help not that I always follow my own advice. .

  16. I like the jigsaw. I take pills the same way as Boud with particular attention to the swallowing time, if I get the timing wrong I'm choking and coughing for a half hour. Luckily I don't take so many pills, 3 prescription and 3 vitamins is all.


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